Maillard Middle School is a dual track English and French Immersion School. This allows students to take core classes in the language of their program choice. About 30% of our student population have been in an immersion program since Kindergarten.
The classes are divided into 3 Teams: Wolf, Raven, Bear. Explorations are offered to all students and the classes are conducted in English. We have 5 explorations classes this school year.
Team Wolf: Mr. Mak-English, Gr 6 & 7 Mr. Nonis-English, Gr 6 & 7 Ms. Shivji-English, Gr 6 & 7 Mme. Mannavarayan-French Immersion, Gr 6 & 7 Mr. Vanderby-English, Gr 7/8
| Team Raven: Ms. Tryon-English, Gr 8 Mme Chady/Mme Bae-French Immersion, Gr 7 & 8 Ms. Wald-English, Gr 8 Ms. Munday-English, Gr 6 & 7 Mr. Yuen-English, Gr 6 & 7 |
Team Bear: Ms. Hill/Ms. Larocque-English, Gr 6 & 7 Ms. Yau-English, Gr 8 Mme Toor/Mme Chady-French Immersion, Gr 6 & 7 Mr. Gallant-English, Gr 6 & 7
| Explorations: Digital Literacy: Ms. Sandilands Home Arts: Ms. Neigum Industrial Arts: Mr. Kennedy Music: Mr. Wilson Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Ms. Guo |
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"Be Awesome! Be Your Magical Self!"