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2200 Austin Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3S1| Phone: 604.936.4271| Contact Us
Mundy Road Elementary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Skip Navigation LinksAction Plan for Learning
Goal 1
Goal 2
Completed Goal
Mundy Road APL 2010-2011.xml
Mundy Road Elementary School
To increase students' Numeracy skills
Mundy Road APL 2011-12.xml
Mundy Road Elementary School
To increase students' Numeracy skills
Mundy Road APL 2011-2012.xml
Mundy Road Elementary School
To increase students' Numeracy skills
Mundy Road APL 2012 2013.xml
Mundy Road Elementary School
Building students' numeracy skills
We have seen progress at all grade levels in our numeracy goal - communication and representation.  We wukk be retiring this goal as we have seen students' improvement in all grades in this area.  
Mundy Road APL 2013_2014.xml
Mundy Road Elementary School
Building students' numeracy skills
   This goal is retired as we have moved significantly from where we started with this goal.
Mundy Road APL 2014_2015.xml
Mundy Road Elementary School
Building students' numeracy skills
   This goal is retired as we have moved significantly from where we started with this goal.
Mundy Road Elementary
To improve student achievement in oral language (speaking and listening skills)
Mundy Road Elementary
To improve student achievement in oral language (speaking and listening skills)
Mundy_Road_April Num 2010.xml
Mundy Road Elementary
To improve students numeracy skills

To improve student achievement in oral language (speaking and listening skills)

Mundy Road Elementary School

2200 Austin Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 3S1
604.936.4271 604-939-7828
8:30 am - 3:15 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.