Sometimes, the furthest thing from your mind can become the closest thing to your heart.
Students attending a new school may initially be filled with doubts about their ability to fit in or achieve success. But weeks later, they have a new favourite teacher, new friends, and a new passion for learning as they discover—or uncover—a passion for learning, a love of achievement, or a commitment to community service.
Sometimes, the furthest thing from your mind can become the closest thing to your heart. How does this happen? Through education—it’s as simple and as profound as that. We here at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School have a motto, “Discover Your Best.” It’s a saying that speaks not only to the many educational offerings available at the school, but also—and, arguably, more importantly—to the opportunities for personal growth and achievement here.
At Dr. Charles Best we endeavour to create the best environment in which this sort of positive transformation can occur: we are a community that both supports its members and welcomes outsiders; we respect each other; we value personal relationships; we foster a safe and nurturing environment; we are not afraid to take risks; just as we celebrate creativity and success, we support and encourage everyone to work hard and do their best.
It’s often been said that we learn from our mistakes, or that experience is the best teacher. Both insights undoubtedly contain some truth. Just as surely, though, we also learn by exposing ourselves to new ideas, by committing ourselves to new pursuits, and by giving of ourselves to others, even if we don’t necessarily know exactly where these new directions will lead us. This is our challenge to discover our best. Sometimes, the furthest thing from your mind can become the closest thing to your heart.
Welcome to Dr. Charles Best Secondary!