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570 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 6A8| Phone: 604-936-7205| Contact Us
Centennial Secondary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Mental Health




    Child and Youth Tri-Cities is still connecting with children and youth via tele-counselling.  Please call the number to the right (236 is a new BC area code as this is a new number for their office).
    Children and youth can access free and voluntary community-based mental health supports and services in B.C. - in fact, Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) teams currently have about 100 walk-in intake clinics for children, youth and their families at convenient locations throughout B.C.  Walk-in clinic times vary; a list of clinics and hours is below.​
    START (Short Term Assessment Response Team)

    Youth, families, schools and medical professionals can directly access our services by contacting the START Team at 1-844-START11 (1-844-782-7811). 
    ​​If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis, contact START.  (START) Team provides confidential mental health crisis intervention services for children and teens.

    ​​Click here for more info:  START

    Anywhere in BC:  1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
    Mental Health Support Line:  310-6789
    Vancouver Costal Regional Distress Line:  604-872-3311​
    Online Chat Service for Youth: (noon to 1am)
    Online Chat Service for Adults: (noon to 1am)

    If you are in crisis, distress, or having thoughts of suici​de help is available.  We are here to listen, here to help - 24/7
    If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide call 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) or call your local crisis centre.


    F.O.R.C.E Society for Kids Mental Health
    Parent led group that provides education, support, and advocated for families and their children with mental health challenges.
    Image result for kelty mental healthKelty Mental Health​
    ​BC's leading information source on mental health and healthy living for children, youth and families. Great information on mental health as well as issues such as sleep, substance use and even anger.  We help families across the province navigate the mental health system, listen and offer peer support, and connect them to resources and tools.​
    Image result for kidshelpphoneKids ​Help Phone
    ​Not just a help line, KidsHelpPhone provides TONS of information on trending and important topics: family, identity, sexuality, relationships, emotional and physical health, and much more. There's even quizzes and games and personal stories from other youth. There's also free confidential counselling. Whether by phone, text, mobile app or through our website, you can connect with us whenever you want, however you want.​
    See the source imageMind Health BC
    MindHealthBC is a one stop shop that gathers the wealth of evidence based resources available in your community and combines them into one easy to use website.
    MindHealthBC’s detailed online directory includes:
    Mental health and substance use information
    Self-help resources and online programs
    Local support groups for patients and for friends and family members
    Community health services suited to an individual's specific needs

    mindyourmind.PNGMind Your Mind

    Info.  Help.  Support.  Shared Stories.  Technology.  Art.

    mindyourmind exists in the space where mental health, wellness, engagement and technology meet. We work with young people aged 14 to 29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative resources to build capacity and resilience.

    Everything we do originates through interaction with youth and the professionals who serve them. Working alongside young people, every actor in the system has the potential to make meaningful change in how we conceptualize and ensure the mental well-being of Canadian youth.

    Online Relaxation Exercises

    ​Guided Audio Recordings

    ​Not just for anxiety, relaxation exercises are good for improving the most important part of your brain! These help with focus, understanding self and others, planning and more!! These relaxation exercises include breathing, guided imagery, muscle relaxation and sending worries away.

    There are also TONS of apps out there:  Best Relaxation Apps 2019

    The Foundry​

    ​Formally - An interactive site for youth that looks at mood and stress, substance use, mental health, and eating and body image.  Videos, apps, surveys and more to assist you on any topic.

    Foundry is a province-wide network of integrated health and social service centres for young people ages 12-24. Foundry centres provide a one-stop-shop for young people to access mental health care, substance use services, primary care, social services and youth and family peer supports.
    Image result for Mental Health
    PLearn.  Live.  Care.  What are Mental Disorders?  What is Brain Injury?  What is Stigma?  We need to know as much about our minds as we do our bodies.  If you’re looking for ways to support someone in your life, our ToolBox is full of resources that can help.​​
    Image result for youthinbcYouth in BC​
    ​ is first and foremost an on-line crisis chat service, where you can chat 1-on-1 with a trained volunteer from the Crisis Centre, where our service is based.
    We also have this site, with information so you can learn more on a variety of youth-related issues (Abuse and Assault, Bullying, Disordered Eating, Drugs, Alcohol & Addictions, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Self Harm, Sex and Sexual Health, Stress, Suicide), as well as resources: a list of organizations and websites where you can get help.


    Image result for anxiety canadaAnxiety Canada
    ​Expert tools and resources to help Canadians manage anxiety.  This link goes straight to the youth page.  Information to help youth manage anxiety plus info and self-help strategies for several specific type​s of anxiety.  Articles, videos and self-help aids.  The go-to site.
    Also check out related information at FoundryOnline Relaxation ExercisesMind Your Mind and other sites above under the TOP AWESOME SITES​


    Image result for​​Dealing with Depression
    Dealing with Depression (DWD) is an online informative and interactive tool meant for teens who have been coping with depressed mood.  Through videos and information, this resource teaches a set of skills you can apply to your own life to overcome depression.  DWD is intended for:   teens with depressed mood, concerned adults who want to help a teen, other teens who want to help a friend or family member. 

    ​Also check out related information at FoundryOnline Relaxation ExercisesMind Your Mind and other sites above under the TOP AWESOME SITES​


    psychosisPsychosis Sucks

    Psychosis is highly stigmatized in our society.  However, it's simply is a generalized term covering a wide range of illnesses. And there are several terms associated with psychosis that help to describe symptoms and diseases.   Almost anyone can be affected by psychosis, from the young to the elderly. It’s estimated that 3% of the population will have some kind of psychosis in their lifetime.

    Click here for more information on the types of psychosis that can affect people and how to get support for you or someone you know.

    Dealing with Psychosis
    Dealing with Psychosis-DWP_07-02-2012_Final.pdf
    Dealing with Psychosis Toolkit is designed for youth dealing with psychosis.  It is meant to help you learn skills you can use to manage symptoms, get support and move forward and enjoy life.
    Early Psychosis InterventionEarly Psychosis Intervention​
    Maybe things just don't seem right to you. Maybe someone you know is not acting like they used to.

    It may be psychosis - and we can help.

    Information, resources and downloads.

    Self Harm

    Image result for kidshelpphoneKids Help Phone - ​Self Injury​​
    Information and resources for you or someone you know on how to change negative coping strategies​​
    mindyourmind.PNGMind Your Mind - Self Harm​​
    When any type of mental health concern or behaviour is interfering with a person’s life, it is time to get help. Injuring yourself on purpose is a medical concern regardless of how or why it is happening. If you or someone you know is self-harming, it’s time to get help from someone.​

    Information, resources, and support.
    Non-Suicidal Self Injury in Youth​​
    Welcome to the Youth page. As you scroll down, you will find some helpful websites and resources about self-injury.

    We highly recommend that you talk with a trusted person and consider getting professional help if you are unable to stop self-injuring and/or feel distressed.​​

    Suicide and Suicidal Ideation

    See the source image

    Crisis Centre of BC​
    Help is Available! Are you in distress?  We really are here to listen, here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   Call or chat.  Providing barrier free, non-judgmental and confidential support.

     If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-SUICIDE, or call your local crisis centre.

    Anywhere in BC 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
    Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
    Vancouver Coastal Regional Distress Line: 604-872-3311
    Online Chat Service for Youth: (Noon to 1am)
    Online Chat Service for Adults: (Noon to 1am)​

    Mind Your Mind - Suicide​
    Suicide is a troubling topic that most of us would rather not deal with, but suicide is a reality, and it is more common than we would like to think.

    Get information and resources here​.
    Image result for youthinbcYouth in BC - Suicidal Feelings​
    Understanding Suicidal Feelings.  The fact that you are here is a very good sign. It means that you are actively seeking solutions to your problems and taking the first steps to improve your coping strategies.​
    Image result for kidshelpphoneKids Help Phone -Self Injury and Suicide​
    Information and resources on how to cope with suicidal thoughts and get support or get support for someone you know.

    Centennial Secondary School

    570 Poirier Street, Coquitlam BC
    V3J 6A8
    604-936-7205 604-937-8051
    7:30 am - 4:00 pm
    Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during emergencies, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.