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1900 Edgewood Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 2Y1| Phone: 604-939-7367| Contact Us
École Montgomery Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Athletics Permission Slip 2022.docx

Physical activity is an important part of a middle school student’s life. It improves health, concentration and self-esteem. It also reduces stress and promotes physical growth and development.  Our sports programs aim to develop in our students a positive attitude and an interest in a wide range of physical activities. They also aim to raise student’s awareness in making good health and fitness choices. There is a one time athletics fee of 20.00 each year, to cover the cost of referees, uniforms and annual BC Sports and Coquitlam Sports association fees. 

In a normal school year Montgomery offers;

​Volleyball, Swimming, Cross Country, Fencing
​Basketball, Wrestling, Ski & Snowboard Club (Fee Paying)
​Badminton, Track & Field, Rugby
​Noon hour Intramurals

Please also check out the website for the Coquitlam Middle School Athletic Association where you will find  policy information.​  Please email our Athletic Director Ms. Tuan at​​ for further information. ​

Sport/ event               Coaches

​Gr 6 Basketball         Mr. Turner ( & Mme. Riccardi (

Gr 7/8 Girls BB           Mrs. Sievers ( & Mrs. Best (

Gr 7 Boys BB              Ms. Gronnemose ( and community volunteer

Gr 8 Boys BB              Mr. Rossier ( & Ms. Kong (​

Wrestling                   Mrs. Perry (

                                                                                                   WINTER PRACTICE SCHEDULE

Morning    7:45 – 8:30


Lunch        12:48-1:20

 ​Gr 6 Basketball practice 
 Gr 6 Basketball practice 



 3:00 - 4:​​15pm


Gr 8 Boys BB practice 3pm-4:15pm 


Gr 7/8 Girls BB practice 


Wrestling -

​​Gr 7 BB Games 

Gr 8 BB Games ​

Wrestling and 
Gr 7 Boys BB practice

Gr 7/8 Girls BB practice

Basketball GAME Information

Gr 6 BB

​-Gr 6 Basketball Playday will be on Tuesday, March 4th from 3pm to approx. 6pm at Pinetree Secondary. Click the link for the pdf copy of the permission form. Forms are due to Mme. Riccardi by Feb 21st at the latest.

​​Gr 6 Playday Permission Form.pdf

Gr 7 BB

2025 Gr 7 Basketball Game Schedule.pdf

Gr 8 BB​ 

2025 Gr. 8 Basketball Game Schedule.pdf



Wrestling Information

Tournament Dates:

​-Thursday, Jan 23 at Terry Fox Secondary

-Thursday, Feb 6 at Montgomery Middle

-Thursday, Feb 20 at Eagle Mountain Middle

-Thursday, Mar 6 at Banting Middle

*Tournaments will run from 3pm to ~6pm*

Wrestling will run until Spring Break this school year



Cross Country Meet Schedule

Completed for the 2024-2025 School year!​


Fencing Information

Completed for the 2024-2025 School year!​


Swimming Information

Completed for the 2024-2025 School year!​


Volleyball Information

Completed for the 2024-2025 School year!​


École Montgomery Middle School

1900 Edgewood Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 2Y1
604-939-7367 604-937-8046
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.