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820 Banting Drive, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 4J4| Phone: 604-939-9247| Contact Us
École Banting Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Information to parents

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ATTENDANCE - It is a joint parental and student responsibility to ensure that students are at school and on time every day.  Attendance is taken each morning and  the names of absent students are recorded at the office.  If the office has not been informed of the child’s absence by parents, an attempt will be made to contact them.  This is for safety reasons. The best way to log an absence, late notice, or early dismissal for your child, is to stay on this website, home page, go to Quick Links, then click on Absence Report.  You can choose  any of the 3 options - absent, late, or early dismissal, and once submitted, your absence information will go directly to the office.  Parents and guardians are still welcome to call the office anytime to inform us of your child’s absence.  You may also leave a voice message after hours if you are unable to submit your child's absence online.   If a child must leave early for an appointment or other commitment, a note should be sent with the child to be shown at the office,  or an early dismissal online submission, or even a phone call made to the office in the morning so it can be recorded on the attendance sheet.  If a child is ill and wishes to go home early, the parents will be informed of the situation by the office before the child is dismissed.

PARENT PHONE NUMBERS AND  ADDRESS CHANGES - It is of paramount importance that the school has accurate records of parents’ home and work numbers, plus current email addresses.  Please inform us immediately of phone number or address changes, both home and/or email addresses, during the year, so we can keep our records up-to-date.

MEDICAL ALERTS - If your child has a medical condition that requires precautionary treatment of medication at school, please go to Parent eForms on the Home Page, or contact your school to obtain the required “Medical Alert Form” and/or the “Request For Administration of Medication at School Form”.

École Banting Middle School

820 Banting Drive, Coquitlam BC
V3J 4J4
604-939-9247 604-937-8041
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.