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School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
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SD43's Education and Community Awareness Campaign Week for Students with Barriers

October 09, 2018
​In alignment with our vision statement, Increasing Success in Life for All, SD43's Education and Community Awareness Campaign Week for Students with Barriers (October 1 - 5, 2018) was a huge success. 

The campaign supported SD43's Work Experience Program for upwards of 30 grade 10 - 12 students with diverse abilities (intellectual, developmental disabilities) from several schools who undertook a variety of jobs at businesses within Coquitlam Centre Mall. Students did three-hour daily activities at the site throughout the week. 

The idea was generated and organized by Cesar Biagtan, Work Experience Facilitator in SD43's Learning Services department. 

The campaign has been such a success that the mall and businesses are inviting the school district to do it again. Thank you to McDonald's, Mr. Pretzel, Boathouse, North Face, London Drugs, Starbucks, The Bay, and Blue Notes for your support of our students. 

 WEX student 3, the Bay.jpgWEX student Starbucks.jpgWEX student, Bluenotes.jpgWEX student Boathouse.jpgWEX student  Mr. Pretzel.jpg

The objectives of the campaign were to promote community/employer awareness of the employment capabilities of students with barriers; to increase the self awareness and confidence of students with barriers in terms of realizing  their potential as paid employees; to gain employers who will consider having students for future supported 30 hour work experience placements; and to support an overall societal understanding of the possibilities and benefits that inclusion brings.

School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828