Thanks for
visiting the Alderson website. This site has been developed as a central place
where our families can find information about our school. Please let me know if
there is information you need that you do not find on this site.
Please keep an
eye on our School Calendar as we will be posting information there regularly.
Be sure to click on the items listed on each day as they are often linked to
further information about the event.
Please see our
Action Plan for Learning under the "About" tab above to read about
our school goals and to learn more about our plans for working towards them. You can also find our school's Code of Conduct under the same tab.
At Alderson,
as with all schools in our district, we value and encourage on-going, proactive
home-school communication. It is crucial that if you have a question or a
concern about anything that happens for your child at school you speak to your
child’s teacher directly about it as soon as possible. To contact your child’s
teacher or myself please call the school (604-939-8301) or email directly.
Staff email addresses can be found in the “staff directory” under the “staff”
tab above.

Anita Strang
Alderson Elementary