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School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​EARLY MONTESSORI

Early Montessori is a program of choice offered by School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) at the Kindergarten to Grade 5 levels.

  • The program provides;
    • a rich learning environment for students based on Montessori principles and fulfills the expectations of the Ministry of Education.​
    • ​an approach that supports continuous progress, as students learn to work on personal goals and academic challenges.
  • Students learn to work independently, in small groups and as peer leaders.
  • The program is delivered following the Montessori philosophy of learning.
  • Students make use of a variety of information sources in their project work, including explorations, technology, print and human resources.
  • The program supports students in becoming lifelong learners and global citizens.​


Which schools offer t​​he Early Entry Montessori Program?​

​​Aspenwood Elementary (K-5)
​Harbour View Elementary​​​ (K-5)
​Seaview Elementary (K-5)
​Baker Drive Elementary (K-5)
​James Park Elementary (K-5)

​Hampton Park Elementary (K-5)
​​Miller Park Elementary​ (K-5)


​​Late Entry Montessori is a program of choice offered by School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) at the Grades 6 to 8 levels. 

  • The Late Montessori Program provides a rich learning environment for students. It is based on Montessori principles and fulfills the expectations of the Ministry of Education.
  • The Montessori approach supports continuous progress, as students learn to work on personal goals and academic challenges.
  • Students learn to work independently, in small groups and as peer leaders.
  • The program is delivered following the Montessori philosophy of learning.
  • Students make use of a variety of information sources in their project work, including explorations, technology, print and human resources.
  • Montessori at middle school emphasizes critical and creative thinking, community service and student-initiated learning with in-depth studies.
  • The program supports students in becoming lifelong learners and global citizens.

Which schools offer the L​ate En​​try Montessori Program?

​Montgomery Middle School (6-8)
​Scott Creek Middle School (6-8)


​Application Process for Early and Late Entry Montessori

  • Children entering Kindergarten in September must apply through the Programs of Choice online. 
  • Students entering Grade 1 (currently in Kindergarten) wishing to enroll should contact the school directly and should not apply online.
  • ​Students currently in Grade 5 interested in continuing must still apply online. ​​​​
  • Kindergarten children with siblings in the program must still apply online on the main page of our website and will be given highest priority (provided the sibling will still be in attendance the following school year) if space is available.
  • Children with siblings in a Program of Choice must still apply online.
  • Applications will be processed on a RANDOM DRAW BASIS. ​

To apply for:

​Applications for the Montessori Programs are now closed. 

​Kindergarten Program of Choice parents will be notified by email on the status of their application beginning Monday, January 27th.

Late Program of Choice parents will be notified by email on the status of their application beginning Tuesday, January 28th.​​

​Families who have been accepted into a program of choice do not need to apply for cross catchment. The school will provide directions regarding registration.  ​

 Montessori Program FAQs

  • Q1.What are the chances that my child who is not in Montessori will get into the program? [+]

    ​For the past three years we have only been able to accommodate students who attended a K-5 Montessori  program. Every year is different so there is no way to predict availability.

  • Q2.Will my child who is currently attending a grade 5 Montessori program get a space in the middle level program? [+]

    ​This will be based on the number of applications that we have. Children currently in the program get priority over those that are not in the program.

    For the past three years we have been able to accommodate all children who attended a Montessori program by the start of the school year, due to changes in enrollment (such as a student moving).

    Every year is different so there is no way to predict availability.

  • Q3. It sounds like a lot of freedom and choice - do the kids just do what they want all day? [+]

    ​Like any classroom, the Montessori teacher initially supports the development of routines, expectations, and planning skills. The teacher explicitly teaches the children these skills, scaffolding for success, and then offers the learners opportunities to practice freedom and choice within specific limitations/constraints. Once learners demonstrate continued success, they are offered more choice and more freedom. Each child is unique and Montessori seeks to honour that each child will develop at their own pace. All that said, the teacher’s job is to support, guide, teach, and redirect learners when they need it and their level of choice will reflect those needs.​

  • Q4. My child has specific learning needs and challenges (learning disability, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, etc…) - is Montessori a good fit for them? [+]

    ​Yes! Montessori is for every child because it seeks to support each learner as an individual with unique needs, challenges, and interests. This means that a Montessori teacher will meet your child wherever they are in their journey, with whatever interests they have, and whatever strengths and stretches they have while also supporting their involvement with a group making connections, learning to collaborate, and developing social responsibility.​

  • Q5. Is parent involvement required? [+]

    ​Like any program, the more involved you are in your child’s learning the more holistic the process becomes. In addition to classroom involvement, there are also opportunities to become involved with the Coquitlam Montessori Society (A volunteer parent group) and help provide input about the program’s future development and current success.​

  • Q6. What type of training do Montessori teacher need to have? [+]

    ​Every Montessori teacher in SD43 must meet the criteria set forth by the Ministry of Education to teach, just like every other teacher in the province. In addition to this foundational teacher training, Montessori teachers are also invited to work towards Montessori credentials that are specific to the Montessori educational philosophy.​


School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828