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École Moody Middle School of the Arts
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Daily Announcements for Monday April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

Good morning, Moody.

Please welcome Ms. Henry who is in for Ms. Armstrong and Mr. Carswell who is in for Ms. McKay. Have a great day at EMMSOTA.

Just a reminder to everyone. If you are interested in playing handball on Tuesday and Thursday at lunch with friends - sign up with your team. We only have 5 teams entered so far - 6 if you include the teachers' team. We need more teams entered so we can run the tournament. Find 7 friends and fill out the entry form and submit to Mr. Manners by Monday at the latest. The first games will happen on Tuesday and Thursday next week. 

​There is still a chance to buy a yearbook. Official sales are over but we still have some available. If you haven't bought your yearbook yet ask your parents to email Ms. Reeves before they are all gone.

Reminder grade 8 Badminton practice after school tomorrow from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.

The boys Grade 7 and 8 Rugby team played their first 2 games last Thursday on a rainy and muddy Scott Creek field and it was incredible! Our boys showed amazing hard work and skill as we were able to stop the other teams with many high light tackles and we also scored hard earned "TRIES". That's like a touch down, but in rugby it's called a 'Try'. Offensive MVP was Charlie. Defensive MVP was Turick. Good job to the whole team. Next practice for all rugby players is tomorrow, Tuesday after school. A big thank you to Ms. Catliff, Mr. Clay and Mme. Grayston for helping to drive plyers to the game.

Leadership - Thank you to all the Moody Leaders who volunteered to help with the Play last week! Your positive presence made the show more enjoyable for our guests and your behind-the-scenes support made all the difference! Maybe you would like to get involved again, or know someone who would? We are looking for student leaders who have permission to help with the Grade 5 Walk-About and Parent Open House this coming Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 8:30pm. If you are interested, please get permission from your folks, and sign up with Ms. Egelstad or Mr. Clay right away, don't delay…we are moving on to other events, since finishing the Play. ​That's right, there are always more ways to get involved here at Moody!

Have a great day, everyone.

École Moody Middle School of the Arts

130 Buller Street, Port Moody BC
V3H 2C6
604-461-7384 604-937-8047
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
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