What is my username and password? You received an email from sysadmin@myeducation.gov.bc.ca with your username and a temporary password.
For Students
User Name: Your username is your student Pupil # number (ex. 847264241).
For Parents / Families
User Name: Parent/Family usernames will begin with a 43- followed by the email you have on file with the school. (ex. 43-jcampbell7654@gmail.com).
βWhy do I get an invalid message when logging in?ββThe most common issue with this message is that the username has a spelling error OR the username was copied and pasted with a small blank at the beginning. If you get this message please take a moment to type in your username.
I forgot my password. What now?Enter your username and then click the "forgot password" prompt. This should take you to your security questions that you created when logging on.
It says that my account is disabled. Why is this and what do I do now?If your account has had too many attempts with the wrong password it will disable itself. Please email terryfox@sd43.bc.ca and let us know. We will reset your password and an email will be sent to your account with a new temporary password.