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Minnekhada Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Code of Conduct
​Minnekhada Middle School Code of Conduct for the 2024-2025​ School Year

Minnekhada Middle School


1390 Laurier Avenue

Port Coquitlam, BC

V3B 2B8

I.                    INTRODUCTION


The Minnekhada Code of Conduct is an evolutionary document that meets the necessities of the Minnekhada teaching and learning community.  It is developed, adapted, and maintained by all major groups that actively participate in the Minnekhada school community.  This is to ensure everyone involved in this school environment knows the day-to-day expectations.  The Code of Conduct is reinforced and monitored throughout the year by the staff of the school, proactively and when harm has been done.  A positive school environment that is shared throughout the Minnekhada school community is important for student educational success.  Our Code of Conduct is the key to our successful learning environment.

As a school we recognize the importance in modeling respectful and responsible processes for managing conflict.  Whenever possible we use a restorative approach to resolving conflict and for teaching pro-social behaviors. The fundamental premise of restorative practices is that people are happier, more cooperative, and productive, and more likely to make positive changes when those in authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them.   

In general, we believe the focus of behaviour interventions should be to recognize and repair the harm done, teach and reinforce positive behaviours and have the learner connected to the community stronger and more resilient than before the offense.  Social learning is a key underpinning of the middle school landscape, and we believe our practices should support positive and learning-focused social education.

We value the importance of working with students as a collective but also as individuals.  Responses to conduct issues will take into consideration the student's age, maturity, and past conduct. Interventions will not discriminate against a student who cannot meet an expectation because of a disability.

Every effort will be made to support students. However, if there are ongoing conduct issues after having implemented restorative interventions, disciplinary actions will be undertaken and align with the School District #43, Code of Conduct.


1.      Process:

The Minnekhada school community members have had in the past, and will in the future, the opportunity to analyze and contribute to the school Code of Conduct.  The staff, Parent Advisory Council and student representatives have read and contributed to the code's development.  Ongoing dialogue regarding our code's process and procedures takes place over any given school year.  Staff meetings and Team Leader meetings are structures for staff involvement and are venues where school climate and culture are continuously reflected upon.  Our Code of Conduct is posted to our website and communicated at the outset of the school year.  Parent feedback is welcomed and received regularly by staff and school administration

2.      Communication:

Minnekhada has taken the following steps to strengthen communication ties regarding Code of Conduct:

  • Minnekhada Code of Conduct expectations are communicated electronically to all parents at the outset of the school year.
  • Parents are encouraged to discuss our Code of Conduct expectations with their child, so each family is prepared to be active in a positive way throughout the Minnekhada community.
  • Code of Conduct expectations will be reviewed by all Minnekhada staff at the beginning of the year in the classrooms and in assemblies.
  • Copies of the Code of Conduct will be given to new students and staff members that arrive after the normal September intake.
  • Copies of the Code of Conduct will be accessible to temporary and part time staff.
  • The Code of Conduct will be on the Minnekhada website.
  • Review and reminders of expectations will be given to individuals, groups, classes, teams, the school population when needed throughout the school year.
  • Classroom teachers regularly engage their students with the values and expectations held by our Code of Conduct
  • Teams meet several times throughout the year with administration and the student representatives to share concerns and thoughts for the Code of Conduct

3.        Implementation:

  • Our opening week in September focuses on our core values and on the essential elements of our code of conduct.
  • Restitution and Restorative Practice information and resources are distributed to the Minnekhada community and establish community contribution and understanding of expectations.
  • Staff use class time and student relationship building activities to reflect on the need for a strong commitment in building a positive school environment which would ensure student academic and social success are not hindered by student actions.
  • The Minnekhada school community has developed a common language to ensure everyone fully understands communication between all school groups.
  • The Minnekhada school community leaders continually role model the Code of Conduct expectations and recognize students for demonstrating compliance with expectations and school values

4.   Monitoring and Review:

  • Restorative practices guide social learning where students are misguided, and outcomes are monitored and shared.
  • Patterns and trends that are noticeable are shared with the school community – this includes both positive and negative school concerns of the school community.
  • Patterns and trends are shared with staff regularly to allow for planning and/or adapting the school environment to address community concerns.  
  • Positive patterns are recognized and used as a base for any needed adaptations for concerned patterns.
  • Relevant information is shared with the student population to show the positives and concerns of the school community.

5.      Alignment

Minnekhada' s Code of Conduct aligns with:

  • SD43 District Code of Conduct
  • School District #43 middle schools' common guiding practices
  • BC School Act and the BC Human Rights Code
  • Current research and practice in middle years social development and learning
  • Our school's Action Plan for Learning, which focuses on aspects of student social and emotional development and learning.

6.      Standards

Minnekhada Middle School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law; students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, religion, sex or sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia (Section 7 and 8), nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the basis of any such grounds. Students may be subject to discipline under the school and/or District Code of Conduct for any conduct which has the effect of negatively impacting the school environment, whether that conduct occurs on or off School District property, at a school sponsored function or activity, or otherwise.

β€œAs per Section 8 of Human Rights Code of British Columbia, students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of the race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or physical or mental disability.  Furthermore, as per Section 7 of the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, no student shall publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule, on the aforementioned bases." 

a) The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to:

  • Establish and maintain a safe, caring, and orderly environment for a positive learning and teaching climate.
  • Outline and clarify school expectations and acceptable student conduct at school; on the way to and from school, and while attending any school function or activity at any location.   
  • Ensure a positive human rights environment that cherishes openness, diversity, fairness, and equity.
  • Encourage thoughtful and reflective citizenship.

b) Conduct Expectations:

Acceptable conduct is demonstrated by: 

1. Engaging in responsible behavior in all learning and school activities

      • Attend all classes
      • Be prepared for class
      • Participate and complete all learning tasks
      • Be respectful in actions and words
      • Using common sense
      • Act in a manner that brings credit to the school

2. Respecting oneself, others, and the environment

      • Treat others kindly
      • Have confidence in yourself having an β€œI make a difference" attitude
      • Clean up after yourself and others on the school property
      • Dress for an active learning environment – learning can occur both inside and outside the school in all weather

3. Contribute to ensuring the school environment is a safe and caring for learning

      • Work cooperatively with others.
      • Be open and accepting of others' opinions and ideas.

4.      Tell an adult about an unsafe individual or behavior quickly and in advance, if possible, for example, incidents of:

  • Fighting
  • Harassment
  • Bullying
  • Drugs/alcohol use
  • Intimidation
  • Weapons concerns

Unacceptable conduct is demonstrated by behaviors that: 

1.      Disrupt the learning and teaching environment or interferes with the learning of others.

2.      Create an unsafe or dangerous learning environment.

      1. Demonstrate bullying, harassment, intimidation, or exclusion, such as:
  • Physical or verbal bullying such as putdowns, name calling, or actions.
  • Cyber bullying, such as harassing, insulting, or intimidating others using technology such as computers, the internet, email, text messaging, cellular telephone, chat rooms or the like – students may be subject to discipline for on or off campus misuse of technology if it negatively impacts on the school environment.
  • Discriminatory behaviors such as verbal, written, or gestured comments regarding a person's race, color, ancestry, religion, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or health; and
  • Touching or teasing any person who does not want it (all people have the right not to be touched, teased, or humiliated)
  • Any acts of retribution towards (get back at) someone who has reported an unsafe or violent incident.

    4.    Are illegal, such as:
  • Possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, fireworks of any kind, lighters, vapes, electronic cigarettes, etc.)
  • Possession or use of any weapons including replicas.
  • Theft of or damage to property

A search by school officials of a student under their authority or a search of student property may be undertaken if the school has reasonable grounds to believe a school rule has been or will be violated, and that the evidence of that violation will be found in the location or on the person of the student being searched.  Students know that their teachers and other school authorities are responsible for providing a safe learning environment and maintaining order and discipline at school.  As a result, they must know that, where reasonable grounds exist, this may require searches of students, their lockers and their personal effects and the seizure of prohibited items.

Students should also be aware that the schools may collect, use and disclose personal information about students for the purposes of investigating and addressing student misconduct, safety and maintaining order and discipline in school.  Such collection and use of student information may include information that is obtained from witnesses or collected from other secondary information sources (e.g.  social media).  All personal information of students collected by the school will be collected in compliance with and under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ss. 26(a), (b), and(c)) and the School Act.  Questions about the collection, use or disclosure of student personal information should be directed to the Associate Director of Information and Learning Technologies Stephen Whiffin, at 

Digital Responsibility Guidelines

Following are appropriate use guidelines for cell phones at Minnekhada. Cell phones are kept in lockers or – if in a portable – in a backpack from the beginning to the end of the school day. Students are asked to NOT access their social media until they have left school property.

1.       Academic and Learning Purposes

Teachers can ask students to store cell phones in the classroom (ie. pocket charts behind teacher's desk, corner of students' desks, etc.) during instructional time in fitting with their requirements in the classroom if they will be using them as a learning tool. As students have access to other forms of technology, through the BYOD program, cell phones are not used during the school days.

2.      Home Communication

Students, with teacher permission, can communicate via instant messaging with home.  Parents are asked to call the office if they wish to speak to their child as students do not access their cell phones during the day. Students will, in general, be asked to call parents/guardians using the office phone. Students do not have access to phones while outside during nutrition break or lunch.

3.       Gaming

Students are encouraged to interact with one another in face-to-face ways while at school.  We value connectedness and collaboration between students during free time as this promotes positive social opportunity and personal development as well as physical health and wellness.  Gaming is not permitted during the school day.

4.       Self-Regulation in the Classroom

At the discretion of the teacher, students will have access to their device to listen to music or other calming materials that assist in their readiness to learn. 

5.       Social Media

Internet safety and social media communication is the jurisdiction of both home and school.  Middle school students require significant adult support to navigate social media safely and responsibly.  While we are committed to educating our students about positive and safe choices on social media, our focus is on teaching and learning and social media use will not be permitted during school hours.  Photography and video are strictly prohibited during school hours.

Message to Parents:

Supporting our students to use technology appropriately is the shared responsibility of home and school.  Once we have ensured a common understanding in our school at the outset of the year, this is what you can expect if your son/daughter requires extra support managing the above guidelines:

  1. First offence – phone will be held in the office until the end of the school day.
  2. Second offence – home contact will be made, and the phone will be dropped off in the office at the start of the day and picked up at the end of the day for a predetermined amount of time.
  3. Ongoing infractions will result in the student being expected to keep the phone at home or required to turn their phone into the office for a predetermined length of time.

Digital responsibility is a part of educating students to be socially responsible in their workplace: school.  At Minnekhada, our goal is to support our students in developmentally appropriate DR practices, so they thrive in every area of their learning:  academic, behavioural, social, emotional and physical.  We thank you for being such an important partner in our learning community.

Minnekhada Middle Dress Sense

Minnekhada Middle School is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive for everyone. The school recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and that they are personal.

Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:

  • Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity.
  • Reflect appropriate judgement with respect to a learning environment.
  • Do not wear clothing that references alcohol, drugs, smoking, vaping, or any other illegal activity.
  • Use respectful language.
  • Do not depict or promote violence, racism, sexism, or discrimination; and
  • Are not intimidating to others.

    Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress guidelines when necessary. If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely and given an opportunity to meet school and district guidelines.

    c) Consequences

    Consequences, wherever appropriate, will be restorative rather than punitive as described here:

    Progressive discipline will be used if behaviors re-occur or intensify, and consequences will be designed both to prevent future behavior and to make amends for past behavior.  Possible meaningful consequences include:  
  • School or community counseling
  • Conflict resolution strategies
  • Small group mediations
  • Informal suspension or β€œtime-outs" at school or at home
  • Community service
  • Partial day school programs
  • Behavior support plans
  • Formal suspension:  District Code of Conduct suspension process – Level I, II or III (for serious or dangerous behaviors)
  • Altered day schedules.
  • Connections with other schools to enhance restorative justice

To note:

  • As students' progress from Grade 6 to Grade 8, consequences may be more significant as older students should have a better understanding of expectations in the Minnekhada school community
  • Progressive discipline is the approach used when mistakes are repeatedly made and are further opportunities to demonstrate growth and learning and to re-establish themselves with the Minnekhada community (restorative justice)
  • It is understood that students with special needs may not be able follow the Code of Conduct as other students are able. Accommodations to the schedule, resources and strategies will be in place to ensure the school environment remains safe and positive for all students regardless of challenges.
  • Retaliation towards an individual or group is not acceptable. 
  • Special considerations may apply to the imposition of consequences on a student with special needs if the student is unable to comply with this Code of Conduct due to a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.

    d) Notification:

    Depending on the nature of the unacceptable behavior, school staff will contact the following people:
  • parents of students who repeatedly disrupt the learning of others, or who show disrespect to others and/or the environment.
  • parents of students accused of bullying, harassment, or illegal activity.
  • parents of students who were potentially victimized.
  • school district officials – as required by school district policy.
  • police and/or other agencies – as required by law.
  • all parents – when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action in response.

Minnekhada Middle School

1390 Laurier Avenue, Port Coquitlam BC
V3B 2B8
604-942-0261 604-937-6874
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
We acknowledge we are on the ancestral unceded territory of the Kwikwetlem First Nation. We thank the Kwikwetlem who continue to live on these lands and care for them, along with the waters and all that is above and below. Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.