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École Maillard Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Movie April 15/15–“The Big Picture–Rethinking Dyslexia”

March 05, 2015

Presented by the Eagle Mountain Middle School PAC & Decoding Dyslexia BC – Movie Night at Heritage Woods Secondary Theatre.

Featuring “THE BIG PICTURE – Rethinking Dyslexia” by James Redford

An inspiring documentary for Parents, Teachers and Children to promote education and understanding about Dyslexic learning styles. The Movie is 52 minutes long and outlines some of the strengths that lead many Dyslexics to success and also identifies many of the challenges that face Dyslexics every day. It’s an uplifting and hopeful movie for parents and youth (10 and up would get the most out of it), with a learning difference. It’s also a great way to help students understand kids with dyslexia better.

There will be refreshments & discussion following the movie.

Date: Wednesday, April 15/15
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm (doors open at 7pm)
Location: Heritage Woods Secondary Theatre (1300 David Ave., Port Moody)

Admission is by donation at the door. (donations for resource room to benefit students with learning disabilities at Eagle Mountain Middle School)

Limited Space. Please register at eventbrite (link below) or Contact Cathy McMillan at 778-839-1540

Please Register at Eventbrite -

École Maillard Middle School

1300 Rochester Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 2X5
604-931-3574 604-937-6879
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
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