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1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 0M6| Phone: 604-939-9201| Contact Us
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
Plumber (Piping Foundation)


Occupation Description​: 
Plumbers install, repair and maintain plumbing fixtures and systems such as water, hydronic, drainage, waste and vent (DWV), low pressure steam, chemical and irrigation. They also install specialized systems such as medical gas, process piping, compressed air, water conditioners, fuel piping, sewage and water treatment, and storage and flow equipment. Plumbers interpret drawings, refer to layouts of existing services, and review applicable codes and specifications to determine work details and procedures. They locate and mark positions for fixtures, pipe connections and sleeves, and cut openings to accommodate pipe and fittings

Application Process

November 1 to Spring Break
    • l​ook over all the information below and in the right column - get a good understanding of the pre-reqs, expectations, time commitment,    reading, math, trainin​g, etc
      • no questions... go ahead and apply for the program!
      • questions?... book an appointment with Benjamin King (district principal), to learn more
        • use the: Booking App, or
        • use the QR code in the right column
    • student completes the fillable "SD43 Application" (top link in the right column) by typing in answers and getting necessary signatures
    • submit to your counsellor at your high school

after S​pring Break to late April

    • Personal interview/conversation with Ben King at your school

​​mid-May into June

    • Ben King will:
      • email students conditional acceptances into the program
        • unsuccessful applicants will also are contacted
      • enroll the student at the training site(s)
      • ​​ensure counselors adjust students' timetables to reflect course/credits​
Time Commitment
  • 2 different sites, intakes and seats:
    • KPU
      • January 29, 2024 (to July 19, 2024)
      • longer program starts you at "ground zero" (no experience)
      • will include plumbi​ng, sprinkler fitting, and steam fitting
      • Coquitlam can get 2-3 seats
    • Piping Industry College (PIC)
      • June 24, 2024 (to August 16, 2024)
      • this is more like "apprenticeship training", where students will have some previous knowledge in either industry or Work Experience 12
      • Coquitlam gets 6 seats
  • 5 days a week:  Monday to Friday
  • 7.30am to 2.00pm

Student Cost

  • both programs are tuition-free, but there is a $350 program fee at BCIT that will cover necessary supplies... PIC does not have any associated costs.

Location​​ & Transportation

  • KPU "Cloverdale Campus":  5500 - 180th Street, Surrey, or
    PIC:  #101 - 1658 Fosters Way, Delta (Annacis Island)
  • Transportation, to and from the​ training site, is the responsibility of the parent/guardian
    • ​KPU - driving is the most viable transportation option
    • PIC - Skytrain to 22nd Station in New West, then transfer onto bus #104


  • plan to complete Language Arts 12
  • strong numeracy skills and good literacy skills
  • excellent atte​ndance + lates record while in high school


  • General
    • Creative, Expressive, Precise, and Visual
  • Key Job​
    • Project Planning & Business Management, Workplace Hazard Management, Surface Preparation & Painting, Colour Theory Application, and Application of Wall Coverings & Finishes
Student Eligibility
  • this program is made up different districts competitively applying for 16 high school seats per intake - traditionally Coquitlam SD​43 has had success in getting students in due to good marks and excellent attendance while in high school
  • students typically take this program i​n either their grade 11 or 12 year after taking all the necessary/core subjects
  • students must begin a program prior to June 30 of their graduation year
    • ex 1:  a Program begins in March and runs for 23 weeks - this is okay for a current grade 12 student​ to apply to
    • ex 2:  a program will begin in September ​after a grade 12 has graduated - that current grade 12 can not apply as they will not be accepted​​
  • must have government-issued photo ID (ex: a driver's license, BC ​ID, passport) that is current/valid on the ​ITA exam date (last week or so of program)​
  • on intake date, students must be:
    • a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and
    • an enrolled student in a high school (non-grad) in SD43​
  • unfortunately, international students are not able to enroll in this program

Have questions about this program?
Book a meeting with ​Ben King
Principal of Trades & Transitions



School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828