March 16, 2021
Topic: March PAC meeting
Time: Mar 17, 2021 06:30 PM Vancouver Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 643 2487 2421 Passcode: 665846 One tap mobile +16132093054,,64324872421#,,,,*665846# Canada +16473744685,,64324872421#,,,,*665846# Canada Dial by your location +1 613 209 3054 Canada +1 647 374 4685 Canada +1 647...
March 12, 2020
UPDATE 2:10pm Good afternoon,
The environmental clean-up efforts have been completed on the Hillcrest school grounds. All students will be released at the usual time and in the usual manner. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 12:20pm
Parents/ Guardians, All is under control at Hillcrest with...
June 01, 2018
School Supply lists are now posted on our website to the right under Documents > School Supplies. Note that supplies can be ordered ONLINE ONLY from Creative Children. Packs ordered from Creative Children will be delivered direct to home. If you would prefer to purchase school supplies youself, please...
June 19, 2017
Please read the attached letter to parents and guardians from
the Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall, regarding talking to youth
about substance use.
September 07, 2016
Music enrichment Please note that advanced band and choirs will be beginning rehearsals starting next week. Advanced band will be meeting in the gym on Monday and Wednesday at 7:45. Boys' choir will be meeting in the dramus room on Tuesday at 7:45 and girls' choir will be...
November 12, 2015
Please note: The library will be closed at lunch today.
September 11, 2015
Attached is a copy of the PAC donation letter which will be going home via email today with our newsletter. We will also send out a paper copy sometime next week.
September 07, 2015
IF you did not receive the mail out with team assignments, etc. and your child is in grade 6 or 7 , please come by the office at 8:45am on Tuesday the 8th of September. ALL grade 6's and many grade 7's meet at 9am.
However, some grade 7's if assigned...
September 04, 2015
Families have been emailed with the teams students are on. A map is included in the attachments to show the meeting time and place as well as fees invoice, 0365 permission form, student handbook, and emergency preparedness forms.
December 10, 2014
Calling all grapplers, wrestlers and those wanting to give wrestling a try. There will be a meeting today in the Multi-purpose room at nut break with Mr. Lageston and Mrs. Hampton.
September 30, 2013
Photo orders due in to the office by Wednesday, October 2nd. Please have the orders in on time as late orders may be charged a shipping fee and you will have to return them dircetly to MJM Studios.
If you require a retake please return the order forms marked for a...
August 27, 2013
Please note:
If you have not received this information by email we may not have your email on file, or the email address we have is incorrect.
April 29, 2013
The Hillcrest Odyssey of the Mind ARTchitecture team is going to the World Finals in Lansing, Michigan. We are doing a Krispy Kreme fundraiser to help supplement the costs of the trip.
Each box contains 1 dozen original glazed donuts and costs $10.00.
Please return this order form (see attachment) with...
April 23, 2013
Track and field schedule posted under programs & Services - Athletics
April 05, 2013
Tuesday, April 16th
Wednesday April 17th
Thursday, April 18th
at 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)
See attachment for advanced ticket sale order form.
Tickets will be sold at the door if space is available.
April 02, 2013
For students interested in submitting the cover for next years planner please see the criteria below:
1. Hand-drawn illustration and coloured (Harry the Mascot)
2. Hillcrest Middle School is prominently displayed on the cover
3. Highlanders is displayed
4. Something relating to the 7 Habits
5. The year-2013/2014
6. Done on...
March 04, 2013
Purdy's orders due today by 3:00 pm. Please drop off at the office or order online. Thank you!
January 29, 2013
Hello Highlander families,
We are putting together a gift card order that will arrive just in time to treat your Valentine! Fundscrip is offering a number of specials this month on spas, restaurants and hotels as well as all the regular giftcards for groceries, gas etc.
Please note: If you are...
January 24, 2013
Hillcrest Middle school is in session on Friday, January 25th and Monday, January 28th.
Our feeder schools may have a Pro-D day but Hillcrest does not have one until February 22nd, which will be a district wide Pro-D.
January 22, 2013
Hillcrest is having a clothing sale. Please see the attached flyer and place your order online. Deadline for all orders is February 22nd - no late orders accepted.
January 15, 2013
Babysitter Training Course
Grades: 6 to 8
Where: Hillcrest Middle School
Certified by the Canadian Red Cross, this course will teach you the skills needed to care for babies and children. Topics include safety, child development, care and feeding, diaper changing, games and more. There will be an exam on the...
January 15, 2013
Babysitter Training Course
Grades: 6 to 8
Where: Hillcrest Middle School
Certified by the Canadian Red Cross, this course will teach you the skills needed to care for babies and children. Topics include safety, child development, care and feeding, diaper changing, games and more. There will be an exam on...
January 11, 2013
January 18th is the date for this years Medieval Feast. Attached is the information/form.
January 08, 2013
Table Tennis will begin on Wednesday January 9th after school. It will run from 3:00 - 4:30 pm every Monday and Wednesday until Spring Break. All grades and skill levels are welcome!!! There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board outside of Mr. Van Hove's classroom (room 145).
December 18, 2012
Beginning and Advanced Band cancelled for this week.
December 11, 2012
What EXACTLY is the Battle of the Books? Do I have to go to battle practices? Do I have to commit lunch hours in the library? Do I have to lock myself in my room for hours on end?!! NO!! You just have to enjoy reading and read two books on...
December 03, 2012
Yearbooks will be sold at the office until Friday, December 7th. Please see Mrs. Pfingsten.
November 16, 2012
? Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 and Guinness World Book 2013. Do these two title excite you? Does Greg finally fall in love? Do you want to know where the largest gathering of leprechauns met? Well, head over to the library at recess to put your name in a draw...
November 15, 2012
On November 14th students interested in skiing and snowboarding held a meeting. Attahced are the forms that were given out for students interested in participating.
October 22, 2012
This is the last week for the magazine fundraiser. Please have your orders in by this Thursday, October 25. You can order online at (we are Group 33045) or through the printed catalogue that went home earlier this month. Additional order forms and catalogues are avaiable from the...
October 12, 2012
Photo Retake orders are due by Monday, October 22. Any photo orders after that date families will need to contact MJM Studios directly at 604-299-8900 or email: ...
October 12, 2012
Photo Retake orders are due by Monday, October 22. Any photo orders after that date families will need to contact MJM Studios directly at 604-299-8900 or email: ...
October 09, 2012
If you have signed up to present upcoming events to a team, you must meet Mrs. Ngo at lunch today. We will be going over the final details. It should be a quick meeting...
REPEAT - Only Me to We Club presenters are to meet in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch...
October 09, 2012
Just a quick reminder to the ladies about their practice today at lunch. You will be with Mr. Gilligan or Mr. Aitken.
October 04, 2012
Do you like to read scary stories? Are you inspired to write a scary story? Coquitlam Public Library is holding a Scary Story Contest. Let's see if we can have a winner from Hillcrest. See Ms. Trieu for more details!
October 04, 2012
Ms. Trieu finally has Ashes, Ashes, the hottest book from the Book Fair, ready to be loved by a reader. If you don't remember, this book has disease that killed 99% of the world population, global climate catastrophes, zombies, and a little romance all in one novel. If you want this...
October 02, 2012
All Friday Challenge Pull-Out students are reminded to turn permission to participate and IEP planning sheets into Mrs.T.W. in the Home Ec room this week!
October 02, 2012
Please remember to bring your colouring utensils to Me to We Club today. You will be creating posters for the upcoming Pumpkin Carving Contest. See you in Mrs. Ngo's room at 12:30!
October 02, 2012
Photo Retakes on Thursday, October 4th @ 11:00 am
September 28, 2012
Do you think you have what it takes to be a library monitor? Today is the BIG day! Come to the library at 12:45 to sign up. We will also have a brief meeting. See you there!
September 27, 2012
It's Thursday and you're still thinking about those book shelves that need to be tidied, the new books that need to be stamped and barcoded, and keeping the library a quiet and great place. Come by the library at 12:45 to sign up to be a member of the library crew!...
September 27, 2012
There were nerves, near drop-outs, and nausea, but in the end, 63 Highlanders crossed the finish line with great smiles and a great sense of pride. Congratulations to all the students who participated yesterday at the triathlon. Hillcrest took 1st and 3rd place overall. Official results will be posted as soon...
September 26, 2012
Meeting today at lunch in Room 165. Please bring your lunch.
September 26, 2012
If you are interested in improving our recycling as a school, participating in a litter-less lunch challenge, composting or community gardens or have other green ideas. Come sign up and start planning with the Environment Club Monday at lunch in Room 165. Please bring your lunches.
September 26, 2012
congrats to the grade 7 girls volleyball team and their first game against Monty. The excitement was brewing the entire time! See you at practice tomorrow after school ladies!
September 25, 2012
Please meet in Mrs. Ngo's room at 12:30 today. We will be dividing up workloads today to plan for our upcoming Hillcrest Scares Halloween events.
Just a reminder that the cut off for We Day forms is today! Make sure Mrs. Ngo or Mrs. Brochu has your forms!
September 25, 2012
Do untidy shelves bother you? Do you like to put things in order? Do new books excite you? Do you like to tell people to be quiet in the library? If you said "yes" to all of the above, then you are who we want in the library crew! Have no...
September 25, 2012
Tomorrow is the big day triathletes! If you are doing the triathlon tomorrow, please stand up. (3 second pause). You are doing something great tomorrow! Before achieving greatness, you MUST attend the meeting today at lunch in the library. Bring your lunch and we will begin right away!
September 24, 2012
Yearbooks will be on sale today at lunch outside the Library Computer Lab. This is the last week to purchase a yearbook for $47. If you take advantage of purchasing your yearbook at the early bird price you will be entered into a draw to win one of four yearbooks.
September 24, 2012
any grade 7 ladies interested in playing volleyball this year, please pick up forms (a blue and a green) outside Ms. Moody's room (163). We practice Tuesday at lunch and our first game is Tuesday after school. Remember, you need to bring in your permission form to play!
September 24, 2012
Thank you Highlanders for supporting the Scholastic Book Fair. All proceeds go towards purchasing books and resources for YOU. If you're interested in joining an exciting new club that is dedicated to honouring the library and its contents, then come see Ms. Trieu on Friday.. Details to come...
September 24, 2012
STudents participating in the triathlon this week will need to attend a mandatory meeting tomorrow at lunch in the library. Bring your lunch right at the bell!
September 24, 2012
Attention all gr 6 volleyball players: Please meet in Mrs Slater's Mrs Carston's room (#146) at nutbreak on Tuesday for an important meeting.
September 20, 2012
Forms will be ready to be picked up in Ms Moody's room (163) at nut break. Our game Tuesday is at Hillcrest.
September 20, 2012
Photo orders are due today! If you are interested in doing retakes please return the envelope marked as retakes. For late orders please contact MJM directly.
September 20, 2012
Today is the last day for the Scholastic Book Fair. If you have not handed in your raffle, drop it off today at recess. We will be making the draw after recess and announcing the winner at lunch. The winner will win $25 of books for themself and $25 for their...
September 20, 2012
4 things:
1. Runners will meet in Mr. Bett's room (Rm. 158) today right at 3:00
2. Bikers will meet Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Macmillan on the field today at 3:15.
3. Get your field trip forms in today! If you forgot it, you must speak to Ms. Trieu in the...
September 19, 2012
There is a bike and run practice TOMORROW for students signed up for the triathlon. Please return your field trip form to Ms. Trieu by tomorrow. We will have a very important meeting next week in the library. Please pay attention to all announcements.
September 18, 2012
Yearbooks will be on sale at lunch in the main foyer - cost is $47
September 17, 2012
What's up Hillcrest!
Do you believe you can make a difference in this world? Do you feel called to help raising funds and awareness to support others less fortunate? If you answered "Yes!", then the ME to WE Club is the club for you!
It's not too late to join, just...
September 17, 2012
There will be a Gr. 8 Boys Volleyball practice at lunchtime on Thursday for all interested in playing this season. Talk to Mr. Dureau if you are unable to attend.
September 17, 2012
Yearbooks will be on sale at lunch in the foyer and on Open House night during the following time periods only:
12:20 - 1:05, Tuesday, September 18th to Thursday, October 7th, cost $47
12:20 - 1:05, Monday, November 26th to Monday, December 10th, cost $52
September 17, 2012
Student photo orders due in to the office by Thursday, September 20th
September 16, 2012
MJM Picture Orders are due no later than Thursday the 20th to the office . Retakes will be sometime in November. Parents can also order on line as per instructions on the package of proofs.
September 14, 2012
All forms are due today! Get them in to Ms. Trieu in the library by the end of the day.
September 12, 2012
Triathlon forms are due this Friday. Please return them to Ms. Trieu in the library. If you are doing a relay with friends, you must submit your forms together in a package.
September 10, 2012
If you are interested in participating in your first triathlon, come to the library today to pick up your forms! We will be having some practices, so keep your ears pealed for announcements!
September 10, 2012
this is a reminder that any boy wishing to join our boys' choir please meet for our first rehearsal tomorrow morning at 7:45 in the drama stage room. Hope to see you there!
September 09, 2012
Let's make this world a better place, one step at a time. If making a change for the better is your passion, Mrs. Ngo would LOVE to have you join the Me to We Club. There will be brief meeting in her room at lunch today. So that's room 153...
September 09, 2012
Let's make this world a better place, one step at a time. If making a change for the better is your passion, Mrs. Ngo would LOVE to have you join the Me to We Club. There will be brief meeting in her room at lunch today. So that's room 153...
August 28, 2012
This letter was sent home and if you have not received it by email or Canada post please contact the school between 9:00 - 3:00 this week.
August 27, 2012
Hillcrest is sending out the student information electronically on Monday, August 27th for the students team placement and the first weeks information. If you do not receive an email with the information please contact our office during the following office hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Note: We have sent this...
June 04, 2012
Check out the safe and fun summer camps in Coquitlam! Coquitlam is "High Five" certified, which means our children's programs meet the highest national standards for quality!
May 11, 2012
Grade 10 online registration for summer learning starts May 15 at 6am
Grade 12 online registration for summer learning starts May 17 at 6am
All students must update their account 90 days prior to registration.
Students new to summer learning MUST create an account prior to registration.
May 07, 2012
School suppply orders for the 2012-2013 school year are due in to Hillcrest office by Thursday, May 10th.
May 01, 2012
Coquitlam Summer Learning 2012 Flyers have been sent home with the progress reports on April 30, 2012.
April 30, 2012
Hillcrest Progress and Exploration reports going home April 30, 2012, please see attachment.
April 25, 2012
Please bring all plant orders to the office – deadline is Monday, April 30th
April 16, 2012
Did you know that:
Each tonne of recycled paper means 17 trees do not have to be cut down.
50 percent of the material in aluminum cans has been recycled at least once.
The process of recycling an aluminum can, manufacturing another, filling it, packing and shipping it to stores, takes...
April 15, 2012
Me to We Members please in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today for an important meeting. See you at 12:25pm
April 15, 2012
It's Earth Week next week, and we should get rid of our old batteries. On Wednesday, April 18th, we will accept almost any type of battery at the Spirit Bear, at Nut Break and Lunch, for Spirit Points!
April 11, 2012
Floor Hockey begins in the gym on Friday, April 13th from 3:00 - 4:00pm. Permission forms are available at the office.
April 10, 2012
If you were part of the Cypress Ski/snowboard Club, this Friday there will be a pizza lunch for all those involved as well as a little gift. Just to say thanks for the great time.
April 05, 2012
There will be a Me to We Club meeting at lunch today. Please bring some felts or pencil crayons.
See you in Mrs. Ngo's room at 12:25pm.
April 05, 2012
Thank you for your help at our bake sale! Together we raised $410.70 for Healthcare in Haiti!
Thanks for making this world a better place for someone else...
April 03, 2012
Thank you Hillcrest for helping raise over $200 for Healthcare in Haiti from our bake sale yesterday.
We have some more goodies today at Nutbreak and Lunch too. We will also be offering a special discount price for some goods today.
March 28, 2012
There will be a Me to We Club meeting at lunch today to sign up for bake sale shifts.
Please come to Mrs. Ngo's room on time! See you at lunch!
March 23, 2012
Me to We Club members, please meet in Mrs. Ngo's Room at lunch today to organize for next week's Bake Sale to raise money to support Health care in Haiti.
Please meet right at 12:25 and bring your planners. See you soon!
March 02, 2012
Highlander Hockey has been postponed!
Due to the escalation in teacher job action, Highlander Hockey will no longer happen on Friday, March 9th. Highlander Hockey, or something like it, will be rescheduled for the third term. Keep an eye on the Hillcrest website for more details on time and place!
February 27, 2012
π of the Tiger permission forms due in to the office Feb. 28th
February 27, 2012
Please bring your Purdys order forms with payment to the office. Deadline for the order is Wednesday, March 7th.
February 23, 2012
π of the Tiger permission forms due in to the office Feb. 24th
February 23, 2012
Please bring your Purdys order forms with payment to the office. Deadline for the order is Wednesday, March 7th.
February 23, 2012
There is a Me to We Club meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today. Please arrive as soon as possible as this will be an action meeting. See you at lunch.
February 23, 2012
Me to We Club members are to meet in Mrs. Ngo's room today to start making posters for our coming fundraising event to raise money to support Healthcare in Haiti.
The meeting will start at 12:25. Please be on time and see you at lunch!
February 10, 2012
The Me to We Club is meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today. We will be discussing plans to fundraise for Healthcare in Haiti.
February 06, 2012
Me to We Club meets at lunch today in Mrs. Ngo's room.
See you there. New members are welcome.
February 03, 2012
All Me to We Club members are encouraged to attend the special break out action planning session with our 2 speakers from Free the Children at lunch today. In fact this session will be open to any Hillcrest student who wants to have a hand in making Hillcrest Middle School a...
January 31, 2012
Please note that there will be no rehearsal tomorrow. Rehearsals will resume next week.
January 31, 2012
Please note that there will be no rehearsal tomorrow. Rehearsals will resume next week.
January 24, 2012
Just a reminder that there will be a short meeting at Nut break in the MPR about Thursday's trip.
January 24, 2012
Quick meeting at Nut Break on Wednesday about Thursday's trip.
January 23, 2012
Practice at 12:30 today in the gym.
January 16, 2012
Reminder that there will be a very important meeting today at nut break in the MPR. Be there or be in trouble.
January 16, 2012
Very important meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, at nut break in the MPR. You must attend. Otherwise you may not be able to go on Thursday.
January 13, 2012
Practice today at 12:30 in the gym. If you are hoping to play in the game after school today, make sure you attend practice at lunchtime.
January 12, 2012
Practice at 12:30 today in the gym. New players are welcome.
January 09, 2012
Attached is the handbook that may be useful for our grade 8 students moving on to grade 9. The district has put out this document.
January 09, 2012
practice at 3:00 pm today in the gym
January 05, 2012
All grade 8 girls who want to play basketball this year your first practice is today after school. Please see Mr
Foot if you can't be there.Practice will be on Tuesday mornings and Thursday after school this year. Games will be on Wednesday.
January 04, 2012
Bring your yearbook orders in to the office between Monday, January 9th and Friday, January 20th. Last chance for Yearbooks!
January 03, 2012
Table Tennis Club today at 3:00 pm in the Multi Purpose Room.
January 03, 2012
Grade 7 boys basketball practice at 12:30 today in the gym.
January 03, 2012
All grade 7 boys interested in playing basketball this year, there is a practice tomorrow at 12:30 in the gym.
December 30, 2011
There will be a Me to We Club meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at 12:30 today. We will brainstorm ideas for our next fundraising event and which organizations we could support. New members are welcome. See you at 12:30.
December 14, 2011
ME to We members will be collecting classroom sock bins at lunch today to count up how many socks we have raised so far.
The last day to bring in socks will be this Friday. There will be runners coming to your classroom Friday morning to collect any remaining socks.
December 14, 2011
There is a ME to WE Club meeting at lunch today.
December 13, 2011
Please bring your order in to the office. Cost is $50
December 12, 2011
We have the winners for the 2011 Hillcrest Door Decorating Challenge!
Best Craftsmanship goes to Mrs Byrne's class
Award for Completeness & Use of Space goes to Mrs. Ngo's class
Award for Visual Impact and Originality goes to Ms. Abbot's class
and the Best Holiday Theme goes to Mr Dalmann's class....
December 12, 2011
Students who are participating in Battle of the Books should hand in the sign up form to Mrs. Fedoruk today.
December 12, 2011
Grade 7 Boys Basketball practice at 12:30 tomorrow in the gym.
December 12, 2011
Grade 7 Boys Basketball practice at 12:30 today in the gym.
December 09, 2011
Yearbooks are on sale this week. Please bring your order/money to the office. The cost for yearbooks is $50.
December 06, 2011
There will be a quick Me to We Meeting at lunch today in Mrs. Ngo's room. See you there at 12:30pm.
December 05, 2011
First practice is today at 3:00 pm in the gym. Come prepared with shorts, t-shirt and proper footwear.
December 05, 2011
First practice is tomorrow at 3:00 pm in the gym. Come prepared with shorts, t-shirt and proper footwear.
December 01, 2011
Missing jerseys...
Cassandra, Kailyn, Brooke Dickenson, Tessa, Alexis, Taylor, Arin, Courtney, Rachel Peters, Rachel Pollack, Alicia & Chantelle. Bring it to Ms. Moody asap!
November 30, 2011
Meet to We Meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today. See you there at 12:30!
November 28, 2011
Please drop your signed IEP in the red Challenge forms bin in the office or hand it to Mr. Holbrook in Friday's pullout class. Thanks.
November 28, 2011
Just a reminder to get your money into either Mr. Dalmann or Mr. Balser as soon as possible. Thanks.
November 25, 2011
Wind up Thursday after school. Bring Ms. Moody $5 for pizza and drinks by Wednesday!!!
November 25, 2011
Gift Card orders are due Tuesday by 3:00 pm. Please bring your orders to the office.
November 24, 2011
Let's try this again. If you are interested in participating in math competitions, meet in Ms. Moody's room Monday at nut break.
November 24, 2011
Meet in Ms. Moody's room at nut break to discuss wind up next week!
November 23, 2011
Poinsettia orders are due tomorrow, Thursday, November 24th. Please enclose your order form and payment in an envelope addressed to my attention (Mrs. Hubbs) and have your child bring it to the office.
Plants will be delivered next Thursday, Dec. 1.
Thanks for supporting Hillcrest!
November 23, 2011
Me to We Club meeting will be in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today, instead of tomorrow. Repeat... There will be a Me to We Club meeting at lunch today. See you at 12:30.
November 22, 2011
Math Competitions meeting in Ms. Moody's room today at nut break. See anyone who wants to join there!
November 22, 2011
Congrats goes out to the grade 8 girls B team for their second place finish yesterday. Great season ladies! Please wash your jerseys and return them to Ms. Moody asap. Wind up information to follow...
November 21, 2011
There will be a very important meeting for all those who have paid their deposit to Mr. Dalmann. The meeting will be at Nut Break in Mr. Oun's room on Thursday. You must be there!!!
November 21, 2011
Grade 8 boys Volleyball players need to return their freshly-washed jerseys to Mr Van Hove or Mr Purych by this Friday.
November 18, 2011
Poinsettia orders are due in to the office by Thursday, November 24th.
November 17, 2011
There is a Me to We Club meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today. We will discuss plans for Vow of Silence and the upcoming Sock Drive. So, Me to We meeting today at lunch in Mrs. Ngo's room... see you there!
November 16, 2011
Congrats to the grade 8 girls who played at Best yesterday. They worked their way to the finals, only to lose a heart breaker. A second place finish in the district is nothing to be unhappy about ladies!! You played wonderfully! B team, there is a meeting in Ms. Moody's room...
November 15, 2011
Congrats to both grade 8 girls volleyball teams for placing first in their respective pools at Districts. Now off to the finals! The A team plays today at Best. Come cheer them on! The B team will compete next week. Good luck to both of you!
November 15, 2011
The PAC is offering poinsettias for sale until Thursday, November 24. Order forms went home Nov.15 and are also posted to the PAC page of this website. Plants are available for pick up at the school between 2:30 and 3:30 Dec. 1 or by previous arrangement.
November 10, 2011
Me to We Club meeting will be held in Mrs. Obojski's room at lunch today. Please note the room change! Members will be creating a display for the canned food drive by the Spirit Bear. Once again, Me to We Members will be meeting Ms. Hall at lunch in Mrs. Obojski's...
November 08, 2011
Meeting in Ms. Moody's room today at nut break.
November 07, 2011
Do you like math? Have you ever thought about using your math skills for competition? If competitions sound interesting to you, come to an information meeting in Ms. Moody's room (#163) Wednesday at Nut Break. We'll give you lots of information there!
November 07, 2011
I know that several people missed last Monday's deadline for SPC Cards. They really are a great deal so I am ordering the last (LAST) bunch at the end of the week .
If your child would like one, please e-mail me at or phone 604.949.1303 by end of...
November 04, 2011
We will be collecting money for the poppy fund on Thursday, November 10th and giving the poppies out before the assembly at 9:00 am.
November 03, 2011
Attention Grade 6 volleyball players. Please go to Mrs. Carston's room today at nutrition break today to pick up your award and a treat!
November 03, 2011
Congrats to the grade 8 girls volleyball team for finishing their league season 5 & 0. They are serving machines!
November 02, 2011
Game after school is here. Meet in the gym by 3:05 in jerseys for warm up and team photo.
November 02, 2011
All Me to We members are meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today to plan for the Vow of Silence.
See you there.
November 01, 2011
Please bring your old clothes, footwear, linens and accessories, packaged in garbage bags to the Spirit Bear by Tuesday, November 8th. Big Brother will pick up that morning.
October 31, 2011
Would any cadets who would like to take part in our Remembrance Day Assembly please see Mrs. Gallello today in room 165 at nutrition break.
October 28, 2011
today is the absolute last day to submit magazine orders and Monday is the very last day for SPC cards.
please hand these items in to the office.
October 27, 2011
Good Luck to the grade 6 volleyball teams participating in the tournament on Friday, October 28th afterschool at Glen Eagle Secondary school in Coquitlam. Remember to pick up your uniforms from Mrs. Carston's room at lunch. Please meet at the Spirit Bear right afterschool.
October 27, 2011
5-0! Great job girls!!! See you at practice after school.
October 27, 2011
Pumpkin carvers will be called to the MPR at 12:10 to set up. The carving contest will officially start at 12:20pm Spectators are welcome.
Good luck and see you at lunch!
October 26, 2011
Whoa!!! Did someone say POWDER??? I'm like there dude. The North Shore mountain got their first trace of snow last night. Righteous news! Party on Garth! I am so stoked for the meeting tomorrow, Friday, in the MPR at Nut Break. Be there or be cubed.
October 25, 2011
Have you had the urge to say Gnarly Dude!!! or I have to go Shred some Powder? Well, now is your chance. This Friday at Nut Break there will be a Ski and Snowboard Meeting for all those interested. Shred it Dude!!!
October 25, 2011
Calling all students who like to use sharp utensils to create ghoulishly evil or just plain cute works of art. Tomorrow is the Day you have been waiting for... HILLCREST'S Pumpkin Carving Contest. Just come with $2 and a pumpkin. It's not too late to sign up at the office.
October 25, 2011
Me to We Club members are meeting in Mrs. Ngo's room at lunch today.
October 25, 2011
All Me to We Club members involved with the upcoming clan presentations and pumpkin carving contest are to meet Mrs. Ngo and Mrs. Hall today at lunch in Mrs. Ngo's room. Please be prompt.