The planned elementary school on Burke Mountain has officially received its name. 'Smiling Creek Elementary' was selected as the new name for the school slated to open for the 2018-19 school year.
The name was unanimously approved at the Regular Board Meeting held on Tuesday, July 5 by School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) trustees. The name was picked from three shortlisted names that also included 'Black Bear' and 'Burke Mountain.'
This is a joint elementary school and park site in the Smiling Creek neighbourhood on Burke Mountain and is a partnership between SD43, the City of Coquitlam, and the B.C. Provincial Government.
Other names that were proposed included: Burke Top, Captain George Richards, Dave Barrett, David Suzuki, Edmund Burke, Eleanor Ward, Lui Passaglia, Michael Cuccione, Pinecone, Princeton, Queenston Park, Schooly McSchoolface, Sky View, and Vermont.
Click here to see the architect's rendering video.