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2200 Austin Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3S1| Phone: 604.936.4271| Contact Us
Mundy Road Elementary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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After school programs 

​We have several options for after school programs at Mundy Road.​

Monday and Tuesday -More Sports  and Dance :
Search Mundy Road to find our school programs 

Please note all programs are run by thirds parties and are not part of SD 43. 

Mundy Road Elementary School

2200 Austin Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 3S1
604.936.4271 604-939-7828
8:30 am - 3:15 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.