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1265 Citadel Drive, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 5X6| Phone: 604-945-6187| Contact Us
École Citadel Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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News Archive

Band & Choir Sign up

September 03, 2024
​If you are interested in signing up for Band or Choir, please use the links below.  Please see the attached document for more information. - Beginner Band - Choir - Advanced Band


Citadel PAC Portrait Fundraiser

May 23, 2024
​Forms must be returned to by May 30th, 2024.

Ecole Citadel Middle School Updates from the PAC May 13, 2024 (GO Canucks!)

May 14, 2024
Good Afternoon École Citadel Community.
Please see important information from the Citadel PAC regarding our final Hot Lunch and treat offerings of the year. The Citadel PAC has some yummy fundraisers coming up as the school year wraps up!
May 28th is Boston Pizza Day!
June 12th is...

Citadel PAC Munchalunch Fundraiser Information

May 07, 2024
The Citadel PAC has some yummy fundraisers coming up as the school year wraps up! May 28th is Boston Pizza Day! June 12th is TCBY Frozen Yogurt Day! Both will be up on the Munchalunch website for ordering this week! ​All profits will go back into programs for Citadel students and staff!...

Scouts Canada Open House

April 22, 2024
​Open House 
1040 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam
April 23 4-7pm ages 5-11
April 24 6-8pm ages 11-16

Yearbook Sales closing Tuesday, Feb. 13th - Order Yours Now!

February 01, 2024
Dear Parents,
The pre-sales of the Ecole Citadel Middle School yearbook are now available online.  Yearbooks are available through School Cash Online, and cost $28 dollars.  This is the pre-sales pricing.  If you decide to order a yearbook after the closing date of pre-sales, Tuesday, February 13 th the price will...

Citadel PAC Munch A Lunch Ordering Information

January 23, 2024
Citadel PAC Munch a Lunch.pdf
​**Ordering closes this Wednesday, January 24 @ 11:59pm.**

Citadel Spirit Wear Order Update

January 22, 2024
​Spirit Wear orders will be ready for pickup the week of January 29th.

Citadel PAC Munch A Lunch Ordering Information

January 19, 2024
Citadel PAC Munch a Lunch Info.pdf
​**Ordering closes this Wednesday, January 24 @ 11:59pm.** ​

​Erase/Safer Schools Together – Family Session Dec. 13/23

December 06, 2023
 added Family Sessions: Establishing Safe, Caring & Respectful Digital Communities   Recommended for Parents/Caregivers/Grandparents and youth aged 10 and up as a way to facilitate the conversation of safe and caring use of technology at home and in the community. This session covers all things digital, from how to be a...

Holiday Fundraiser Extravaganza!

November 01, 2023
Our Joint Fundraiser with Castle Park opens today!
Holiday Fundraiser Extravaganza.pdf

Book Fair!

October 25, 2023
​The Scholastic Book Fair is running from December 4th - 6th.
Family Shopping Evening is on Monday, December 4th from 6:00-7:30pm.
​​ ​

Message from Mr. Clay

October 16, 2023
Good Morning Citadel Families.  Yesterday was a long and very difficult day for so many staff, families and community members in our area. The devastating fire at Hazel Trembath is a tragedy the District and all of us will be working through for days and weeks to come. I am recognizing...

Citadel Middle School PAC Notice

May 16, 2023
PAC Positions Flyer.pdf ​​Citadel PAC Executive Positions Available 2023-2024
PAC Chair - Attend and run all PAC meetings - Understand and follow the constitution and bylaws - Prepare and distribute the PAC agenda - Represent the PAC as a spokesperson - Be a signing authority - Appoint committees -...

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

April 12, 2023
“Citadel Parent Community!  Its time to THANK our amazing Citadel Middle School Staff for their dedication, guidance and attention to our kids this year!  Please join us in giving them a lovely luncheon! 
We will be collecting donations toward the luncheon (any amount) at ​We are also looking for a...

Terry Fox Run

September 21, 2022
​Save the date :  September 28 th , block 6/7 (1:30-2:57)
Theme:  I am not a quitter Fundraising: Citadel Middle - Port Coquitlam, BC | Terry Fox School Run  

Cops for Cancer Bike Ride 9/27/22

September 16, 2022
​Cops for Cancer bike ride arrives at Citadel on Tuesday, September 27th  at 10:00am and they will depart at 10:27am​.

Tuesday, Sept. 6 - Group Meeting Times

September 02, 2022
Please see the schedule below for the specific information for each colour group's time and location.
Grey Group – meet in amphitheatre Blue Group – meet in the courtyard 9:00am – 10:00am Orange Group – meet in the courtyard Green Group – meet in the amphitheatre 10:00am – 11:00am Black Group...

Citadel School Tours

August 29, 2022
​​Citadel Middle will be offering school tours this week for students entering Grade 6 and students new to Citadel to get familiar with some of our key areas.
There is NO need to register for these informal, small group tours.
These are for students only. Families will get their chance at the Open...

Citadel April PAC Meeting Zoom Link

April 12, 2022
​Please see below for the Zoom link for the April 25 th PAC meeting. Topic: Citadel April PAC Meeting
Time: Apr 25, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting ​Meeting ID: 678 2620 9872
Passcode: 625652


Citadel February PAC Meeting Link

February 23, 2022
Citadel PAC Meeting Reminder: Please see below for the Zoom link for the February PAC meeting. ​Topic: Citadel Middle February PAC Meeting
Time: Monday, Feb 28, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 613 0670 7521 Passcode: 361967  

PAC Zoom Meeting Link for Nov. 29/21

November 29, 2021
Please see below for the Zoom link for today's meeting.
​Topic: November PAC Meeting
Time: Nov 29, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 664 7840 0121 Passcode: 055456


Grade 8 Parent Presentation-Transition to High School

November 16, 2021
Hello Parents/Guardians of Grade 8 Students,
On Monday, November 22 nd at 7:30pm our counsellor, Sarekha Jagpal, will be doing a presentation for Grade 8 parents on the transition to high school.  She will go over what to expect in the transition, the district programs of choice, and be able...

New Daily Health Check for Students

September 03, 2021
​Parents are required to conduct a daily health check for their children.

Important Riverside Secondary Dates for Grade 8 Students

January 06, 2021
​Important Dates
Honours Program information​

Communicating Student Learning

October 14, 2020
​Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd, 2020
Please see attached notice for parent instructions for School Appointments Online Booking

Principal's September 25/20 Update

September 25, 2020
​Dear Citadel Community:
As we end our second full week, I want to emphasize a few procedures in place that may not be understood or realized yet. As we ended August, there were so many new practices and processes arising out of new COVID protocols. Sometimes, a new practice created unforeseen...

Sept. 2020 Grade 9s - Yearbook Pickup Notice

August 31, 2020
​September 2020 Grade 9s:  Pick-up will take place on Thursday, September 3 at the front entrance of Citadel. Last names A-L can pick-up from 10-11am and M-Z 11am-12pm. 

School Online Appointments

June 16, 2020
​ All grade 6-7 students not returning to school must book a time through School Appointments Online to collect their personal belongings and report cards. 
ALL Grade 8 students can book a time through School Appointments Online to: have their picture taken at the front of the school with the...

Fraser Valley Regional Library eCards

April 03, 2020
FVRL eCards are here!
Fraser Valley Regional Library just launched online card registration. We are very excited for this
new service, which will help us reach even more people in our community with our large collection
of digital resources, including eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, video streaming and eLearning.
Visit  for more information and...

Program Registration Information 2020-2021

January 07, 2020
To be considered for the Programs Of Choice, the online application must be completed. This includes children with siblings in the program. It is recommended that parents attend those information nights.  

Grade 8 Parent Night

November 26, 2019
​ Grade 8 Parent Night Parents/Guardians of grade 8 students: Counsellors, Asia Sidhu and Narissa Gulamhussein , would like to invite you to a parent information night about the high school transition.  This presentation will include information on programs of choice, cross catchment, application deadlines, and important dates in the new year. The presentation will...

Riverside Secondary School's Annual Winter Market

November 01, 2019
​Saturday, November 16, 2019 10am - 5pm

Communicating Student Learning

October 08, 2019
​Our school will be having a 1:45pm dismissal on Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th to provide parents with an opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher(s).  In order to facilitate the scheduling, we will be using an online booking system.  Please follow the attached instructions to make an appointment.  ...

Cultivating Resilience in Teens and Children

October 07, 2019
​Parent Night at Riverside Secondary October 9, 2019 6:00-8:00pm Register at Riverside Webpage

Open House!

September 19, 2019
​Thursday, September 26, 2019 6:30-7:30pm Gym

Lunch Lady - Fall, 2019

August 30, 2019
​ Here are a few quick Lunch Lady reminders about the Lunch Lady program.   The Lunch Lady F all Flyer is attached, this will let you know a little more about the lunch program and where to go to order after the Teachers/Classes are finalized. The Lunch Lady Delivery Day has...

Change to Student Accident Insurance

June 28, 2019
Change to Student Accident Insurance For some time now, School District 43 has been offering our families the opportunity to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance thru the Kids Plus Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. We were recently notified by the provider that they will...

Funding Announcement for New Elementary School and Three Additions

May 10, 2019
​The Province of British Columbia and the Ministry of Education today announced funding for a new elementary school in Coquitlam's Burke Mountain and three classroom additions for other School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) schools. Totaling $73.3 million, the announcement includes a new elementary school for the Sheffield-Partington area of North Coquitlam...

Disney's Aladdin Jr. Notice

May 06, 2019
​Performances:  Wednesday, June 5th and Thursday, June 6th, 2019 7:00pm (doors open at 6:45) Tickets:  $5.00 each can be purchased through or the school office

Communicating Student Learning - Online Booking Instructions

April 29, 2019
​See attached for online booking instructions for May 1st and May 2nd Communicating Student Learning appointments.

Health & Social Implications of Vaping

April 29, 2019
​Vaping Presentations: May 16, 2019  6:30-8:00pm Heritage Wood Secondary School Theater May 22, 2019  6:30-8:00pm Terry Fox Secondary School Theater  

Central Elementary Spring Craft Fair!

April 24, 2019
​Friday, May 3rd, 2019 3:00-8:00pm 2250 Central Avenue, Port Coquitlam Admission by donation

Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony Notice to Grade 8 Parents

April 04, 2019
​ Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 Please see attached notice for details.

Mental Health Literacy Session for Parents

April 01, 2019
​Thursday, April 25th 7-9pm (doors open at 6:30)  Heritage Woods Secondary School 1300 David Avenue, Port Moody, BC

Screenagers - Growing Up In The Digital Age

March 12, 2019
​Como Lake Middle School - Music Room Wednesday, April 17, 2019 from 7-8:30pm  

Terry Fox Secondary - Power of Ideas Open House Event

March 06, 2019
Terry Fox is hosting their 3 rd  annual Power of Ideas Open House Event on Wednesday, April 24 th  from 4-8pm. All ages welcome to come and celebrate an evening of Science and Innovation. Fascinating, interactive exhibits are presented by BC’s top science institutions like Science World, Triumf, UBC, SFU, Douglas College,...

Citadel Yearbook Order

February 25, 2019
​Orders are now being accepted at school - payment by cash or cheque to Citadel Middle only.

Fraser Health Update re: Measles

February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019
Dear Students, School Staff, and Parents,

As you have heard, there is a measles outbreak at three schools in Vancouver. Please note that this is a localized outbreak and that students who are attending schools not connected to the outbreak have not been exposed. There is no evidence of...

Grade 5 Parent Information Evening

February 04, 2019
  Parent Information Evening - Grade 5 Parents Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 7:00-8:00pm Library  

Celebrate 50 years of French Immersion

January 30, 2019
​Tuesday, February 5, 2019 1:00 - 3:30pm Ecole Pitt River Middle School 2070 Tyner Street, Port Coquitlam

Roadshow Comes Home Open House - Inquiry Hub

January 09, 2019
We are running an Open House, called 'Roadshow Comes Home' on January 17 th at 7pm-8pm at Millside Centre (home of Inquiry Hub Secondary). Who is Inquiry Hub for? Students who share a passion for knowing and investigation and want to use technology to learn. Inquiry Hub is for students who...


December 03, 2018
​ School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM INFORMATION MEETING FOR GRADE 8 STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS Tuesday, January 8 th or Thursday, January 10 th , 2018 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Port Moody Secondary School Students and parents interested in entering the IB Program for talented and highly...

Nation Wide Emergency Alert Test

November 28, 2018
​ At 1:55 today, a nation wide emergency alert test will occur via text message through mobile devices. It will also be distributed via radio and TV.   This is only a test.  Not all users may receive the information due to compatibility issues.  Please see the link for more information ...

Castle Park Elementary hosts Will's Jams

November 13, 2018
​Friday, November 23, 2018 6:30pm Tickets $15.00 Castle Park Elementary

CSL Online Booking Information for Parents

October 10, 2018
​Our school will be having a 1:50pm dismissal on Wednesday, October 24 th and Thursday, October 25 th to provide parents with an opportunity to meet with their child's teacher(s).  In order to facilitate the scheduling, we will be using an online booking system.  Please follow the proceeding instructions to make...

Lifetouch + Shutterfly - Photo Book Notice

September 19, 2018
​New this fall:  Free Shutterfly gift with purchase. Families who purchase school photos on will receive a free 8 x 8 shutterfly photo book. Please see attached notice.

September Open House and BBQ-Thursday, Sept. 20/18

September 10, 2018
​ Thursday, September 20th, 2018   We invite all students to bring their parents to our Open House. This is a great opportunity to meet your child's core teacher, other teachers on the team, and the Explorations teachers. We ask everyone to come to the gym to start the evening at...

Parent Message From Citadel Middle School PAC

September 07, 2018
Hello on behalf of your Citadel Middle School Parent Advisory Council and welcome  to 2018/19 school year.  My name is Lisa Jiwa and I am the new PAC Chairperson.  I am new to the PAC and new to this role.  In saying this, I would like to extend an invitation to...

September 4/18 - 1st Day/Week Schedule

August 28, 2018
CITADEL MIDDLE SCHOOL School Opens Tuesday, September 4 th , 2018 Students attend 9:00 – 9:45 am only   Parents are welcome to join us in our Library while students are in session (9:00-9:45 am)   New student tours (10:00 – 10:30 am)   Tours will be held only for students...

Bugsy Malone Jr.

May 14, 2018
​Citadel Middle School presents Bugsy Malone Jr.! Wednesday, June 6th or Thursday, June 7th, 2018 MPX 7:00 (doors open at 6:45pm) Tickets can be purchased on or from the Citadel office.

Citadel Middle Staff Appreciation Luncheon - Parent Assistance Required

May 11, 2018
​Believe it or not, we are getting close to June and that means it's time to plan our annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Citadel Middle School.  The Staff Luncheon is a way for all parents to say a big "thank you" to teachers, administration and support staff for all of their...

Raising Digitally Responsible Youth Presentation

May 07, 2018
​May 24th, 2018 - 7pm Heritage Woods Secondary Theatre, 1300 David Avenue, Port Moody

Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony Invitation

April 25, 2018
​Wednesday, June 27th, 2018 Ceremony: 10am - noon, students and guests Luncheon:  noon - 1pm, students and guests

Communicating Student Learning Conferences - Booking Information

March 12, 2018
​Parent instructions are attached for scheduling appointments for the Communicating Student Learning Conferences Wednesday, April 4th, 2018 -  2pm Thursday, April 5th, 2018 - 2pm

Coquitlam Public Library's 3rd Annual Science Expo

March 09, 2018
Science Expo Edging towards Deadline Local kids and teens can celebrate the spirit of innovation at Coquitlam Public Library's third annual Science Expo on Thursday, May 10, 2018 . The Expo invites Tri-Cities students – working on their own, or in pairs – to present a project in one of four...

New Tech Frontiers: Navigating Family Boundaries

February 20, 2018
​presented by SouthSide Family of Schools Monday March 5, 2018 6:45-8:00pm Central Elementary School $5 per person

Gr. 5 Parent Information Evening – Tuesday, March 6/18 7-8pm

February 14, 2018
Parent Information Evening – Grade 5 Parents Only Tuesday, March 6 th , 2018        7:00 – 8:00 pm Citadel Middle Library   Please join Abby Soh (Principal) and Rick Dhaliwal (Vice Principal) for an opportunity to learn about Citadel Middle School, prior to your son/daughter joining us in September....

"Passport to Citadel" Grade 5 Student/Parent Orientation Evening

February 14, 2018
​ Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 7-8pm Gym Students and their parents will have an opportunity to complete a Citadel Middle School "passport" while touring our school.

Cross Catchment Application Reminder

February 07, 2018
​This Thursday at 9:00am, the cross catchment process for Kindergarten and grades 1-12 begins and will run for one week. It is on a first come and availability basis. Cross Catchment Application Process Opens Feb 08, 2018 09:00 AM Applications will be accepted starting...

the Lunch Lady Order Dates

February 06, 2018
​Place your order anytime online at: Wednesday, February 14th Wednesday, March 14th Wednesday, April 18th Wednesday, May 16th Thursday, June 20th  

Winter Weather Information

December 18, 2017
Winter Weather Ahead! Schools are not routinely closed due to snow or other inclement weather conditions. All schools in School District 43 (Coquitlam) will remain OPEN, if at all possible, during winter weather, including snowfall. However, on occasion, a district-wide or partial-district closure is required due to extreme weather. Partial-district closures...

*New* - Lunch Lady Lunch Program

December 18, 2017
The Citadel PAC is happy to begin offering The Lunch Lady hot lunch options for students and staff beginning, once per month, with the first hot lunch day on Tuesday, January 16th . The Lunch Lady offers a number of options that are all in accordance with the district's health guidelines. ...

Grade 8 Parent Night

November 28, 2017
​ GRADE 8 PARENT NIGHT Calling all parents or guardians of Grade 8 students! The counsellor (Shannon Sullivan) invites you to learn about School District 43's Programs of Choice for the 2018 year. Topics covered will include IB, TALONS, Advanced Placement, honours courses, Fine Arts, sports, alternate programs, specialty courses, cross...

SHARE Family & Community Services - Y.O.L.O.

November 14, 2017
​Youth Offering Listening Opportunities Tuesday, November 21, 2017 6:30-8:45pm SHARE - to register call 604-936-3900 2615 Clarke Street, Port Moody

Seaview Community School Craft Fair

November 08, 2017
​Saturday, November 25th, 2017 10am - 4pm

SFSPE New Curriculum Presentation

October 30, 2017
​Thursday, November 16th, 2017 Riverside Secondary School  6:45 - 8pm

Register Today - School Cash Online

September 06, 2017
​Register today to pay student fees online. - go to - register your account now - view and pay fees online      

Summer is in! Get ahead and...

July 04, 2017
Summer is in full swing and if you're looking for something to sink your teeth into, check out our Student Handbook, our Code of Conduct or our Action Plan for Learning documents! The first two links are on the main page (bottom right) and the Action Plan for Learning (APL) is...

Citadel in the news: Telus Box Unveiling at Terry Fox Secondary School!

June 25, 2017
​Recently, Telus and SD43 came together with a contest. Students entered their artwork on the theme of community and Canada's 150th birthday! Two students from Citadel earned top honours and you can see their artwork on the boxes in our own community! Bonita Shao's "Canada Livin Life" is on Citadel Drive...

Letter to Parents and Guardians from the Provincial Health Officer

June 19, 2017
Please read the attached letter to parents and guardians from the Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall, regarding talking to youth about substance use.

Disney's Cinderella KIDS!

May 08, 2017
​Two evening performances: Wednesday, June 7th, 2017  7:00pm MPX Thursday June 8th, 2017  7:00pm MPX Ticket prices $5.00 Available online at or at the school

SFU's Science Rendezvous & International Astronomy Day

May 05, 2017
​ SFU's Science Rendezvous & International Astronomy Day May 13, 2017, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm @ SFU Burnaby   Free Science Activities at SFU for K- 12 Students!   The 2017 event takes place on Saturday, May 13th in conjunction with International Astronomy Day, the Burnaby...

Saleema Noon Parent Night @ Kwayhquitlum Middle

April 10, 2017
​Tuesday, April 25th, 2017 6:30-8:00pm Kwayhquitlum Middle School Gym 3280 Flint Street, Port Coquitlam See attached flyer for further information

​"Laughing and Learning! The Power of Parenthood"

April 06, 2017
Please join us for a special Parent Presentation, supported by our middle schools and the Scott Creek PAC, on Thursday, April 20 at 7:00 in the Scott Creek Gym.  We will be bringing a special guest speaker - Andy Thibodeau to present to parents: "Laughing and Learning!  The Power of Parenthood"...

SFSPE presents The Changing Family

March 31, 2017
​Thursday, April 6th, 2017 6:45 pm Riverside Secondary School $8 per couple/$5 per single

COMMUNICATING STUDENT LEARNING - Please call the office to book your appointment

March 29, 2017
April 4 th (2:00pm to 6:30pm) April 5 th (2:00pm to 4:00pm)​ Report cards will be sent home on March 31 st .  To learn more about your child’s progress and how s/he is constructing and reconstructing knowledge,  please come to our April 4 th or April 5 th Communicating Student...

Last Chance! Order your Citadel yearbook now!

March 07, 2017
​This is a final call out to purchase your own copy of Citadel's 2016-2017 yearbook. Staff and students have been hard at work to ensure this year's book captures the multitude of events and memories that are unique to this year. Please visit: . For more information, contact Ms Jung...

Whistler Ski & Snowboarders Update

February 08, 2017
​Whistler ski & snowboarders had a great day on the mountain. Buses have been loaded and they have left for home at 3:05pm Expected arrival back at Citadel Middle is 6pm.

Basketball Games cancelled for Feb. 8/17

February 08, 2017
​ Basketball Games for Wednesday, Feb. 8/17 -  The CMSAA Executive has decided that in light of the incoming weather forecast all basketball today will be canceled. 

Grade 8 High School Tour Information - Friday, January 27/17.

January 25, 2017
​Students are reminded to arrange transportation to/from their tour of the high school in their catchment area, which is on Friday, January 27.  Students in Riverside's catchment who are not going in the morning for Honours Exams will be transported from Citadel to Riverside at 11:20 on the Riverside Bus.  Those students...

Pancake Breakfast on Tuesday for families and friends... with Santa!

December 12, 2016
Our 3rd annual pancake breakfast is this Tuesday, December 13th from 7:50-8:50 a.m. Please bring your own plate, fork and cup along with a food or monetary donation to support our local families in need. Be sure to stop in for a photo with Santa!   Thanks to our parents for...

Stepping Up to Secondary

December 12, 2016
This information evening is especially for parents whose children with intellectual or developmental disabilities will begin Secondary School in  September, 2017. January 25, 2017 6:30-8:30pm The Gallery Room, Winslow Centre 1100 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam  

SD43 Website Issue

December 09, 2016
​Unfortunately this morning the SD43 website went down for a short period of time.  SD43 takes a multiple integrated communications approach during emergency and inclement weather situations to provide additional communications channels to ensure our messages get out.  In these situations other communications channels for students, parents and staff to monitor...

Inclement Weather for Thursday and Friday

December 07, 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians, The weather forecast for tomorrow afternoon through Friday is for snow.  Please check the district website or our school site for information about school closures.  A decision will be made before 6:30am and it will be on the website by 6:30am.  Your children's safety is a family decision and...


December 07, 2016
​ CITADEL EVENING WINTER MUSIC CONCERT POSTPONED!  The winter music concert scheduled for Thursday, December 8th, 2016 EVENING PERFORMANCE has been postponed. TO BE RESCHEDULED IN JANUARY, 2017 – DATE TBA

Winter Weather Information - snow in the forecast?

December 02, 2016
Back in October, we posted a note about the School District's protocol for school closures due to inclement weather. Please take some time again, to review the protocol for such situations so that our community is prepared to be flexible as the weather turns colder with ample moisture in the air...

International Baccalaureate Program - Information Evenings

December 01, 2016
International Baccalaureate Program Information Meeting for Grade 8 Students and Their Parents Wednesday, January 4 th or Thursday, January 5 th , 2017 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Port Moody Secondary School Students interested in entering the IB Program for talented and highly motivated students should attend one of these meetings...

Jesse Miller - Tuesday, November 29th, 2016 7:00pm

November 18, 2016
Citadel PAC is pleased to announce that Jesse Miller, of Mediated Reality, will be returning to Citadel on November 29th to dialogue with students about social media safety and digital citizenship.  He will also present to our Citadel community at 7pm on November 29 th .  We hope you will be...

Understanding Problem Video Gaming In Your Children

November 15, 2016
​Parenting in the 21st century - not the way mom and dad did it. Thursday, November 24th, 2016 6:30-8:30pm Terry Fox Theatre Register at:

Ministry of Education Community Meeting Poster

November 02, 2016
​Have Your Say on Report Cards Details :               February 8, 2017 5:00pm - 8:00pm @ Cambie Secondary School 4151 Jacombs Rd., Richmond, B.C. V6V 1N7 5:00-7:00pm OPEN HOUSE 7:00-8:00pm Facilitated Discussion

B.C.'s Revised Curriculum - find out what skills are important for students to be learning now!

November 01, 2016
This year, all teachers and staff are involved with integrating the newly revised curriculum into all areas of academics with students. All students and parents are encouraged to browse the B.C. MInistry of Education's website for information about what has changed about the way students are being asked to learn and...

Winter Weather Information - snow in the forecast?

October 27, 2016
Back in October, we posted a note about the School District's protocol for school closures due to inclement weather. Please take some time again, to review the protocol for such situations so that our community is prepared to be flexible as the weather turns colder with ample moisture in the air...

PAC Meeting cancelled tonight (Monday)

October 17, 2016
​The PAC Meeting scheduled for this evening is cancelled do to the power outage. There is no word on when the power will be back on as of yet (3:30p.m.). Stay tuned for a rescheduled date. Thank you.

"Come See My Learning!" "Communicating Student Learning" days October 19th and 20th! Call to book...

October 14, 2016
Please call the office at 604 945 6187 to book an appointment on either Wednesday, October 19th 2:00-6:30 p.m. or on Thursday, October 20th from 2-4 p.m. Take this opportunity to meet your child's core teacher and take part in our first informal reporting session of the year. "Come See My Learning" is...

Upcoming Inclement Weather Notice

October 12, 2016
The school district is expecting inclement weather over the next few days and that all students should be mindful of the danger of fallen wires on the ground.  See the BC Hydro Power smart link below:

Screenagers - Growing Up In The Digital Age

October 12, 2016
​Southside Family of Schools Parent Education is proud to present Screenagers - Growing up in the digital age Thursday, November 3, 2016 6:45-8:30pm Riverside Secondary School $8 percouple/$5 per single See attached flyer.

Parent Engagement Letter

October 04, 2016
​Message from Education Minister Mike Bernier

Band Updates!

September 13, 2016
There will be an Advanced Band practice for students with instruments on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:40 a.m. See you there!

Remember to order/pick up your instrument at Instrument Rental Night on Wednesday, September 14th from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Music Room upstairs.

See you there!

Citadel's First PAC meeting - Monday, September 12th, 2016

September 12, 2016
​Our first PAC meeting of the year happens tonight, Monday, September 12th at 7pm in the school library.  We would love to see you there!  Please join us to see what is happening in the school, meet our school administration and have a voice in your child's school year.  Everyone is...

Tuesday, September 6th

August 31, 2016
Welcome back!
We hope our families all had a memory filled summer vacation and are ready to return to routines and learning!
Students only attend school from 9:00-9:45am on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. Wednesday, September 7, 2016 is the first full day of school. Students will need a snack and lunch starting...

Report Cards handed out on Wednesday!

June 28, 2016
If your child is unable to pick up his or her report card, reports will be available at the office after noon on Wednesday, June 29th until July 8th. Alternatively, a self-addressed envelop large enough to fit letter sized paper without folding it, is required. Extra postage is likely required. Thank...

Beauty and the Beast Musical tickets now on sale for June 8th and 9th!

May 27, 2016
​Tickets are now on sale at lunch outside the library, and online by clicking on "online payments" from our Citadel website. We have two 7pm performances on June 8th and June 9th-get your tickets now and support your hard working and talented friends! Parents, family and friends are welcome to attend...

TOONIE TUESDAYS to support Fort McMurray

May 20, 2016
Please donate, you can make a difference! Thank you for supporting The Fort McMurray Toonie Tuesdays Campaign! The government is matching donations up to the 31 st of May. ​ 

SSFSPE Presentation - Dicipline with Dignity

May 18, 2016
*New Speaker* Thursday, May 26, 2016 6:45-8:30 - Citadel Middle School

PAC Elections!

May 06, 2016
PAC elections will be held this Monday, May 9th. PAC Meeting starts 7:00pm in the school library. All parents welcome.

Emergency Release Drill: Release of all students at 1:30 p.m.

April 28, 2016
Parents, please read the attached document carefully as it pertains to the Emergency Release Drill we have planned for Wednesday, May 4 at 1:30 p.m. Only students with completed Emergency Release information on file will be released if the caregiver (with photo ID) named on file is present to pick up...

CANCELLED - SSFSPE - Discipline with Dignity

April 20, 2016
CANCELLED   Southside Family of Schools Parent Education - Discipline with Dignity, April 21, 2016 has been cancelled.   Notice will be given when the speaker has been re-scheduled.

Community connections: A Family Resource Fair

April 13, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016 1:00-7:00pm Coquitlam Centre Mall

The power has been restored! The school is open on Friday!

March 10, 2016
The power was restored in the early afternoon today and students were welcomed back to school. Friday will be a full day of school as Citadel Middle is open again. Thank you to our school community for working together with us to ensure our students' safety during the power outage. All...

No power and update for parents

March 10, 2016
Cedar Drive Elementary, Castle Park Elementary, Irvine Elementary and Citadel Middle are currently without power and have compromised lighting. As a result, students will be dismissed to parents or with parent permission. The school will support students that are unable to leave the school safety. We do not know at this...

Canadian Diabetes Clothesline Clothing Drive

February 16, 2016
Grade 8 Leaving Celebration Fundraiser!  Clothing Drive - One Day Drop off   Thursday, February 25th - 7:30 - 9:00am   It's so easy - just drive through & drop off.  We will help you unload!  See attached notice for details.  

Homestay Families Required!

January 14, 2016
Attention Citadel Middle School Parents!  We will be having 21 student and 4 teacher guests from our sister school in China arriving on February 13th.  Harmony Homestay is looking for homes for these students to stay in during their time here.  The dates are February 13 - 21st , double occupancy...

YEARBOOK ORDER FORM! Order by Jan. 31 for $50!

January 12, 2016
This is your FINAL chance to order a yearbook for $50 at school! Unless you have ordered a book online or placed an order form in the office in the last 3 weeks, you have NOT ordered a yearbook this year. Previous years yearbooks were ordered at the beginning of the...

A Letter from Superintendent Patricia Gartland: Foundation Skills Assessment

December 16, 2015
Please find attached a letter from Superintendent Patricia Gartland about the BC Ministry of Education's Foundation Skills Assessment for grade 7 students only. There is a link for parents who would like more information as well as information for parents about how to exempt your child from the FSA Survey 2016....

Consent form for O365

November 03, 2015
SD43 is pleased to be able to provide students with access to Microsoft Office 365 for Education to support the ability to create, upload, store, and share learning document from school and home as part of classroom assignments. All students have received forms which are to be returned as soon as...

Breakfast Program!

October 05, 2015
Breakfast is now being served daily from 8-8:30 a.m. except Tuesdays (8:30-8:50 a.m.) in the cafeteria. Buy a reusable mug for $1 or bring your own and get hot chocolate for $1. Two pieces of toast is $0.50. Start your day off right and connect with Monica, some new friends and...

BCSFVNP Reverse Consent Form

September 29, 2015
The BC School Fruit and Vegetable Program is now at Citadel. Once or twice month, fresh BC grown fruits or vegetables are brought to our classes. If you do not want your child to participate, please complete the attached form and return it to Ms Jung at the office. For more...

Forms have gone home!

September 17, 2015
Student verification forms and immunization forms (most grade 6s) and various forms have gone home. Please complete them and return them as quickly as possible to your child's core teacher. Many of the forms may also be completed on-line under "Parent eForms" Good luck! You will need the following information: Mrs....

Action Plan for Learning

June 05, 2015
This year's Action Plan for Learning is now complete. Our two goals this year were Numeracy and Literacy. Look under "About Citadel" and click on the appropriate link to read and understand about why we have these two goals, how we fared this year and how we plan to move forward!...

Playland forms for grade 8s attached here!

June 05, 2015
Playland forms for grade 8 students have gone home. Please look for the forms so that you can return them completed by June 12th with payment. This is a regular day of instructions and all students who are unable to attend are to report to school.

Vancouver International Children's Festival

May 21, 2015
Thank you to parents for sending completed forms and $18 for the school-wide field trip taking place on May 26th. We appreciate the volunteer support we received as we work to make this day memorable for all. French Canadian culture is an important part of Canadian culture. Students who are unable...

Student Renee Boldut featured in The Tri-City News!

May 05, 2015
The Tri-City News features our very own Renee Boldut who is raising awareness on National Child and Youth Mental Health Day! She is aiming to lessen the stigma around mental health and eating disorders! Join her and Citadel's youth this Thursday as we learn, celebrate, share and walk in recognition of...

School Satisfaction Survey

April 16, 2015
Please take 10 minutes to fill out this important satisfaction survey from the Ministry of Education and our school district. It's always a great idea to let your voice be heard. (Look below the parent log in section for a direct log in without a username and password.)

PAC Constitution Update

April 14, 2015
Citadel's PAC is updating their constitution and welcome input and feedback from our parent community. You can find the document in the Publications list on this website.

GAME ON Program for Grade 6 Boys

April 13, 2015
Are you in grade six?  Looking for something fun to do after school once a week?  Game On! is a group mentoring program through Big Brothers.  We are extremely excited to be offering this program at our school this year.  Through fun activities, games, conversation and peer support, Game On!'s goal...

Pink Shirt Day

February 20, 2015
This Wednesday, February 25, 2015 is Pink Shirt Day. The Peer Facilitators are encouraging everyone to wear something pink to show that we are all working together to prevent bullying in our schools, in our communities and online. Be a leader in our school community and help promote inclusion, respect, and...

grade 8 to 9 course selection

February 13, 2015
If you need a leadership application or a new course selection form, there are forms outside Karen's office. Also, if you are going to a different school, or are in a different catchment area, then you need to fill out the form for that school. There are also copies of these...

RAC Week

February 09, 2015
This week is REAL ACTS OF CARING week. The Peer Facilitators have set up a Kindness Pledge wall for you to make your pledge to show a real act of kindness and caring this week. ​ Of course, spreading kindness isn't just about one week, but this is your week to...

Grade 8 visits

February 02, 2015
Letters went home with grade 8 students today outlining the 'shape of the day' for school tours this Thursday, February 5. These letters have also been uploaded under "PUBLICATIONS" in the 'grade 8 to 9 transition info' folder.

ipad evening for parents

February 02, 2015
Attached please find information on the upcoming iPad Evening for Parents on Tuesday, February 17th. It will be held at Winslow Centre from 6:00-7:30pm. This free event is for parents of students who have a ministry designation and who uses, or is considering using, technology in the classroom to complete assignments...

Jumpstart Program

February 02, 2015
​attention all grade 8's!! Are you a student who: - is always drawing, doodling, and thinking visually? - wants to find connections between English, Social Studies, and Visual Arts? - is interested in big ideas like freedom, identity, and independence? - is looking to express your learning in a variety of...


January 22, 2015
Wednesday, January 28th will be the latest you can submit an order for a personalized yearbook for only $50.00.  If orders are received after this date, the yearbook will not be embossed with your child's name.  Order forms are in the office.  

Honours at Riverside - Important Forms

January 14, 2015
A reminder to all grade 8 students interested in Honours at Riverside, you need to get your "Intent to Write and Permission" form to Karen by this Friday, January 16th, at noon. Also, if you weren't able to make it to the Riverside Honours Info Night, Karen also has copies of...

Info Night @ Riversdie regarding Honours at Riverside

January 09, 2015
Just a reminder to all grade eight parents that there is an information meeting for the Riverside Honours Program Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00pm AT RIVERSIDE. There are now 4 options for Honours: English, Socials, Science and Math. Students can apply for and write the exam for as many as they...

Grade 8 Honours at Riverside

January 07, 2015
ATTENTION ALL GRADE 8 Students! Are you interested in applying for HONOURS courses at Riverside? This year there will be four different course options - English, Science, Socials and Math. There is also an information night and an application form that you will need to fill out, as well as write...

Grade 8 Parent Info Night Regarding Opportunities for Secondary School

January 05, 2015
Attention all grade 8 parents - this is a reminder that there is a Grade 8 Parent Info night Tuesday, January 6, at 7pm in the library. It will be a chance for you to learn about some of the unique programs and courses offered in our district. See attached for...

Extreme Elements

December 18, 2014
Would Rahul Shrestha from Team Air and Noel Illing from Team Earth please see Karen at some point today. Congratulations, you are this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS!

Citadel PAC Notice to Parents

December 16, 2014
Christmas is around the corner and the parent committee thought it is a great opportunity to let our teachers and support staff members know how much we appreciate them! There will be a staff luncheon on Thursday, December 18th and we need the help of our parent community.   Please see attached...

SD43 is going green!

December 12, 2014
School District 43 is going Green! “Food isn’t waste, so put it in its place” Starting January 2015, School District No.43 (Coquitlam) is joining Municipalities, public and private organizations throughout Metro Vancouver to reduce waste in local landfills. School District No.43 (Coquitlam) is taking action and enforcing the mandate of recycling...

Stepping up to Secondary!

December 12, 2014
There will be an important information session for parents who have children moving into secondary school for the 2015-2016 school year. Save the date for January 27, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Winslow Centre. For more information, please review the attached document. Good luck!

Time to Talk Middle! Transition into Middle School

December 12, 2014
The Family and Individual Support Program along with SD43 Learning Services are pleased to present an information session for parents who have children with intellectual and developmental disabilities entering middle school in September 2015. The event is on Tuesday, January 20 from 6:20-8:30 p.m. Please review the attached flyer for more...

Extreme Elements

December 11, 2014
Congratulations to Tanish Shah and Ryan Triggs from Team Earth, you are this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS! Please see Karen at some point today for your award.

After School Movie

December 09, 2014
Attention all Citadelians. What are you doing to get in the Christmas mood? ​Join the Peer Facilitators this Wednesday after school in the music room to watch the classic Christmas movie, Home Alone Two. The movie is completely free. Pop and popcorn will be sold for a dollar at the concession....

SD43 Secondary Opportunities for students grades 9-12 2015-2016

December 04, 2014
Please review the attached document for detailed information about the various programs offered at the secondary level for students in School District 43 (Coquitlam). More information will be provided as schools begin to look ahead to the next school year and plan for a smooth transition for students into their programs...


December 04, 2014
Congratulations to Ethan Chan and Jordan Sutherland, both from TEAM FIRE. You're this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS. Please see Karen to get your award!

Part II: Parent Tool Kit for talking about SEL (Social and Emotional Learning)

November 30, 2014
A few weeks ago, a link was shared about how to incorporate Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) into family life outside of school. This time, try this link about how to incorporate SEL in an academic way into your daily lives as the holiday season pace picks up! What better way...

Marshmallow Mondays

November 26, 2014
Attention all students. Marshmallow Mondays are back! Come in from the cold, and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa covered with marshmallows. The Peer Facilitators will be serving it up in the mornings from 8:00 until 8:30 and again at Nut Break for the following three Mondays. Cost is one dollar...

Parent Tool Kit for talking about SEL (Social and Emotional Learning)

November 17, 2014
At the recent PAC meeting, a link was shared for parents on talking about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) with our children. Please check out this link that highlights the 5 competencies of SEL and simple tips and suggestions for taking action as a family. Do you know what an "Affirmation...

Extreme Elements

November 13, 2014
​Congratulations to Manrico Pecchia from team Water and Mario De Greiff Meraz from team Air - you are this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS!! See Karen after school to get your award!

PAC Announcements

November 09, 2014
Please note that the October meeting minutes have been added to the PAC folder under "Publications". Thanks for reading!

We Day Vancouver: Broadcast!

November 09, 2014
Watch the We Day Vancouver 2014 broadcast at 8E/5P on MTV!

Extreme Elements!

November 06, 2014
​Congratulations to Krisin Caktas from Team Earth and Ethan Michaud from Team Fire, you are this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS! Please see Karen at Nut Break or after school for your award.

Parent-Teacher (and Student) Interviews!

November 05, 2014
A special thank you to all parents and famliies that were able to make it out to our Interview event as well as our Open House event tonight. It was a pleasure having friends and family within the building discussing supportive ways to move student learning forward!

Parent-Teacher (and student) Interviews tomorrow!

November 04, 2014
This is a reminder to parents to call the school and book an interview time with your child's teacher. Students will be dismissed early at 1:50 p.m. and interviews will run from 2-5 p.m. followed by an Open House from 6-7:30 p.m. starting in the gym. See you at the school!...

Don Lasell- Presentation for Parents: Creating Calm and Balance

October 29, 2014
Karen Kelt, PAC President, would like to invite parents to attend a presentation by the SSFS (South Side Family of Schools) featuring Don Lasell, at Riverside Secondary from 6:45-8:30 p.m. ($5 single/$8 couple) on November 20, 2014. Please see the attached flyer for more information. See you there!

Movie Night Tonight!

October 29, 2014
Looking for something to do after school today? Come and watch Caroline! The Peer Facilitators are putting on this after school movie for staff and students. The movie is completely free. There will be pop and popcorn at the concession. Show starts at 3:15 and will be over by 5:00. See...

Hallowe'en After School Movie

October 27, 2014
Don't forget - This Wednesday after school, the Peer Facilitators will be showing the movie "Coraline". The movie is absolutely FREE and open to all Citadel students and staff. Pop and popcorn will be sold at the concession with all proceeds going to future Peer Facilitator events. The show starts at...

After School Movie for Citadel Students

October 23, 2014
Do you like movies? Do you like pop and popcorn? If you're looking for something to do after school next week, come check out the Peer Facilitator's first of many AFTER SCHOOL MOVIE's for Citadel students. In the spirit of Hallowe'en (and based on student input), we will be showing CORALINE...

Game On and Go Girls

October 23, 2014
A reminder to grade 7 boys involved in the GAME ON program, it starts today! Please meet in room 102 immediately after school. Also a reminder to all girls participating in GO GIRLS, it also starts today. Please meet in room 109 after school.

Extreme Elements!

October 23, 2014
Who are this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS? Drum roll please... Congratulations to Dante Pecchia of Team WATER and Danny Yu of Team AIR. You are this week's EXTREME ELEMENTS! Please see Karen at Nut Break or Lunch to get your award.​


October 22, 2014
It is that time again when we are challenged to design a creative, expressive and meaningful Yearbook cover.  The theme this year is "Citadel Turns 20". Pick up a criteria sheet from the office, or check with your core teacher. Entries are due Monday, October 27th, 2014.  All entries will be...


October 20, 2014
​Attention all students. Do you think you are an EXTREME ELEMENT? Do you have what it takes to be nominated for this award? Get caught in the act of being an EXTREME ELEMENT, and you will get your name put in a draw for weekly prizes. Also, all weekly winners will...

GAME ON program for grade 7 boys

October 20, 2014
We are so excited about finally being able to offer this Big Brother sponsored and run program at our school. If you're a grade seven guy interested in participating in the 8 week after school GAME ON program, see Karen and get your forms in ASAP. There are only two spots...

Welcome message from PAC President!

October 17, 2014
The first Citadel PAC meeting of the year is coming up on Monday, October 20th and we'd love to see you there! Please join us at 7pm in the school library for coffee and a casual, informative meeting on what is happening in our school. Mrs. Speight and our new Vice...

Field Hockey

October 10, 2014
There will be an information session on Tuesday in the main foyer for all students in all grades interested in field hockey. We will be establishing our game schedule for 5 on 5 play on Fridays as well as practices at a new time. Come meet our new coach!

Peer Facilitators

October 06, 2014
Attention all students: Do you have some great ideas for events or projects to do at Citadel? Do you enjoy contributing positively to people around you? Would you like to be a LEADER in creating a fun and welcoming school community? If so, then consider becoming a PEER FACILITATOR. Join this...


September 19, 2014
We are looking forward to welcoming students, families, support staff and teachers back to school on Monday, September 22 nd , 2014. Please look under “Publications” on our website for some information regarding opening day procedures. Should you have specific questions, please contact Mrs. Speight (Principal) or Ms. Jung (Vice Principal)...

Performing Arts Elective

June 16, 2014
Wow!  Who knew that giving our students the opportunity to choose a music elective would generate such excitement? If you have not already done so, please complete the attched form and submit it to school asap to ensure that your son/daughter will be able to participate in the course of their...

Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony

June 03, 2014
Any Grade 8 student that has not yet handed in their permission form and $15.00, please do so as soon as possible.  Citadel PAC requires the guest information. Forms are available in the office if you require one.

Peer Mediation Training Opportunity for grad 6 and 7 students

May 22, 2014
A reminder to all students in grade 6 and 7, if you are interested in attending the full day Peer Mediation training with other middle school students in the district on June 5, see Karen asap. There are limited spaces available. If you have already picked up a form, hand it...


April 09, 2014
Anyone interested in joining the district mountain biking team should see Karen in the counselling area for further details, or - grab an information sheet from outside her office. Rides begin April 30!!

FREE MOVIE event for Citadel students

April 09, 2014
DON'T FORGET - TODAY AFTER SCHOOL - The Peer Facilitators are bringing you another FREE movie event. "Now You See Me" is showing from 3pm - 5pm in the music room. Pop and popcorn will be sold at concession. All students welcome.  

Odyssey of the Mind Club

March 12, 2014
The Odyssey of the Mind Club will be having a pizza party tomorrow for all club members in our usual room.  You won't need to bring a lunch, but please bring your own drink.

LOVE IS LOUDER than Bullying!

February 20, 2014
​The "Love is LOUDER than Bullying" shirts are IN! Peer Facilitators will be coming around Monday, block seven, to hand out the shirts. If any students are away, tell them to come see Karen to get their shirts any time after block seven on Monday.

Making Sense of Anxiety parent workshops

January 28, 2014
Sign up for a series of 4 workshops Wednesday mornings from February 12 - March 5.

JumpstART presentation at lunch for grade 8 students

January 27, 2014
Attention all grade 8's​: Staff and students from the Jumpstart Secondary Program at Gleneagle will be presenting tomorrow (Wednesday January 29) at lunch in the library. Bring your lunch. Don't miss this opportunity to find out more about this unique Fine Arts program option for grade 9.


January 08, 2014
Attention all grade 8 students and their families. There is a hard copy of important upcoming dates regarding secondary programs posted on the STORM BOARD. Karen and your teachers also have copies. If you would like your own copy, visit the "grade 8 info" section of the Citadel counselling website.  Parents...

Balancing Our Minds 2014 FREE Youth Event

January 08, 2014
An event organized by BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services in partnership with the Vancouver Canucks. It is a free, one-day workshop for youth (13-18) in BC to learn about mental health and engage in fun activities and thoughtful dialogue .  Balancing Our Minds 2014: Tools for Youth Wellness will...

Inquiry Hub Information Session

January 07, 2014
Attention all Grade 8 students: There will be an information session on the Inquiry Hub program next Monday, January 13, at lunch in the library. Bring your lunch. The Inquiry Hub is a Secondary Program option for students who share a passion for knowing and investigation and have an interest in...

Southside Family of School Parent workshop

December 17, 2013
"Smart, but Scattered" workshop.  Please see flyer to sign up.


December 12, 2013
Attention all Citadelians! On Tuesday, December 17, after school, the Peer Facilitators ​will be showing a FREE movie for all Citadel students. You will also be able to by popcorn and pop to enjoy with the show. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" will start promptly after school in the music room at...

Parenting in the 21st Century

November 03, 2013
The Safe Schools Task Force has 2 more presentations with Kevin Cameron, titled "Parenting our Kids in the 21st Century": Feb. 4th (Coquitlam Alliance Church) and May 15th (Charles Best) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Citadel Club Day parent information handout

October 28, 2013
Please find attaached an important information sheet about this year's Club Day, including registration process and club offerrings.

Learning, Land and Neighbourhoods initiative

October 27, 2013
Please see the attachment for details of Community Engagement sessions.  For more information please visit this site:

Peer Facilitators

September 30, 2013
Any grade 7 or 8 interested in training to become Citadel Peer Facilitators, otherwise known as Storm Patrol, should attend a brief meeting at lunch this Tuesday in room 109.  See Karen Leeden, counsellor, if you are interested but cannot make the meeting.


September 24, 2013
Just a reminder that the cafeteria is now open for nutrition break and lunch every day!

Recruiting new STORM PATROL members!!!

September 20, 2013
Attention all grade 7 and 8 students!  This year's training for new STORM PATROL recruits begins on October 8th. If you are interested in becoming a part of this growing group of amazing students, pick up an application form from outside Karen Leeden's office (in counselling area), or print off the...

My Terry Fox Memory - Mr Hinds

September 19, 2013
​My Terry Fox Memory is from the year that Mrs Fox came to the school I was working at to say thank you for remembering Terry and continuing his legacy in the community. She was so happy that all the students and staff took such pride in running and raising money...

Red Cross Babysitting Course

September 06, 2013
There will be a Red Cross Babysitting Course held at Citadel on Friday, September 20th, 2013 (Pro D Day) from 8:30am-2:30pm. Cost is $63.00 total. You can register online, or registration forms are available on the front bulletin board or from Renee, our Youth Worker. Register early, don't miss out!

Choir Students

June 06, 2013
ALL Choir students should attend our FINAL PRACTICE of the year at lunch on Monday, June 10th.  The concert is on June 11th and it is extremely important that everyone attend the Monday lunch rehearsal.

Library Circulation

June 04, 2013
This is the last week of library book circulation. All books must be returned beginning Friday. Please check your lockers, desks and home to bring your library books back. Thanks!

Peer Facilitators' Shirts

June 04, 2013
Peer Facilitators: If you haven't got your shirt yet, bring your 10 dollars to Karen ASAP.

Peer Facilitators

June 03, 2013
Attention all students. Look out for Citadel's new STORM PATROL during NUT break and lunch. STORM PATROL is a group of students that will be available to help other students with just about anything. Just come ask us! You will know it's us by our light blue shirts with our logo...

Badminton Club

May 29, 2013
Congratulations to the Grade 7 Badminton Team for an amazing performance at the District Tournament held at Moody Middle School last night. We had a boys and girls pair who finished in the top 4 in their respective categories.   Mr. Pather and Ms. Evans would like to thank the entire team...

Calendar for 2013-2014 is now in our Publications section

May 29, 2013
In our Publications section to the right you will find our school  calendar for the 2013-2014 school year. A copy will also be included in our June newsletter.


May 29, 2013
There is a little less than 2 weeks until the final music concert of the year.  There are only 2 Wednesday practices left!  All choir students should plan to attend lunch and afterschool rehearsals the first week of June.  Isabelle Trainor, Hira Lalani, Jenna W., Sarah McCrady, Yinling, Jamie Son, Jessica...

Power is on at Citadel

May 28, 2013
We briefly experienced a power outage this morning, but power is back on at the school. We will provide further updates as needed.

Peer Facilitators

May 27, 2013
Attention all Peer Facilitators:   You must attend this Wednesday's class.  There will be important information regarding the upcoming schedule.  Also, make sure to bring 10.00 for your t-shirt!

The Du!

May 27, 2013
Are you ready to do the Du?  It's only 4 sleeps away.  Whether you are participating as a team or individual it is time to plan your superhero costume and prep those bikes.  Check brakes, air pressure and don't forget all superhero's wear helmets.  Only 4 more sleeps!

Badminton Club

May 23, 2013
Our team was amazing last night at the District Grade 8 Tournament held at Moody Middle. Notable mentions go to Anson Wu and Clarence Liu who placed second overall for boys. The pairs of Cynthia Wang, Wendy Feng and Mitche Frers and Mindy Wu also made the semi-finals in the girls...

Staff Appreciation Treat Notice

May 22, 2013
Please see the Staff Appreciation Notice in our Publications to find out how you can help out with the Staff Appreciation break on May 27th, or luncheon on June 14th.

Track jerseys

May 17, 2013
We are still missing a number of track and field jerseys. Please return them to Mr. Raz a.s.a.p.

Prize Draw for Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony Forms

May 17, 2013
Attention all grade 8 students: Get your leaving ceremony forms in by Friday, May 24th to be eligible to win a $30 Cineplex Gift card! Don't delay, turn it in today!


May 17, 2013
Choir students, chocolate fondue and singing too.  Because there is no school on Monday or Tuesday, Wednesday will be the only rehearsal this week.  Please make every effort to come on Wednesday afterschool!  Solos / duets to be confirmed.

Badminton Club

May 17, 2013
Reminder to Grade 8's that our tournament is on Wednesday May 22nd. We have an early dismissal on this day for 2:30. Please meet in front of the office on time and in strip. Team Roster has been posted on Mr. Pather's door.

Track meet

May 16, 2013
Thank you all coaches and parents that help at the district track and field meet yesterday. Our team demonstrated great sportsmanship and team spirit throughout the day. Please return your jerseys to Mr. Raz a.s.a.p. It does not need to be washed.

Badminton Club

May 15, 2013
Practice today (Thursday) afterschool.

GAUSS math contest

May 13, 2013
There will be one final practice session for the GAUSS math contest on Wednesday this week. A reminder that students who have not yet attended two sessions, need to do so. Please bring your pencil and calculators.

Badminton Club

May 13, 2013
No practice on Tuesday. Grade 7's going to the District Tournament Tuesday at Moody Middle are asked to get an early dismissal and meet outside the office at 2:30 to arrange rides. Team roster is posted on the door to Mr. Pather's room.

District Track and Field Team

May 08, 2013
Just a reminder to all track and field athletes competing at the district championships next Wednesday, make sure you check the list outside room 206 for your events. You must pick up a district permission form from Mr. Raz at nutrition break and return it to him by tomorrow (Friday). If...

Battle of the Books Lunch

May 08, 2013
The library will be closed at lunch today (Thursday) for a Battle of the Books celebration, sorry for the inconvenience. BoB students, please bring yourselves and your money to Ms. Percevault in the library.

District track and field team

May 07, 2013
A reminder to all track and field athletes; please check the list outside room 206 today at nutrition break today to see if you made the team for the district championships. If you made the team, you will need to pick up a permission form from Mr. Rasmussen in room 206...

GAUSS Math Contest

May 07, 2013
Practice session for GAUSS math contest will be today (Wednesday) in the library at lunch. Please bring your lunch, pencil and calculator with you.

Badminton Club

May 06, 2013
Practice tomorrow (Tuesday) afterschool. We'll need to arrange teams and drivers for our match versus Maillard.

Track and field

May 01, 2013
Congratulations to our track and field athletes that participated at the mini meet yesterday at Minnekhada. If you signed out a track jersey, please keep it until after the districts.  Your coach will be selecting district teams over the next few days. On May 8th, the district team will be posted...

Mini meet today

April 30, 2013
A reminder to all participants attending the mini meet today at Minnekhada, please meet in P.E. strip at 2:50 p.m. in the cafeteria for rides.


April 30, 2013
Practice session for GAUSS math contest will be on Thursday this week in the library at lunch. Please bring your lunch, calculator and pencil with you. Remember that in order to take the contest, you must come to at least two sessions. Please see Ms. Percevault if you have a conflict...

Badminton Club

April 26, 2013
Practice tomorrow (Tuesday) afterschool.

Javelin throwers

April 25, 2013
Aa reminder to our javelin throwers; javelin has been added to the mini meet next week.

Track meet

April 25, 2013
Congratulations to our track team that participated yesterday at Maple Creek. Great sportsmanship! Thank you to all parent drivers. The mini-meet next Wednesday will be at Minnekhada.

Tsunami team

April 25, 2013
Tsunami team students need to go to their enrolling class after reach today.

Debate Team

April 25, 2013
All members of the Debate Team need to meet in Ms. Shaw's room (212) tomorrow, Friday, April 26th at lunch. Please bring your smiles because we need a group picture. Thank you!

Odyssey of the Mind Bottle Drive May 4th at Castle Park

April 24, 2013
Our Championship Odyssey of the Mind Team is raising funds to attend the World Championships in Michigan after winning gold at the Provincials for the third time in a row! Well done team! They are holding a bottle drive on Saturday May 4th from 9:00-3:00 at Castle Park Elementary School, so...

Clothing Drive drop-off is tomorrow morning

April 23, 2013
Our PAC fund-raiser clothing drive drop-off for the grade 8 leaving ceremony is tomorrow, from 7:30-9:00 a.m. We are accepting donations of gently used clothing and household items (see complete list in Publications), and request whenever possible that full garbage bags be dropped off, to the front of the school. We...

Track Meet today

April 23, 2013
A reminder to all track and field participants; If you are attending the meet today at Maple Creek, you need to meet in the cafeteria at 2:50 p.m. for rides. Make sure you are in proper P.E. strip before 2:50 p.m.

GAUSS Math Contest

April 23, 2013
GAUSS math participants! Practice sessions begin this week. Our first session will be Wednesday (today) at lunch in the library. Please bring your lunches, pencil and calculator with you. Our next sessions will be on Thursdays until the contest date. More details will be available at our first meeting.

REd Cross Babysitting Course May 21, 2013

April 22, 2013
We have another Red Cross Babysitting Course on Tuesday, May 21st here at Citadel. The Registration information and form can be found in our Publications section.

Badminton Club

April 22, 2013
Badminton Club- Practice tomorrow (Tuesday) afterschool. We need to arrange drivers for our game against Maple Creek on Wednesday.

Choir Students

April 21, 2013
ALL choir students please come to the Music room at lunch Monday and Tuesday so that we can prepare for the Talent Show on Thursday.  It is important that all members be there.  Special reminders to: Yinling Chan, Hira Lalani, Sarah McCrady, Isabelle Trainor, Kelsey Vance, Jenna W, Vivian, Steffanie Garrett,...

Talent Show performers

April 21, 2013
All talent show performers there is an important meeting Tuesday at lunch time. We will meet in Mr Kings room, 215. All Talent show groups must have at least one member present to particpate Thursday.

Track and field meeting

April 18, 2013
There is an important track and meeting today at nut break in room 206. We need to confirm rides for the mini meet this Wednesday at Maple Creek.

Citadel Mountain Biking Team

April 17, 2013
If anyone is interested in joining the Mountain Biking Team, but missed the meeting, see Ms. Leeden for important information and details of a district-wide information night.


April 16, 2013
Afterschool Choir students, please meet in Mrs. Elie's room #219 on Wednesdays.

Citadel Mountain Bike Team

April 15, 2013
Attention all students:  Do you mountain bike? Are you looking to increase your biking skills?  OR, have you always wanted to give it a try?   Citadel is starting up its very own Mountain Bike Team that will include trips to Burke Mountain, Burnaby Mountain and Heritage Woods.  You don't have to...


April 14, 2013
Attention ALL choir students.  There is an important special practice in the music room, Monday, April 15th, at Lunch.  ALL choir students must attend: Isabelle Trainor, Hira Lalani, Chelsea Vance, Emily Sawchuck, Chiku, Jenna Price, Jenna W., Stefanie Garrett, Vivian Wu, Cassidy Yu, Sarah McCrady, Yinling Chan, please remember to join...

Badminton Meeting

April 13, 2013
Badminton meeting today (Monday) at recess for grade 7's and 8's to choose students to play in our first home game against Como Lake tomorrow.

Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony Notice

April 12, 2013
Grade 8 students and parents: Please see our Publications section for details on the Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony taking place Wednesday, June 26th, 2013 beginnning at 10:00 a.m.

PAC Clothing Drive Update

April 11, 2013
Further to our recent announcement about the PAC clothing drive fundraiser on Wednesday, April 24th for our grade 8 Leaving Ceremony, please see the notice in our Publications section. There you will find a complete list of all items being accepted, including household goods, toys, games, electronics, and many other items....

P.E. Teachers

April 11, 2013
Just a reminder to P.E. Teachers that we begin badminton inside and/or outside activity on Monday.

Talent Show auditions

April 10, 2013
Want to be a last minute talent show performer?  If you do, see Mr King for an audition slot before its too late!

Talent show Auditions

April 10, 2013
The Talent show auditions continue today with Jamie Son performing at lunch time and David Rathjeen and Tobby Guan playing after school.  Joey Silas and company remember you "Song of Time" tomorrow at lunch booked!

Gauss Math Contest

April 09, 2013
May 15th is the day to write the Gauss Math contest.  There will be practice sessions announced next week.  Students wanting to participate should speak to their Math teacher or sign-up with Mrs. Elie by Friday, April 12th.

Staff vs Students Basketball Game

April 09, 2013
Come out and watch the Grade 8 Boys and Girls Basketball team take on the staff at lunch today in the gym.

Track permission forms

April 09, 2013
Just a reminder to track athletes to hand in your permission forms to your coach a.s.a.p..


April 09, 2013
ALL CHOIR students come to Mrs. Elie's room at lunch.  VERY IMPORTANT!  Hira Lalani, Sarah Mc Crady, Yin Ling, Isabel Trainor, Vivian Wu, Stefanie G., Jenna W, this means YOU TOO!!!!

Badminton Club (starts this week)

April 08, 2013
Reminder to bring your permission forms to practice on your assigned day: Grade 7 practices on Tuesday afterschool. Grade 8 practices on Thursday afterschool.  

PAC Clothes for Cash Clothing Drive

April 08, 2013
Our PAC is organizing a Clothing Drive on Wednesday, April 24th in support of the Grade 8 Leaving Ceremony. Students can pick up empty bags from their teacher, and full bags may be dropped off before school on the 24 th starting at 7:30 a.m., with pickup by the Developmental Disabilities...

Track and field schedule

April 08, 2013
The Track and field schedule is up outside room 206.

Badminton Club (Grade 7 and 8)

April 07, 2013
Meeting today (Monday) at lunch in Mr. Pather's room (208). Permission forms and details of practice times and league play will be given.

Tuesday's talent show auditions

April 05, 2013
On Tuesday we have talent show auditions!  During Lunch is Thomas and David.  And after school is Chiku Ngosi.  Meet in the Band room.  If you missed your morning time Bennet, try and join one of these two time slots. 

Talent Show auditions today at lunch

April 05, 2013
Talent show auditions today at lunch include Sarah Stride, Jasper Huang and Wendy Feng.  Meet in the Band room  with Ms Speight and Ms Jensen. 


April 05, 2013
Reminder to all basketball players to return their Jerseys.

Talent Show auditions Today

April 05, 2013
Today there are three talent show auditions running.  Sarah Hughes has the lunch time slot and after school Karolina Chambers and Aiden Shulmeister are performining.  This is a reminder to Sarah, Karolina and Aiden that they have a Talent show audition today!

Science 6/7 teachers

April 04, 2013
Just a reminder to Science 6/7 teachers to pass on your units to the next team by Friday at 3 p.m.


April 04, 2013
There will be a meeting for all Sprinters in Ms Jensen's room 213 right after school today.

basketball jerseys

April 04, 2013
Grade 7 girls bball players...please return your clean jerseys to Ms. Lewis or Mme McInnes asap!  Thank you!!!

Book Club

April 03, 2013
Book club will resume this week for students who are interested in meeting, reading and discussing books. Join us in the library at lunch in the couch area on Wednesdays. Bring your lunch with you and get ready to discover some wonderful new books!


April 03, 2013
Attention choir students, remember there is a choir practice after school today in the music room if you missed yesterday's practice.  There are only 4 afterschool practices until we perform on April 25th.

Badminton Club Meeting

April 02, 2013
If you are interested in joining the Badminton Club this term, please attend a short sign up meeting today at lunch in Mr. Pather's room (208).

Track and field coaches

April 02, 2013
There will be a brief coaches meeting at nut break in Mr. Raz's room to create a track and field practice schedule.

Throwing events

April 02, 2013
There is a discus and shot put practice tomorrow morning at 7:45 a.m. on the upper field. Javelin practice will begin at 8:05 a.m.

Choir Practice

March 30, 2013
ALL Choir students come to Ms. Elie's room at lunch Tuesday, April 2nd for rehearsal.  April 25th is coming soon so we need to be prepared to perform at our Citadel's Got Talent Show!

Track and field sign up

March 14, 2013
If you are interested in joining our Track and field team sign up will be April 2nd at lunch in the gym. You need to attend to pick up a permission form.

Battle of the Books

March 13, 2013
Our contenders: Andrew Yun, Tim Song and Karolina Chambers duked it out last night in Port Moody against some phenomenal teams. Unfortunately they missed advancing to the final round by two points. It has been a hard-fought journey and we will look forward to competing again in next year's event.

grade 7 girls bball

March 12, 2013
(said with great enthusiasm!) WOWIE! When you see a member of your Citadel grade 7 girls basketball team - tell them CONGRATULATIONS! They played their best game of the season at Districts Tuesday afternoon. You should be really proud of the grit & determination you showed yesterday and your growth over...

LiTerrific Day!

March 12, 2013
Happy First LiTerrific Day at Citadel! You will be watching a terrific keynote this morning and taking part in workshops to celebrate literacy in all its variety.   Ms. Percevault would like to congratulate all students who submitted bookmarks druing our school-wide reading event. Today you will all be receiving a bookmark...

Battle of the Books

March 12, 2013
Our student team will be heading out at the end of the day to duke it out with other middle schools from our district to become the champions in our District Battle of the Books. Please wish Kaiser Lee, Tim Song, and Andrew Yun good-luck as they represent Citadel!

Grade 6 Girls Basketball

March 12, 2013
There is a meeting today (Wednesday) at lunch in Mr. Davies' room, room 105, for all grade 6 girls that played basketball this year.

P.E. Teachers

March 11, 2013
A reminder to P.E. Teachers that we begin track and field today. The high jump mat is out ready to use. The indoor shots are stored just inside the storage room where the trampoline is stored.


March 11, 2013
All wrestlers attending the pizza/movie night on Friday (3 p.m.-5 p.m.) must let Mr. Raz know what kind of pizza you want and pay him $5.

gr7 girls basketball

March 11, 2013
Grade 7 girls basketball...please stop by Ms Lewis's room (107) at Nutrition Break to confirm drivers for tomorrow's tournament. Also WE ARE PRACTICING AT LUNCH TODAY!!! Please meet in the gym promptly at 12:10.

Lost and Found Items

March 08, 2013
Lost and Found items will be placed on display in our Lobby this week. Students are encouraged to check for any of their lost items before Friday, following which unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

Evening Author presentation

March 07, 2013
Attention fans of reading! Citadel will have 3 authors from the popular Seven the Series visiting on the evening of Tuesday March 12th. If you would like to meet and hear from Eric Walters, Sigmund Brouwer and John Wilson see Ms. Percevault for details or look on the bulletin boards in...

Stay Active cards

March 07, 2013
This is a reminder to our grade 6 students that if they have not yet obtiained their Stay Active card, they can still do so in time to use the card over Spring Break. The application form is in our documents section.

Friday Junior Band is Cancelled

March 05, 2013
Because of Club Day, Fridays Junior band class is cancelled.  Enjoy your Club Experiance!

Red Cross Babysitting Course

March 05, 2013
Students are reminded that if they wish to take the Red Cross babysitting course at Citadel starting Friday April 19th, they need to register asap. See our Youth Worker Ilona for a registration form, or look in our Publications section.

Skating/me-n-ed's/bowling club day

March 05, 2013
If you are in the Skating/me-n-ed's/bowling club day, you must give Mr. Raz or Mr. Pather your permission form today at nutrition break. We still need one or two parent drivers. Please let Mr. Raz know if your parent can drive by the end of today.

Talent Show...

March 05, 2013
Citadel do you have Talent?  Our Talent Show is Thursday, April 25th.  Sign up for auditions on the Band room door.  Auditions will be the two weeks when we get back from Spring Break. 

Battle of the Books

March 05, 2013
Battle of the Books finals are happening this week in the library at lunch. All are welcomed to watch and cheer on the teams.

Eric Walters book on sale

March 05, 2013
We will be having Eric Walters as our visiting author on LiTerrifc Day next week. His books are now available for sale in the library. If you are interested in buying a book to be autographed come take a look at some great titles. If you have taken a book by...


March 04, 2013
Citadel, Do you have a Talent?  Want to show it off and perform in front of your peers?  Sign up for our Spring Talent show will be starting next week, the sign up sheet will be on the Band room Door. 

gr7 girls bball

March 04, 2013
Due to the staff meeting today, there will be no Grade 7 Girls Basketball practice. Plan to attend practice Tuesday after school.

Wrestling team

February 28, 2013
Congratulations to our wrestling team that finished fourth overall at the district championships yesterday. Our top three finishers included: first place to Brett Ginac and Braeden Vader, second place to William Vader, Chad Deugau and Nicholas Wu, third place to Josh London and Amy Veigh.  Pleasae remember to return your boots...

Two Canadian Authors Present at Citadel on Tuesday, March 12

February 26, 2013
We are pleased to invite our Citadel community to an evening presentation by two of Canada's best authors of young adult fiction, Eric Walters and Sigmund Brouwer. The event is free, and will be held on Tuesday, March 12th from 7-8:15 p.m. Further information including how to RSVP can be found...

Vandal Watch for Spring Break

February 26, 2013
Please see our Publications section for information on how you can help with our Spring Break vandal watch program.

Talons sponsored swap meet

February 26, 2013
Do you have old kids supplies, clothes, or toys that you are wanting to sell? Are you wanting to help create a positive change in the world? Do you want your kids to have fun at the same time? For the second year in a row, Gleneagle Secondary students are hosting...


February 26, 2013
All wrestlers attending the districts tomorrow, need to let Mr. Raz know if your parent can drive by the end of today. No practice today due to the team leader meeting.

Grade 6 Basketball

February 26, 2013
Reminder to all grade 6 basketball players to bring in their permission forms as soon as possible.  Our tournament is on Friday.

gr7 girls bball

February 25, 2013
Grade 7 girls basketball players...please come to a very brief meeting at Nutrition Break Tuesday in room 107 (Ms Lewis). We need to finalize numbers for our pizza wrap up.

Shane Koyczan Spoken Word Project

February 25, 2013
As we continue to support our students at Citadel in being socially responsible and treating others with kindness and respect, here is a link to the moving poem by Shane Koyczan on his own school experiences:

Tuesday Junior Band

February 25, 2013
Tuesday's Junior Band practice is cancelled due to a Team Typhoon field trip.  Concert B flat playing test will be moved to next week.

grade 7 girls bball

February 24, 2013
Reminder of Monday's after school practice. Please be ready to go by 3. Also remember pizza wrap-up Tuesday...bring your $5!!!


February 20, 2013
All wrestlers attending the districts next week need to let Mr. Raz know today if you will be participating. We must register you by tomorrow. Practice is today at 3 p.m.

Grade 7 girls basketball

February 20, 2013
It was a definite nail-biter in Citadel's gym yesterday! Your grade 7 girls basketball team showed serious grit & determination as they played Summit Middle School. The skills they demonstrated...wowie! Congratulations, girls, on an awesome game! Reminder of Monday's after school practice and Tuesday's wrap-up.

Battle of the Books

February 19, 2013
Attention Battle competitors! The elimination games begin today in the library. Please check the library door for your battle time. Reminder that we will start promptly and a no-show can result in disqualification. Any students who wish to come watch the competition is welcome! The library will still be open at...

Formal Speeches

February 19, 2013
For students of all grades who are participating in public speeches to qualify for the Districts, please come to the library at nut. break today for a quick meeting regarding procedures for the presentations over the next two days. All formal speech students, a quick meeting at nut. break in the...

Calling All Student Artists

February 16, 2013
Would you ike to design a new logo for our School District? The details of the contest can be found in our Publications section. The deadline is April 2nd.

Code Red Lockdown Drill

February 15, 2013
Please see the letter in our Publications section regarding an upcoming Code Red lockdown drill to be held at Citadel Middle School in conjunction with the Coquitlam RCMP. The letter also includes informatiion about the nature and type of lockdown drills in our School District; should you wish further information, we...

Wrestling team

February 15, 2013
Our wrestlers represented Citadel well yesterday at the meet at Scott Creek. Many won all three matches. Next practice is Monday.

Rocklclimbing/Gymnastics club

February 14, 2013
There is a meeting in room 209 at nut break today (Friday).  Please bring any forms you have to return.  Today is the deadline.


February 14, 2013
All wrestlers attending the meet today at Scott Creek need to get their weight and boots from Mr. Raz at Nutrition break. We leave immediately after school from room 206.

gr7 girls bball

February 13, 2013
Grade 7 girls bball - reminder of the Friday morning 7:40am practice! See you then!!!

Battle of the Books

February 13, 2013
There will be a quick meeting at nut. break for all BoB teams. It is very important that at least one member from each team be present as we will be doing the draws for our games beginning next week.

SSFS Presents Dr. Nancy Perry on Supporting School Success

February 13, 2013
The Southside Family of Schools proudly presents Dr. Nancy Perry on "Supporting School Success: helping children develop independent and effective approaches to learning", on Thursday March 14th, 6:45-8:30 pm at Kilmer Elementary School. For further information on cost and registration details, plese see the notice in our Publications section.

Grade 7 girls basketball

February 12, 2013
Give a big "AWESOME JOB!!!" to your grade 7 girls basketball team that controlled and won their game against Pitt River yesterday!!! Congratulations! Girls, your coaches are very proud of the defense, good sportsmanship & persistence - well done!!!!! Reminder of Friday's 7:40a practice.

Formal speech students

February 12, 2013
There is a very important meeting for formal speech students today in Block 7. Today is our last meeting before preliminary presentations next week. Speeches should be complete and ready for practice.


February 11, 2013
Reminder to all choir students, practice today at lunch in the music room.  We will be trying some student music selections.  Bring your lunch and come to sing!


February 08, 2013
All wrestlers attending the meet on Thursday at Scott Creek need to let Mr. Raz know if your parent will be driving a.s.a.p.. Practice tomorrow at 3 p.m.

Grade 8 Basketball

February 07, 2013
Practice is at 7:30 AM on Tuesday.

Club Day

February 07, 2013
This is a reminder to all students that you need to return your club day permission slips and any necessary money.  If you have not brought submitted yours yet, please remember to do so when you are here with your parent during Student Led Conferences.

gr7 girls bball

February 06, 2013
Girls grade 7 basketball: your Friday morning practice will start at 7:30. Please note the time and be sure you are ready!

Students working on Speeches with Ms. Percevault and Mr. Shong

February 04, 2013
Due to the Club Day assembly in block 7, those students who normally work on their speeches with Ms Percevault and Mr. Shong during this time will have an oppertunity to come in Block 5 instead.


February 04, 2013
There is no practice this week until Friday morning.

gr7 girls bball

February 03, 2013
Reminder of our LUNCH practice Monday. Please be ready to go promptly at 12:10.

Wrestling meet

February 01, 2013
Congrats to our wrestling team last night that participated at the meet held in our gym. No injuries, lots of wins and a lot of fun. There are no practices next week until Friday morning.

Grade 7 boys basketball

January 31, 2013
The grade 7 boys basketball team will not be practicing due to illness. Check room 216 on Monday for the roster for tuesday's game.

Effective Parenting of Teens course

January 31, 2013
A course on effective parenting of teens 11-17 is being offered at Gleneagle Secondary beginning in April. The cost is $20 for the parent workbook. Please see the notice in our Publications section for further details.

Grade 8 Boys Basketball

January 31, 2013
Reminder that practice on Tuesday is at 7:00 AM

Grade 7 Girls basketball

January 30, 2013
Give your Citadel Grade 7 girls basketball team high fives today. They played hard and aggressively against a tough Minnekhada team. Way to show your toughness girls!!! Team...see you FRIDAY morning at 7:30 for practice!!!


January 29, 2013
The wrestling prcactice today is cancelled due to the team leader meeting.

Lost and Found Items

January 29, 2013
We have put all items from our Lost and Found bin on display in the lobby. Students are encouraged to claim any of their items before the end of the week, at which time unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

Coquitlam School District Draft Calendar 2013-2014 survey

January 27, 2013
The Coquitlam School District is seeking parent input into the draft school calendar for 2013-2014, attached, and in our Publications section. You can access the survey using the following link: The survey will remain open until 4:30 pm, February 22, 2013 .

Science 6/7 teachers

January 23, 2013
A reminder to Science 6/7 teachers to please pass your units to the next team by 3 p.m. today.


January 23, 2013
All wrestlers attending the meet today at Maple Creek must go to room 206 at nut break to receive your weight and pick up your wrestling boots. Please meet immediately after school in Mr. Raz's room for rides. 

iPad Evening for Parents

January 23, 2013
There is an iPad Information event on Feb. 27th at 6 p.m. at Como Lake Middle School for parents who have purchased an iPad, are considering one, or who are looking for ideas to help their child experience more success at school. For more information see the poster in our Publications...

gr7 girls bball

January 22, 2013
Reminder of lunch practice today.  See you in the gym, dressed & ready to go by 12:10.  

The Jumstart Program at Gleneagle Secondary

January 21, 2013
Grade 8 students and parents please see our Publications section for information on the integrated visual arts and humanities program offered at Gleneagle Secondary.

Satisfaction Surveys 2013

January 21, 2013
School District #43 is participating in the 2013 Ministry of Education Electronic Anonymous Satisfaction Survey Project in cooperation with all other school districts throughout the Province. Letters will be going home with all grade 7 students this week regarding the surveys, containing personalized codes for online survey completion. Parents/Guardians can complete...

Whistler Skiers and Snowboarders

January 18, 2013
Would all students signed up to go to Whistler for club day, please see Mr. Shong sometime today to get your 2-for-1 Whistler lift tickets, and to confirm you are on the right bus.

Bullying Prevention Series

January 17, 2013
The Tri-Cities Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee has scheduled a series of presentations on bullying prevention, beginning January 24th. For more information see the poster in our Publications section, or email   ...

Inquiry Hub Information Session Jan. 22, 2013

January 16, 2013
Attention grade 8 students and parents: The Inquiry Hub Secondary School is holding an information session on Tues., Jan 22nd from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. at Millside Centre, 1432 Brunette Ave., Coquitlam. Information on the Inquiry Hub will be shared, including the philosophy and benefits of the inquiry model of...

Riverside Hockey Academy

January 16, 2013
Please see the poster in our Publications section for information on Riverside Secondary's Hockey Academy.

Gr. 6 Basketball

January 15, 2013
There is a grade 6 basketball practice Wednesday and Thursday at lunch this week.  New players welcome!

Battle of the Books

January 15, 2013
Battle of the Book training meetings are now scheduled and will begin next week. Please see the calendar posted outside the library door to see which days you need to attend.

100th Birthday T-Shirt Design Contest

January 14, 2013
Students age 13-18 are invited to design a t-shirt to celebrate the City of Port Coquitlam's 100th birthday. If your design is chosen, you will win a $200 honorarium! See details in the attached poster, or under our Publications section. The deadline is January 31st.

gr7 girls basketball practice

January 14, 2013
Reminder of bonus practice TODAY (Tuesday) after school!  See you at 3!!!


January 14, 2013
Reminder: there is a choir practice Monday & Tuesday at lunch. 

No wrestling practice Monday

January 10, 2013
No wrestling practice Monday due to the staff meeting.

gr7 girls basketball practice

January 10, 2013
Reminder to grade 7 girls basketball players of the after school practice Friday.  

Grade 6 Basketball

January 09, 2013
Grade 6 Boys and Girls basketball meeting today (Thursday) at lunch in the gym. 

Battle of the Books

January 09, 2013
Calling all book warriors! Please bring your lunch to the library today for a meeting at 12:15. Important information and dates will be shared so please do your best be in attendance.

P.E. Teachers

January 07, 2013
Just a reminder to P.E. Teachers, we begin wrestling or basketball today. Wrestling will be on the stage,

Wrestling practice

January 07, 2013
Just a reminder to all wrestlers, the practice today is on the stage. 

Choir students

January 06, 2013
First choir rehearsal of 2013 is at lunch on Tuesday.  Help choose our music for term 2!  Ideas for solos, duets and small groups are also welcome.

School Closure Due To Weather

December 20, 2012
The district decision to close needs to occur by 6:30 a.m. so that families can plan and make alternate arrangements should schools be closed.  While the District tries to make the best decision with the information we have the weather changes quickly for the worse or for the better. Schools are...

Battle of the Books

December 19, 2012
Calling all Battle Teams! There will be a quick information meeting regarding Battle details today (Thursday) at lunch. Please bring your lunch with you. If you cannot attend, please make sure at least one member of your team is present. Anyone wishing to join Battle may still do so as teams...

Secondary Transition Events and Opportunities for Grade 8 Students

December 19, 2012
We have added two new publications to our Home Page. The first is on upcoming secondary transition events and information meetings for all secondary schools in our District. The second is a summary of secondary opportunities students may wish to consider. For additonal information on anything listed in these doscuments, please...

Wrestling practice

December 19, 2012
There will be a practice today after school unless we get a lot of snow during the day.

Extreme Weather Conditions

December 18, 2012
Closure of Schools for Extreme Weather Conditions   In the case of extreme weather conditions such as ice, wind and/or excessive snowfall, the Superintendent of Schools has authority on behalf of the Board, to temporarily close a school. As a general expectation, parents should assume that schools are open.  If parents believe...

Grade 8 Boys Basketball Practice

December 18, 2012
There is a grade 8 boys basketball practice Thursday after school in the gym.

Tragedy in Connecticut

December 14, 2012
We wish to express our shock and sadness at the tragic event in Connecticut today. The link below will take you to the School District Annnouncement in this regard. We have also included in our Publications section a copy of the BC Ministry of Education document on helping children deal with...

Gr. 8 Boys Basketball Practice

December 11, 2012
Reminder that there is a gr. 8 Boys Basketball practice this Thursday after school.  New players are encouraged to come out.

Roland Smith visit

December 11, 2012
We will be having author Roland Smith visit our school this Thursday. In preparation for the arrival of this exciting writer, Ms. Percevault will have some of his books on sale in the library. He is the author of well-known books such as Shatterproof from the 39 Clues, Peak, and Elephant...

Music Concert today and tonight

December 11, 2012
Reminder: Music students come in concert dress for today's dress rehearsal and tonight's concert.  Music students should come to the gym after REACH.  Be sure to communicate with your classroom teacher.  For tonight's concert: Call time for band students is 6:15pm.  Call time for choir students is 6:45pm.

Christmas Hampers

December 07, 2012
 This is the last weekend before hampers are due. Get out there and be generous. lets support people in our community. Get out there and give.

Scholastic Book Fair

December 06, 2012
The Scholastic Winter Book Fair is coming to Citadel. Come to the library at lunch and after school next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to find some great reads! There will be books, posters, and other goodies. Find a perfect Christmas present for your family. There will be an evening opening Tuesday...

Love Is Louder Than Bullying!

December 06, 2012
Citadel is proud to support the Terry Fox leadership anti-bullying project with the sale of the depicted t-shirts. The t-shirts are $10 including tax,   and all students will receive an order form to take home. A copy of the order form is also in our Publications section. Orders may be placed...

Wrestling Practice reminder

December 06, 2012
A reminder that there is a wrestling practice Friday morning at 7:45.  It is not too late to join. See you there.

Grade 8 Boys Basketball

December 05, 2012
All Grade 8 boys who are interested in playing basketball there is a meeting Thursday at lunch in Mr. Davies' room - room 105.

École Citadel Middle School

1265 Citadel Drive, Port Coquitlam BC
V3C 5X6
604-945-6187 604-937-8042
8:00 am - 3:30pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.