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1260 Riverwood Gate, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, V3B 7Z5| Phone: 604-941-5401| Contact Us
Terry Fox Secondary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Student Services


The Learning Centre program enables students who are experiencing difficulties in their courses to receive academic and/or behavioral attitudinal- support via one to one or small group remedial teaching.  Emphasis is placed on academic skill development, class assignment completion, test preparation, individualized programs for students with demonstrated learning disabilities; and advocacy for students with diagnosed learning disabilities.  Diagnostic testing and referrals to other testing or support agencies are available.  The Learning Centre also provides an alternate setting and support for students requiring adjudicated exams.  Work experience may also be available through the Learning Centre where student needs warrant this program.


The Skill Development class offers integrated instruction at the secondary school level in academic and life skills for students with identified specific needs.  Access to this program is via District #43 screening only.  Individual Education Programs may include opportunities for participating in work experience.


The program provides students who are at school each day but are not attending one or more classes for a variety of reasons an opportunity to receive academic credits via an individualized learning program.  This program benefits those students who need to form a one-to-one connection with an adult before they are comfortable regularly attending classes.  The intent is to have students who are participating in the program for a majority of the day to eventually be reintroduced back into regular classrooms.  Students are eligible to participate via a referral from School Based Team which determines the number of blocks per day that the student is in the program.


Terry Fox Secondary School

1260 Riverwood Gate, Port Coquitlam British Columbia
Canada V3B 7Z5
604-941-5401 604-937-8059
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.