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3064 Glen Drive, Coquitlam, BC, V3B 2P9| Phone: 604-464-6608| Contact Us
Glen Elementary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Educational Websites/ Learning Resources
​​Learning resources available from the Ministry of Education parent site, BC Parent Info, which includes many useful resources for all grade levels as well as OpenSchool BC online course material.  The Learning Resources page can be found at

Learning Resources at LearnNowBC:

o - includes more resources, often grade specific, including digital activities and videos

o – offers free online tutoring services (beginning Sept 7th)

 PBS Kids
 CBC Kids
 ABC Ya! (Organized by grade level)
 Up to 10 - puzzles, games, races for kids 6 and up
 Bats - Kids Zone
 Live Eagle Cam
 Learn letters and their sounds
 Learn to read
 French Online Dictionary
 French Nursery Rhymes with Audio
 Canadian Parents for French (BC)
 Khan Academy Free High Quality Instruction in Math and Science

Glen Elementary School

3064 Glen Drive, Coquitlam BC
V3B 2P9
604-464-6608 604-937-8012
8:30 am - 3:00 pm Please email the school office to arrange an appointment.