Parenting Wisely is a free course about managing the behaviour of elementary school children. Topics include waiting patiently until conversations or phone calls are over, morning and bedtime routines, cooperating with friends and siblings, behaving in public and schoolwork challenges. A Parenting Wisely course is being presented by Stan Simister and Porter Street Elementary School.
The course starts Tuesday January 21, 2020, from 9:30am to 11:30am. This course will run for 7 consecutive Tuesdays and ends on March 3, 2020.
The course will be held at Porter Street Elementary School, 728 Porter St., Coquitlam. You need to attend the first class to take the course. Please register with the school office, between Monday January 6, 2020 and Friday January 17, 2020, at telephone # 604-936-4296. If you are unable to attend the first class you will not be able to take this course, but you are welcome to register for the Parenting Wisely course that will be offered again in April of 2020.
Please sign in with the school office prior to going to the multipurpose room to attend the course. Participants with children under age 5 will need to make their own child minding arrangements.
Stan Simister, M.A., R.Psych. #1584, Social Development Centre, Child and Youth Mental Health Services, 300-3003 St. Johns St., Coquitlam, B.C. V3B 1L6
Tel. (604) 469-7608