SLOW DOWN & LOOK AROUND! Together we can make school zones safer!
We all want to feel safe in our communities and especially our schools whether we are there to learn, work, play or visit. 
The safety of SD43's 32,000 students, 4,300 employees, and thousands of parents, visitors and community members in and around our 70 school zones is very important to all of us and by working together we can help make school zones safer for everyone!
To that end, we are asking everyone to help communicate our "Make School Zones Safer" messages now posted on district and school websites and social media channels. Learn about the laws, school rules and best practices for safe driving, cycling and walking, and help us communicate these important messages through your networks to remind everyone to "slow down and look around" in and around school zones.
The Laws
- Every school day, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones unless otherwise posted.

- Using a mobile device while driving is illegal and dangerous for everyone. Don't do it!
- By law, drivers are required to have their lights on between a half hour after sunset and a half hour before sunrise, or whenever they cannot see clearly due to weather conditions.
- The painted yellow curb lines that prohibit parking in front of a school are there for a reason: to ensure that drivers' vision and their ability to spot children on the sidewalk or roadway is not impeded.
- Stopping or parking in prohibited areas is illegal.
- Pedestrians must use marked crosswalks and not cross mid-block, diagonally or "j-walk".
School Rules
- When dropping off and picking up children, please use your school's proper drop-off and pick-up areas and follow the school's rules.
- Allow children to exit your car on the side closest to a sidewalk area.
- Be patient while parents/guardians drop their children off or pick them up.
- Only stop or park in designated stopping areas or visitor parking spaces.
Tips for Safer Driving, Walking and Cycling
- Teach children about road safety for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

- Go slower and be extra alert in darkness, rain, ice, and snowy weather conditions.
- If you are running late to drop children off at school, or for work, don't rush and speed. It's better to be a few minutes late than to be involved in an accident or injury.
- Before getting into your vehicle to leave, walk around it to ensure no small children are hidden from your view. Always look for pedestrians and cyclists when you are backing up.
- When walking or cycling be aware of traffic, follow the laws, use crosswalks, and wear bright or reflective clothing.
- Pedestrians and cyclists should always cross at a marked crosswalk and not cross mid-block or "j-walk".
- Even when crossing in a crosswalk, look both ways before entering the crosswalk and stay alert until you have safely reached the other side.
- Do not assume you have the right of way as a pedestrian or cyclist, especially in parking lots.
- Do not get distracted using your mobile device or listening to loud music on headphones when walking or cycling.
- Report law infractions to the police non-emergency line or make a report to your city bylaw department.
- If you are involved in or witness an accident, call 911.
Look on SD43's Twitter and Facebook channels for our messages and please retweet and share them. Help us spread the word because together we can make school zones safer!
Twitter: @sd43bc #SD43 | Facebook: /sd43bc | Instagram: @schooldistrict43
Download this flyer of tips and talk with your family or post at your school.
Read the Superintendent's letter here.
More Resources
Slow down and look around. Together we can make school zones safer.
Help spread the word.