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School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
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Healthy Schools


"Healthy Schools BC, a key initiative of the Healthy Families BC (HFBC) strategy, builds the capacity of the health and education sectors to effectively implement healthy schools  initiatives using a Comprehensive School Healthapproach. Strengthened health-education partnerships, tools for healthy school assessment and planning, and the coordination of existing school-based healthy living programs and resources combine to support improvements in students' health and learning."

"Healthy Schools BC involves a partnership between the ministries of Health and Education, DASH BC, health authorities, education partners, and other key stakeholders.​" -Healthy Schools BC
Photo by: DashBC

Did you know that Coquitlam School District has its own Healthy Schools Public Health Nurse from Fraser Health?

Research shows that our school experiences can influence our health, and that healthy students are better learners.   

Meet  Leah

Leah Lyth, Healthy Schools Public Health Nurse.jpg

Leah Lyth works in partnership with the district and schools to help promote the health and wellbeing of students.  Using a Comprehensive School Health approach, she supports wellness goals including Mental Wellness, Active Living, Healthy Eating and Healthy Practices.  To learn more about Comprehensive School Health visit Healthy Schools BC.

Leah strives to bring everyone together to promote healthy schools.  Children and youth deserve opportunities in every aspect of their school experience to foster their healthy physical, mental, social and intellectual development. By bringing together school staff members, parents and communities, we work towards promoting healthy school environments because we know that “Healthy Students are Better Learners". 

Healthy Schools Program visit Fraser Health Healthy Schools

BC's New Curriculum on Physical and Health Education

Healthy Families BC

School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828