Dear Parents and Guardians,
Your assistance in supporting the health and safety of your children is greatly appreciated. Attached is information pertaining to vaping (in general terms) and cannabis use by youth or children. Please review the attached documents and included links to provide accurate and consistent information to your
child(ren) with respect to each of these topics.
The legislation and district rules are clear in regards to both vaping and cannabis use.
The Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and Regulation stipulates that it is illegal to sell or give these products to anyone under the age of 19. The Act further stipulates that use is not allowed by anyone on K-12 school sites in BC. As a result of the legislation and safety and health issues related to these items, the use and possession of all vapour products and e-cigarettes is prohibited in SD43.
For more information please go to these links: Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and Regulation.
The new legislation provides that a minor (anyone under the age of 19) must not possess, consume, produce, supply, sell, purchase or attempt to purchase cannabis. The legislation also prohibits minors from possessing cannabis accessories. The legislation is consistent with school rules both past and present, and as such all these acts are prohibited in SD43.
For more information please go to these links: Cannabis Act and Cannabis Control and Licensing Act.
The School District website describes additional information about cannabis on this page and also includes the Superintendent's letter to parents of October 2018 re: Cannabis Information.
It is important to note that all violations of the legislation and school and district codes of conduct by students will be dealt with under the authority of the School Act by school principals, vice-principals and/or district administrators.
Thank you for your continued support.
Sincerely, Patricia Gartland, Superintendent/CEO
Letter PDF
Vape Info
Talking With Your Teen About Vaping: A Tip Sheet for Parents
The Facts on Education - Cannabis: What are the risks for students?