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School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
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SD43 District-level Restructure

July 06, 2023

​The School District 43 (Coquitlam) Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools, Patricia Gartland are pleased to announce important adjustments to the district leadership structure.  While the number of District Leadership Team members remains the same, responsibilities and roles are being adjusted to address district growth and provide leadership to important new Ministry of Education and Child Care mandates.  The following appointments are effective July 2023:

Secretary Treasurer Randy Manhas will officially relinquish his role as Executive Director of Human Resources.  Acting Director of Human Resources, Michelle Daycock, has been appointed to the role of Executive Director of Human Resources.  Amy Leung has been appointed Director of Human Resources.

Director of Instruction for Learning Services, Paul McNaughton has been appointed Assistant Superintendent.  While maintaining primary responsibility for the Learning Services portfolio, Mr. McNaughton will now additionally oversee the District's alternate education programs along with other duties.

Director of Instruction and Chief Information Officer, Stephen Whiffin has been appointed Assistant Superintendent.  While maintaining CIO and STEAM learning program responsibilities, Mr. Whiffin will now additionally oversee the District's Online and Adult Learning programs as well as oversee iHub Secondary. ​

School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828