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School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Reggio Test

The Reggio Program is a program of choice offered by School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) at the Kindergarten to Grade 5 level.

  • ​The Reggio vision is of an 'education based on relationships'. Our educational philosophy focuses on the individual child in relationship with the family, other children, staff, the school environment and society. These relationships are interconnected and reciprocal.
  • It is an approach to education that encourages children and their teachers to explore, question, discover and acquire skills of critical thinking and collaboration in beautiful, stimulating environments.
  • Children express interests and ideas, research for further information, reflect on the experience and form conclusions. Through this process, children develop the confidence and independence with encouragement from parents, teachers and community me
  • mbers.
  • .​
Why Choose Reggio?
  • ​​Models personalized learning through e​​mergent curriculum and responsive pedagogy.
  • Supports student engagement and self-regulation.
  • Involves parents and community as true partners in supportive learning.
  • Honours all children by building on their gifts and strengths.
  • Builds and supports collaborative practice between children, teachers and parents.​


​Which school offers the Reggio Influenced Program?

Meadowbrook Elementary​​​​ (K-5)

Application Process for Reggio Influenced Program

  • ​​​Catchment area children entering Kindergarten September 2021 should register during Kindergarten registration directly at the school, Wednesday, January 27 to Friday, February 5, 2021.
  • ​Non-catchment area children entering Kindergarten should apply through the Programs of Choice online registration system on the main page of our website​ starting  Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 9 a.m. to Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 4 p.m.
  • All other non-catchment area students currently in Kindergarten to Grade 4 should contact the school and apply on the main page of our website during the Cross Catchment application process, Friday, February 5 at 9 a.m. to Wednesday, February 10, 2021 to 4 p.m.

To register for:

Reggio Influenced Program for September 2021
Apply on the main page of our website, starting ​Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 9 a​.m. to Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 4 p.m. ​​​


  • Q1. How is the Reggio philosophy different than Montessori? [+]
    Reggio believes that the child is a strong and capable learner. The focus is upon collaboration and cooperation to build caring and contributing citizens. The Reggio vision is of an 'education based on relationships’: children in relationship with their family, other children, the staff, the school environment, the community and society.
  • Q2. Does the Reggio program follow the BC curriculum? [+]
    Meadowbrook Elementary is a Reggio-Influenced public school and follows the BC curriculum at grade levels kindergarten to Grade 5. The BC curriculum, with its focus on the core competencies (Communication, Thinking, and Personal Social), is a wonderful fit for the Reggio philosophy. We always bring students back to care for themselves, others and the world around them, to help build strong competent citizens.
  • Q3. Do students get to decide what they want to learn? [+]
    In keeping with the Reggio philosophy students often explore inquiries and deepen their knowledge in areas of interest within the ‘Big Ideas and Curricular Competencies’ outlined within the BC Curriculum. We work to help students regulate their own learning, sustain their interest and curiosity, and deepen their thinking. A focus on communication and thinking (skills and strategies) helps students build independence and confidence in themselves as learners.
  • Q4. How do the Reggio students do academically at middle school? [+]
    Our focus is to help students showcase their love of learning – building and strengthening their skills, strategies and processes as they learn. Students are encouraged to express their understanding in a variety of ways (speaking, writing, movement, art). Many Reggio students are confident learners who like to collaborate, discuss and deeply delve into topics within the content areas. We believe learners equipped with these characteristics and skills will be successful in any learning environment.
  • Q5. What is ‘The Hundred Languages’? [+]
    The Hundred Languages come from the belief that every child has an infinite number of ways to experience and express themselves with regards to their community and the world around them. Children are encouraged to experience and communicate their ideas in a variety of ways – through writing, speaking, play, art, music, movement, etc. The Hundred Languages, by Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio Emilia approach.

School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828