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1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 0M6| Phone: 604-939-9201| Contact Us
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
Take A Hike

Take a Hike is a full-time program that offers students the opportunity to improve their mental health and well-being, build healthy relationships, and fulfill academic and graduation requirements as part of a small class. Delivered in partnership between the school district and Take a Hike Youth Mental Health Foundation, the program embeds one full-time mental health clinician, weekly land-based outdoor activities and community involvement in a full-time alternate education classroom.


  • Increase youth attendance and engagement in school and community.
  • Engage youth in regular mental health supports and encourage their involvement in their own mental and physical well-being.
  • Improve academic success.
  • Empower youth with the social and emotional resiliency they need to build healthy relationships.

Four Program Pillars:

Academics: Students can complete all courses and graduate through classroom instruction, self-paced and experiential learning, and individualized supports.

Mental Health: A mental health clinician is embedded in the program on a full-time basis and provides individual, group and family counselling, which supports students' engagement with personal growth and learning.

Land-Based Learning: Students spend one day per week, and 1-3 multi-day trips per year, outside the classroom engaged in activities like hiking, paddling and camping. Activities integrate mental health and well-being, as well as academic learning.

​Community: A cohort model and small class size help students develop relationships, build community, and experience continuity and stability. Students connect to their wider communities through volunteering and other opportunities.

Features & Benefits

  • Small class sizes – Maximum of 20 students.
  • Dedicated full-time Staff Team – Teacher, Youth Worker, and Mental Health Clinician.
  • Self-paced programming and variety of flexible learning spaces.
  • Individualized program based on student needs, strengths and interests.
  • Experiential learning opportunities on a weekly basis.
  • Focus on student choice and input.
  • Daily breakfast and lunch program.


Take a Hike offers a full-time schedule Monday to Friday and includes:

  • Morning break, Lunch break and Afternoon break.
  • 4-period day which includes daily group check-ins.
  • Weekly 'out-day' where students take their learning and wellness outside of the classroom.


Eligibility Criteria & Referral Procedures

  • All students must fulfill Ministry of Education requirements for enrolment in an alternate education program, which often means they have struggled to find the right support to be successful in a mainstream school environment.
  • The program best serves students who:
  • Are willing and able to participate in all aspects of the program. This means not only land-based activities and academics, but also counselling, personal growth and well-being activities, and group activities that foster positive class culture.
  • Have struggled with mental health challenges, past trauma, or family issues and who would likely experience academic success with greater support for well-being – but who are not in active crisis with no other support.
  • Have parents/guardians who are willing to engage with the program, including collaboration in the creation and support of student goals.
  • ​Are not primarily interested in an outdoor education experience: Take a Hike has a significant mental health and well-being focus.

​Referrals to Take-A-Hike are initiated by a student's neighbourhood school.  The program is a cohort design and has a maximum capacity. Program intake occurs twice per school year, September and February.

Having two opportunities each year to join the Take a Hike classroom is a trauma-informed practice that emphasizes the importance of creating predictability for students in the program. This allows the class and staff team to build trust in a way that does not risk safety and supports continuity of relationships. Students and staff can meaningfully prepare to welcome new students, as well as say goodbye when needed.

School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828