ESL Beginners
This semestered course is for students new to the Canadian culture and school system. Students at levels 1 and 2 of English proficiency will develop the foundations for listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. They will learn basic classroom expressions, conversation and communication through an intensive program of grammar, vocabulary and composition practice. Students will be encouraged to understand and appreciate Canadian culture through interactive activities, written and oral projects and assignments. Students enrolled in this course may not take regular English, Social Studies or Planning 10 courses. This is a non-credit course.
ESL Intermediate
This semestered course continues the development of the four fundamental skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are introduced to literary terms, story analysis, sentence and simple paragraph writing. Vocabulary and comprehension skills will continue to be strengthened through reading relevant pieces of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and newspaper articles. Students enrolled in this course may not take regular English, Social Studies or Planning 10 courses. This is a non-credit course.
Canadian Studies 10
This semestered course is for students who have successfully completed the ESL Intermediate level course. This is a preparatory course for Social Studies 10. Students will be introduced to concepts, vocabulary and terminology of Canadian geography, government, law, customs and current events through a variety of written assignments and oral presentations. Students enrolled in this course may not take regular English or Social Studies courses. (4 credits)
English Skills 10
This semestered course is for students who have successfully completed the ESL Intermediate level course. Students will continue to strengthen their reading and written grammar, essay and composition skills through reading, interpreting and analyzing works of Canadian and multicultural literature. Students will improve their listening and speaking skills through interactive classroom discussions, creating dialogues, and oral presentations. Students enrolled in this course may not take regular English courses.
ESL Composition
This is a semestered course for students who have successfully completed the English Skills level course. Students will prepare for regular English 10 by studying a variety of topics reflecting the English 10 curriculum and prescribed learning outcomes. Students will continue to master their writing and composition skills through reading and analyzing a variety of genres of multicultural literature. Students will be introduced to aspects of Canadian literature and history through a series of poetry, essays, short stories, articles and excerpts from novels written by Canadian authors. Students will be expected to demonstrate proficiency, understanding and fluency in public speaking, Shakespeare studies, and summative assessments which parallel the English 10 provincial exam. (4 credits)
ESL Tutorial
This semestered course is for students who have successfully completed the ESL Composition course, and is taken concurrently with a block of regular English 10, to provide students with an opportunity to maximize their success in English 10. Students will receive support for their English 10 class through supplementary material relevant to their course units, clarification and guidance on their English class assignments, as well as continued instruction on topics such as public speaking, grammar, poetry, literary terms and composition writing.