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École Westwood Elementary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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News Archive

Share Food Drive Fundraiser

December 10, 2024
​ Dear Westwood Community Members,
The school is hosting a hybrid Food Drive with all proceeds going to the SHARE Society.
Between December 11 th  – 20 th  we will be collecting donations of non-perishable items. Students can bring items to school and volunteers will be collecting them every morning. Please...

First Day of School - Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

June 20, 2024
​ 10:00am – 10:20am – Grade 1 – 5 go to your 2023/24 classroom; New Students to the library
10:30am – 11:00am – Kindergarten Students (Last Name A – L) go to Kindergarten Courtyard 11:00am – 11:30am – Kindergarten Students (Last Name M-Z) go to Kindergarten Courtyard Although short, this is...

Kindergarten Orientation - Power Point from May 1st Parent Meeting

May 02, 2024
​Please find attached a copy of the power point used at the May 1st Parent Meeting for our incoming Kindergarten students.  Please reach out to (Principal and Secretary) if you have any questions.  Thank you!! Kindergarten Parent Orientation May 1, 2024.pdf

Cross Catchment

December 07, 2023
​For Information regarding Cross Catchment please go to the SD43 website:​

Programs of Choice Registration Info

December 07, 2023

The school district offers a variety of educational programs of choice for students that require registration.
​For a helpful summary of details about registration periods and deadlines for the 2024-2025 school year for many programs including Kindergarten, Cross Catchment, French Immersion, Montessori, Mandarin Bilingual and Reggio Influenced, please visit the individual program...

How to Complete Parent/Guardian Forms

September 15, 2023
​ September Start Up – Forms for ALL Parents to Complete by September 30 th , 2023 It's that time of year again when parents need to ensure that all required forms are filled out.  We don't want your child to miss out on opportunities at the school because the proper...

First Day of School - Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

June 23, 2023
​This is an important but short day of school for students.  Students must attend to be counted for enrollment purposes.  If your child is sick or can not attend on this day, please email with the specifics of your child's reason for absence. 

Students go to the same classroom as...

Copy of Kindergarten/New Student Parent Orientation - Held on April 26, 2023

May 02, 2023
​Pleae find a copy of the power point presentation from the April 26th parent orientation with our Principal.  If you missed this session, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Principal for any questions.  Kindergarten Parent Orientation April 26th, 2023.pdf

Copy of Email Sent to All Grade 1 to Grade 5 Families on August 30th, 2022

August 30, 2022
​This is a copy of the email text sent to all families on August 30th, 2022.   August Letter To Grade 1 to Grade 5 Parents.pdf

Copy of Letter Sent to All Kindergarten Families on August 30th

August 30, 2022
​The attached letter was sent to all registered Kindergarten Families on Aug 30th via email.   August Letter to Kindergarten Parents.pdf CHEQ-School-Invitation-Letter-For K Parents August 29, 2022.pdf

Tuesday, Sept 6 - First Day of School at 10:00am for Grade 1 - 5

August 24, 2022
​This is a very important day, so please plan for your child to attend.  Attendance on this day is reported to our school district to establish staffing for classrooms.  If your child can not attend, please email before Sept 6 th to let us know. Children will return to the...

Kindergarten Parent Orientation

May 19, 2022
​Please find the powerpoint from the May 18th, 2022 Kindergarten Parent Orientation for your information.    Kindergarten Parent Orientation May 2022.pdf

Registration Information

July 02, 2021
Please contact the school after August 30th, 2021 for new registrations.  If you have any questions, please contact the administrator, Bryn WIlliams, at​

MDI Log In

December 31, 2020

2020-21 Early French Immersion Parent Info Night

November 26, 2019
Please see attached for change of location information.​

First day of School: September 3rd, 2019

August 23, 2019
All grades one through five meet at 9:30 am (dismissed at 10:00 am).  Meet in your last year's classroom.  New students will meet in the library. All K's will meet at 10:15 am (dismissed at 10:45).

2018-2019 School Year starts September 4th

August 21, 2018
Students will be returning to Ecole Westwood Elementary on September 4th.  For students starting Grades 1 through 5 will meet outside their last year's rooms at 9:30 am and will be dismissed at 10:00 am.  Any new students in grades 1 through 5 will meet in the library.  All new Kindergarten...

School Delayed start Wednesday, October 18

October 18, 2017
With water turned off until 11:00, we will have a delayed start today to the school.
We will welcome students at 11:00.  Please contact the princpal if you have questions through email at

School is open for registration August 29th, 2017

August 28, 2017
Westwood Elementary will be open for new registrations starting Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 from 9:30 to 2:30.​


January 18, 2017
Parents can apply for a school outside of their neighbourhood catchment school. Should you want to choose a school other than your neighbourhood catchment school you must be registered at your catchment school and then submit a "cross catchment application". Approval of applications is based on availability of space and facilities....

Place Des Art programs

January 17, 2017
​Please see attached notice to parents. PdA camp-coverletter_sd43_2017.doc

January School Meals Menu

December 03, 2015
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Friday, December 11th, 2015 - Sorry, Late orders will not be accepted.

December School Meals Menu

November 13, 2015
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Monday, November 23, 2015 - Sorry, late orders will not be accepted.  December school Meals $56.00. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary.

November School Meals Menu

October 19, 2015
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Thursday, October 22nd, 2015. Sorry Late orders will not be accepted. November Lunches: $76.00. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary School.

October School Meals Menu

September 18, 2015
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - Sorry, late orders will not be accepted. Cash or Cheque payable to Westwood Elementary.

Summer Hours

June 30, 2015
Westwood Elementary is now closed for the summer. The office will be open for registrations Sept. 1-4 - 9:30-2:30 daily.   The first day of the 2015-16 school year is Tuesday, Sept. 8.   We look forward to serving you in the fall.   Have a great summer!

Westwood School Meals Program

June 26, 2015
Please find attached September School Meals Menu. The fee for September is $48.00 for 12 Lunches.  Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am Thursday, September 10, 2015. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary. Lunches are delivered everyday to the main office for pick up.


June 17, 2015
Dear Grade 5 Parents/Guardians, REMINDER:   Grade 5 Graduation Class Photos GRADE 5 GRADUATION PHOTO SAMPLES HAVE ARRIVED. We are very sorry for the very short notice. Orders are due Friday, June 19 th , 2015 by 12:00 noon .   Students should order either Pose A or Pose B (Proofs are available...


June 10, 2015
Please find attached information regarding the upcoming Grade 5 Leaving Celebration on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015.

June School Meals

May 14, 2015
Attached is the June School Meals Menu.  Orders are due to the office by 9:00, Friday, May 22nd, 2015 - Sorry, late orders will not be accepted.  June Cost $72.00. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary School.

Westwood School Meals Program Lunch Order Form

April 15, 2015
May 2015 School Meals menu is attached. Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Thursday, April 23rd, 2015.  Sorry, Late orders will not be accepted. Please Make Cheques Payable to : Westwood Elementary School. May Lunches: $76.00

Beyond the Bell at Westwood

April 02, 2015
Beyond the Bell at Westwood - Spring Flyer

April School Meals Menu

March 05, 2015
Please find attached the Menu for April School Lunches. Orders are due by Tuesday, March 24th, 2015.  Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary. $76.00

March School Meals Menu

February 12, 2015
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Thursday, February 19th, 2015 - Sorry, late orders will not be accepted.  March Lunches: $48.00. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary.

PAC Meeting Reminder

February 03, 2015
Just a reminder....the next PAC Meeting is Thursday, February 5th at 7:00 PM in the library. Everyone is welcome

Cross Catchment Process 2015-16

January 19, 2015
Please find attached the most up-to-date Cross Catchment information.

February School Meals Menu

January 16, 2015
Please see attached menu for Februrary. Orders are due to the office by Thursday, January 22, 2015. Sorry, late orders will not be accepted. Cost for February Lunches is: $72.00 Cash or Cheque. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary School.

Safe Schools & Communities for our Students

December 18, 2014
The December Newsletter - Safe Schools & Communities for our Students is attached.  This notice includes guidelines for Parents regarding screen time and gaming.

Registration Information 2015-2016

December 17, 2014
Important information regarding upcoming Registration, Kindergarten Registration, Programs of Choice, and Cross Catchment, along with the Eligibility check list of required documents.

FSA Information - Grade 4 Students

December 16, 2014
Please find attached, FSA information on behalf of Tom Grant, Superintendent.

January School Meals Menu

December 10, 2014
January School Meals Menu - Orders are due to office by 9:00 am, Friday, December 12, 2014 - Sorry, Late orders will not be accepted.

Photo Retake Orders

December 05, 2014
**If you missed returning your photo retakes and would still like to order. Please contact Mountain West Studios directly at 604-433.0551 for further information on how to place your order.**

Photo Re-Take Orders Due Back Dec 3rd/14

December 01, 2014
If your child had a photo re-take, the order form is due back to the office by Wednesday, December 3rd.

Westwood PAC Skate Night

November 18, 2014
Westwood Students and their families are invited to a Christmas Skating Night on Wednesday, December 17th, 4:00 - 6:30 pm at the Port Coquitlam Recreation Complex. Please return the attached form by Wednesday, December 10th.

December School Meals Menu

November 13, 2014
December School Meals Menu is now available. Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am Friday, November 21st, 2014. Sorry, late orders will not be accepted. December Fees $60.00 Cheques made payable to Westwood Elementary.

Remembrance Day Poppy Donations

November 05, 2014
Just a reminder to Westwood Families  - we will be collecting donations for our Remembrance Day Poppies - we are asking families to send your donations of either $1.00 or $2.00. Thank you.

Upcoming PAC Meeting

November 05, 2014
There is a PAC Meeting tomorrow evening, Thursday, November 6th at 7:00 PM in the Library.  All Westwood Parents/Guardians are Welcome to Attend.

November School Meals Menu

October 15, 2014
Please find attached the November School Meals Menu. Orders are due to the office by 9:00 AM, Thursday, October 23, 2014. Please make cheques payable to Westwood Elementary. November's Fee is $72.00.

Welcome Back to School!!

September 24, 2014
Please see the attached welcome letter from SD#43 Tom Grant.

School Meals Menu for October 2014

September 22, 2014
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Thursday, September 25th, 2014 - Sorry, Late orders will not be accepted. Thank you.

School Opening Update from Superintendent - Aug. 29, 2014

August 29, 2014
Dear Parents & Guardians,   Please see the attached update from Superintendent Grant about the impact of the labour dispute on school opening on September 2.

School Opening Sept. 22, 2014

August 27, 2014
Dear Parents / Guardians, The first day of school will be Monday, Sept. 22. The schedule will be as follows: 9:30-10 am - Gr. 1 - 5 students in last year's classes                   &    New Gr. 1 -5 students to the Library 10:15-10:45 am - New K students   Tuesday  and subsequent days...

Summer Learning Update

July 03, 2014
Please see the attached letter from Superintendent Grant.

Teacher Strike Action - June 26, 2014

June 27, 2014
Dear Parents / Guardians,   Please note the letter attached regarding Report Cards, Summer Learning, and Provincial Exams.   Thank you.

School Holiday Calender 2014 - 15

June 06, 2014
Please find attached a copy of School Holiday Calendar for 2014 - 2015. The full calendar will be available in September.

Sport Day Ice Cream Truck Prices

June 04, 2014
Please find attached the Prices for the Sports Day Ice Cream Truck!!!

Information for parents during BCTF strike action

May 26, 2014
If parents are aware of any parents that do not have access to a computer, please have them come to the main office to obtain a copy of this notice. Thank you for your assistance.

Information Letter Re: Teacher Strike Action

May 23, 2014
Please find attached a copy of the Letter issued by Thomas Grant, Superintendent of Schools.

June School Meals Menu

May 16, 2014
Please find attached the menu for June School Meals. Orders are due to the office by 9:00 am, Friday, May 23rd, 2014 - Sorry, late orders will not be accepted.

Class Placement Information Form

May 15, 2014
Please return the attached Class Placement Information form to the school by Friday, May 23rd, 2014. Thank you.

Upcoming Kevin Cameron Presentation

April 28, 2014
Please plan to attend this upcoming event at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School 2525 Como Lake Avenue, Coquitlam. Seating is limited to 700. Child minding will be provided. Please not that Kevin has requested questions from parents. If you have questions, please email them to Myra Crosley, ...

Teacher Job Action

April 22, 2014
Please review the attached letter from Superintendent Tom Grant about Phase 1 of Teacher Job Action.   Contact Mr. Leonard - Principal, if you have any questions or concerns.

May School Meals Menu

April 14, 2014
Orders are due to the office by 9am, Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 - Sorry, late orders will not be accepted. Thank you.

Westwood PAC Plant Sale Information

April 07, 2014
Please find attached information regarding the upcoming PAC Plant Sale.

April School Meals Menu

February 28, 2014
April School Meals Menu - Orders are due to the office by 9 am Friday, March 7th, 2014. Please make cheque payable to Westwood Elementary.

March School Meals Menu

February 19, 2014
Please find attached the March School Meals Menu. If you would like to participate, please make your cheques payable to Westwood Elementary. Orders are due to the office Thursday, Feb 20th.

Neighbourhood Ready, Set, Learn Event

February 03, 2014
3-4 Year-Olds, and their families are invited to a free Neighbourhood Ready, Set, Learn Event!! Nestor Elementary Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 1 - 3:30 pm


January 30, 2014
February's Hot Lunch due date was incorrect on the form...please note the proper return date is Friday, February 7th, 2014. Thank you.

Kindergarten Registration Information

January 27, 2014
Kindergarten Registration Begins February 4th - 6th, 2014. Please see the attached information sheet for further details. Thank you.

February School Meals Menu

January 16, 2014
Orders are due to the office by 9am Friday, January 24th, 2014 for the February Lunch Program. Please make cheques payable to the school. February Lunches: $72.00 per student. Thank you.

Westwood Elementary School Raffle Ticket Winners!!!!

December 20, 2013
First Prize: 32 GB Apple iPad Mini WINNER:  Karen Mason Second Prize 16 GB Apple iPod Touch 5th Generation  WINNER:  Lisa Tatarnikov Third Prize: $100 Coqutilam Centre Gift Card WINNER: Bev Tyler Fourth Prize: Cimeplex Family of 4 Night Out WINNER: Son Nguyen

Gr. 4 Parents Re: FSA

December 12, 2013
Dear Westwood Parents/Guardians,   Please find attached to this message a letter from Superintendent Grant about the 2014 Foundation Skills Assessment for all Gr. 4s.   Please contact me if you have any questions.   Thank you, Brian Leonard Principal

January 2014 School Meals Order Form

December 03, 2013
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 AM, Friday, December 13, 2013 - Sorry, Late orders will not be accepted. $76.00 Cash or Cheques made payable to Westwood Elementary.

School Meals December Menu

November 15, 2013
Orders are due to the office by 9:00 Friday, November 22nd, 2013 - No late orders will be accepted. Thank you.

Community engagement process Learning, Land and Neighbourhoods initiative

November 05, 2013
The number of students enrolling in the school district is growing -- in the next decade there will be 5,000 more students. New schools will need to be built and others refurbished or enhanced to meet growing demand. In addition, building on the work done last year, the board is reviewing...

School Meals Program November Menu

October 17, 2013
Orders are due by 9:00 am, Thursday, October 24, 2013 $76.00 per student Cash or Cheque (made payable to Westwood Elementary)

School Meals Program Menu for October

September 19, 2013
If you would like your child to participate in the School Meals Program, the fee for October is $84.00 per student. Please send your cheque or cash to the main office by Monday, September 23rd, 2013.

Safe Schools Workshop: Parenting Our Kids in the 21st Century

September 18, 2013
Westwood Families,   SD43's Safe Schools Task Force is inviting the community to: Parenting Our Kids in the 21st Century, Thursday, Sept. 26 from 7 - 9 pm.   Seating is limited!   Details attached.

School Supplies

September 05, 2013
Hello parents,   As we do not anticipate being able to go to regular classes on Monday, Sept. 9th, so don't send your child's school supplies on Monday as planned. We will remind your children as to which day to bring their supplies to school. Most likely on Tuesday.   Thank you

School Opening Day Times

August 30, 2013
Hello parents,   Welcome to the 2013-14 school-year.   Start times on Sept. 3: Gr. 1 - 5 @ 9:30 - 10 AM Ks @ 10:15-10:45   Returning students, please go to your last year's class. New students, please go the Library   New K's meet in the Kindregarten play area.   Sept. 4 - 6...

Class Placements for 2013-14

May 21, 2013
If you wish to have input regarding your child's class placement for the 2013-14 school-year, please complete the attached form.   Note: We will not be accepting requests for specific teachers.   Thank you

PAC Plant Sale Information

April 03, 2013
The PAC sponsored, and hugely popular plant sale details are attached and just in time for Mother's Day.   Orders are due by Tuesday, April 30 @ 9 am.   Details are included within the attachments: 1) Notice & details; 2) Order Form Pg. 1; 3) Order Form Pg. 2

PAC Chocolate Fundraiser

February 26, 2013
Westwood PAC is having a Purdy's chocolate fundraiser. Details attached.   Orders due March 7th.

School Meals Program

February 15, 2013
Our School Meal Program order forms for March are due Monday, February 25th. See attachment.

Cross Catchment Info/Forms 2013

February 12, 2013
District 43 has a Cross Catchment Application Process for any parents who would like to transfer their child to another school other than the neighbourhood catchment school. There are two applications: Kindergarten cross catchment forms and Grades 1 to 12 cross catchment forms. Applications are online starting Friday, February 8th at...

FSA Info. for Parents

February 08, 2013
Westwood Gr. 4 students will be writing the FSA between Feb. 1-20. 

Kindergarten Registration for 2013-14

January 23, 2013
Westwood Elementary will be accepting registrations for Kindergarten for Sept. 2013. on Feb. 5, 6, & 7.   Please check the information bulletins attached to this notice, or call the school office at 604-464-2421.


December 21, 2012
Our staff wish all of our students and families a restful and safe holiday. We hope you get to share the spirit of Christmas with friends and family. School returns on Monday, January 7. If the weather conditions are poor in January please listen to CKNW, News 1130, or CBC, or...

Snow / Weather Closure Information

December 19, 2012
The district decision to close needs to occur by 6:30 a.m. so that families can plan and make alternate arrangements should schools be closed.  While the District tries to make the best decision with the information we have the weather changes quickly for the worse or for the better. Schools are...

Superintendent's Announcement Re: Bullying

October 22, 2012
Dear Westwood families, You will find attached to this notice a letter about bullying from Superintendent Tom Grant, as well as some recommended resources from the Ministry of Education.

Nov. Elem. Lunch Pgm. Info.

October 18, 2012
Parents wishing to participate in the Elementary Lunch Program for the month of November, the menu is attached.   Orders are due Wed. Oct. 24.

Tree Planting Celebration

September 25, 2012
will take place on Wednesday September 26 in the morning at approximately 10am. All are welcome to come and celebrate our new Red Maple in the Kindergarten area near the front of the school.

Oct. Lunch Pgm. Info.

September 19, 2012
The Oct. Lunch Pgm. Info. is now available.   Orders for Oct. are due Monday, Sept. 24.   Please see the attached forms. 

Kindergarten Parent Info - 2012

August 28, 2012
The schedule for the first two weeks, and some other helpful information is attached to this notice.   We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, Sept. 4th.

School Supply Lists

July 05, 2012
The 2012-2013 School Supply Lists are now uploaded onto the school website (by Grade).   Westwood's PAC has a fundraising partnership with a company called Mabel's Labels for school supplies. Please see the attached notice with website info. for details.

Final Newsletter of Year

June 28, 2012
The Final newsletter of the 2011-2012 year is attached and contains a calendar of holidays, pro-d days, and closure dates for the 2012-2013 school year.   Have a great summer everyone!

June Newsletter

June 06, 2012
The June newsletter is now uploaded to the website and contains important dates for the remainder of the year, as well as the 2012-13 holiday & Prod-D dates.

Summer Learning Registration Info.

May 30, 2012
Coquitlam Summer Learning 2012 registration info. is attached to this email. Registration is online only, and takes place June 5 - 28th.   Details attached. 

Class Placement Information & Form

May 25, 2012
If parents would like to provide the school staff with information to help wth class placment for September, please complete the attached form.   We do NOT accept requests for specific teachers, but do accept information about your child's learning needs or style.   Forms due Monday, May 28.

PAC May Newsletter

May 10, 2012
Now on website & attached.

PAC Plant Sale on NOW

April 12, 2012
The PAC sponsored Plant Sale / Fundraiser is now underway.   Please see the order form with this announcement.   Orders are due Tuesday, May 1 @ 9 AM.   Pick-up available Friday, May 11th - 1:30-3:30pm

Marathon Club

April 05, 2012
Westwood Marathon Club for 2012 is now underway. The details shared with the students is attached.

Report Cards

March 09, 2012
A message from Superintendent Grant regarding scheduled March Report Cards. 

Whooping Cough Outbreak Info. Notice

March 07, 2012
Please be aware that Fraser Health is advising that whooping cough (pertussis) has spread to most communitites within the Fraser Health region.   An important notice with advice to parents and staff is attached to this announcement.

Teacher Strike Info Letter

March 01, 2012
We are requesting that parents keep their children at home on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (March 5, 6, and 7), as per Superintendent Grant's information letter with recommendations for parents (attached).

Kindergarten Registration 2012

February 01, 2012
Kindergarten Registration for Sept. 2012 will take place on Feb. 7, 8, & 9 at the school office.

Jan. PAC Newsletter posted

January 10, 2012
The PACs Jan. newsletter is now posted to the Parents>PAC section of the website.   Check out the great new format!

Power is Back On

November 22, 2011
School is back in session

Interim & Report Card Info.

November 08, 2011
Superintendent Grant's important notice about reporting is attached to this message. All parents should read this notice and contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress.

Teacher Job Action Letter from Superintendent

September 02, 2011
Teachers will commence Job Action on Sept. 6th, and this will result in the withdrawal of some duties by teachers. Superintendent, Tom Grant, has supplied a letter for parents(attached) from the District about the Job Action and its impact.

June Newsletter now online

June 08, 2011
Please see our June newsletter for important dates for the end of the year, and our 2011-2012 calendar.

2011-2012 Class Placement Information & Form

May 24, 2011
If you wish to have input regarding your child's class placement for the next school year, please print, review and complete the attached form by Monday May 30, 2011 .   Completed forms must be submitted to the office.   Blank forms are also available at the school office.

PAC Annual Plant Sale

April 15, 2011
Westwood PAC's annual plant sale is on now.   Order forms are attached to this message, and are due back on Tuesday, April 26th.   Order pick-up is on Friday, May 6 between 1:30 - 3 PM in the Gym.   Why not order some plants in time for Mother's Day?

Japan Earthquake / Tsunami Relief Info.

March 15, 2011
We have some Japanese familes in the Westwood community. In addition, many have expressed an interest in providing support to the people of Japan grappling with the twin massive natural disasters of last week.   A parent has generously provided some information about how to provide some support.   Please see the attachment...

March Newsletter

February 28, 2011
The March newsletter has now been uploaded.

K Registration for 2011

February 08, 2011
If you have a child who will be five years old by December 31, 2011, you can register them for Full-Day Kindergarten.   Please see the attachments for details and registration information.   Parents wishing to attend a school out of their catchment must register at their "home" school, and complete an online...

Coquitlam Confucius Classroom

February 07, 2011
Celebration of Spring Festival 2011 - Feb. 12 12 Noon- 4 PM -details included in attachment.

PAC Fundraising Night

January 11, 2011
The Westwood PAC invites adults members of the community to a fundraising night at SAMZ Pub on Feb. 12th 4 - 7 PM. Please read the attachment for details.

District Budget Meetings

January 07, 2011
Public input sessions for the 2011-12 budget are scheduled. If you would like to offer input, or attend,  please read the attachment for information.

12 Days of Christmas Hamper Drive

December 09, 2010
This year our Christmas Hamper drive will have a daily theme. Please check the attachment for today's theme.

Christmas Gift Baskets

December 08, 2010
The PAC sponsored Christmas Gift Basket Raffle draw will take place at the Christmas Sing-A-Long Assembly on Dec. 17th. You will find attached the list of Gift-Baskets.

Snow & Weather Alert

November 24, 2010
Winter is upon us!!   For updates about school closures due to weather, please check the SD43 website and / or read the following announcement attached.

Chicken Pox Alert

November 22, 2010
We have had several cases of chicken pox reported to the school. Please read the important announcement regarding chicken pox.

First Week of School

August 31, 2010
During the week of Wed. Sept. 8 - 10, Gr. 1 - 5 students attend daily (8:50 AM - 3 PM) for StartSmart.   Students meet daily in the Gym @ 8:50 AM in their Family Group, and are dismissed from the Gym @ 3 PM daily.   Family Group info will be...

First Day of School - Sept. 7, 2010

August 31, 2010
The first day back at school is Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Students attend for 1/2 hour and return to last year's teacher for the morning. During this half hour students will receive Family Group information for the StartSmart program running for the rest of the week.   Gr. 1 -5 should attend 9:30...

School Supply Lists for 2011-2012

August 17, 2010
School Supply Lists for the 2011-2012 school-year are now available in the "Parents" section of the website under "School Supplies."

School Supply Lists - 2010-11

June 24, 2010
School supply lists (in PDF format) for the 2010-11 school year are now posted in the "Parent" section, under "School Supplies"

Talent Show Invitation

May 28, 2010
Westwood students invite you to their annual Talent Show. Details are included with this message. Please join us!

Ready, Set, Learn Event - April 15, 2010

April 06, 2010
The Ready, Set, Learn event for 3 year-olds (and their parents) will be held on April 15, 2010. Please read the attachment for details.

Kindergarten / Early Learning Information

February 05, 2010
Westwood Elementary will be hosting Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2010-11 school year. The Ministry of Education has developed an informative web-site and pamphlet to help parents better understand the full day kindergarten program. A copy of the pamphlet is attached to this message. The web site is:

Early Dismissal for Student-Led Conferences

February 02, 2010
We will be dismissing early on Feb. 11th for Student-Led Conferences. Please see the attached notice to confirm the early dismissal time for your child, and the conference times.

Kindergarten Cross Catchment Info.

January 25, 2010
This year all kindergarten children must be registered at their neighbourhood catchment school - Feb. 2, 3 and 4, 2010. Should parents wish to choose a school other than your neighbourhood catchment school you must submit a "Cross Catchment Form." Please see the attached letter outlining the procedure, or go to...

Kindergarten Registration - 2010

January 20, 2010
Kindergarten registration will take place on Feb. 2 - 4, 2010. Parents need to register for kindergarten at the home school of their child.Westwood Elementary will be providing Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2010-2011 school year. Cross-boundary transfers to or from schools will be handled online via the School Board website. Details...

École Westwood Elementary School

3610 Hastings Street, Port Coquitlam BC
V3B 4N6
604.464.2421 604.937.6872
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.