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1300 Rochester Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 2X5| Phone: 604-931-3574| Contact Us
École Maillard Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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About Maillard
​​​Maillard Middle School is a dual track English and French Immersion School. This allows students to take core classes in the language of their program choice. ​About 30% of our student population have been in an immersion program since Kindergarten. 

The classes are divided into 3 Teams: Wolf, Raven, Bear. Explorations are offered to all students and the classes are conducted in English. We have 5 explorations classes this school year.

Team Wolf:
Mr. Mak-English, Gr 6 & 7
Mr. Nonis-English, Gr 6 & 7
Ms. Shivji-English, Gr 6 & 7
Mme. Mannavarayan-French Immersion, Gr 6 & 7
Mr. Vanderby-English, Gr 7/8

Team Raven:
Ms. Tryon-English, Gr 8
Mme Chady/Mme Bae-French Immersion, Gr 7 & 8
Ms. Wald-English, Gr 8
Ms. Munday-English, Gr 6 & 7
Mr. Yuen-English, Gr 6 & 7

Team Bear:
Ms. Hill/Ms. Larocque-English, Gr 6 & 7
Ms. Yau-English, Gr 8
Mme Toor/Mme Chady-French Immersion, Gr 6 & 7
Mr. Gallant-English, Gr 6 & 7

Digital Literacy: Ms. Sandilands
Home Arts: Ms. Neigum
Industrial Arts: Mr. Kennedy
Music: Mr. Wilson
Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Ms. Guo

Thanks for joining in to feel the magic of Maillard with us as we work to become even more awesome! 

"Be Awesome! Be Your Magical Self!"


École Maillard Middle School

1300 Rochester Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 2X5
604-931-3574 604-937-6879
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
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