Our student services team is made up of teachers, support staff, counsellors and administrators. Our primary goal is to develop strategies and programs for students with special learning needs and to refer students for specific district services if need be.
The following programs and services are available at our school:
Counselling: Social-emotional support for students. Contact Mr. Francis at mfrancis@sd43.bc.ca
English Language Learning (ELL) : Provides language acquisition, cultural and social development support for students whose primary language is not English. Students can receive ELL service for up to five years.
Gifted: Programming designed to support the needs of students identified as gifted learners. Students are assessed in the spring of grade 3 and direct service is provided, beginning in Grade 4, for students who score in the 95th percentile or higher.
Learning Assistance: Learning support for students who have mild to moderate learning difficulties; services include assessment, consultation, collaborative planning and instruction.
Learning Resource Program: Learning support and instruction for those students who need adaptations or modifications to curriculum. Learning Assistance and Learning Resource programs are usually integrated including ELL instruction.
Skill Development Program: Learning support and instruction for students who have been formally assessed in low incidence special needs categories; services include assessment, IEP development, programming and instruction, resource development