Grade 5 students preparation for Grade 6 Transition information: The Articulation process starts in December with a meeting between all the principals at our feeder schools here at Minnekhada. We go over the process and select dates when these will happen. The Admin team visits all of the grade 5 students in April to introduce themselves to the students and tell them all about what to expect when they get to middle school. In late April we have a meeting for all grade 5 parents in our gym, we also meet with all of the grade 5 teachers. In April, the Articulation Team visits every elementary school to learn about each student that will be coming to Minnekhada. The team consists of student services teacher, team leader, and an administrator. Minnekhada student services teachers meet with the grade 5 teachers to review students IEP’s and any issues and concerns. Finally in June, all of the feeder schools arrive at the school to learn how to use locks and tour the school. They participate in a process called Mustang for a Morning!
Grade 8 Transition information: Grade 8 Transitioning to Terry Fox Secondary begins in February with a “Walk to Fox” where the grade 8 teachers will walk with their classes to Terry Fox. The students will then participate in a tour of the school including presentations by the elective department such as music, arts and technology. Near the end of February, the Fox Counsellors will visit our grade 8 classes and hand out registration forms and course selection booklets. That same week parents are invited to a Grade 8 Parent’s Night at Fox. Parents and their teens will then have approximately one week to choose the electives and complete the registration form. All registration forms will then be handed in to their homeroom teacher and Mrs. Komar our school counsellor will take them to the Fox counsellors. Questions can be directed to either Mrs. Komar or to the counselors at Terry Fox. To say goodbye to our grade 8 students we have a closing ceremony at the end of June.