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École Moody Middle School of the Arts
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Daily Announcements for Monday February 6, 2023

February 06, 2023

Good morning, Moody,

Please welcome Ms. Rumble in for Ms. Huffman, Ms. Lim in for Ms.​ Roos, Ms. Cimino in for Ms. Egelstad, Ms Klopp in for Mr. Manners and Ms. Moazami who is in as an EA today. We hope you have a great day at EMMSOTA.

Please be advised that someone in our school today has a severe allergy to cucumber and watermelon. For this reason, we ask you to please follow these procedures:

  • If you have cucumber and/or watermelon in your lunch or for snack, please advise your teacher immediately (and keep the container closed)
  • If possible, refrain from eating or disposing of the watermelon or cucumber inside - eat and dispose of the waste outdoors
  • On inside days plan for an alternative place to eat your snack or lunch
  • Please make sure to wash your hands after touching or eating watermelon and/or cucumber

​The book of year Year contest has started! Come to the library to check out one of our 10 finalists. Remember you only have to read 3 of the books by May to be entered into a prize draw and be able to vote for your favourite. Happy Reading!

Starting this week the library learning commons will be open at lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays so if you want a quiet place to hang out we will see you there. Remember - eat your lunch first before coming to the library.

Reminder to Wind Pod teachers to send all grade 7 and 8 students to the library with their laptop after announcements.

Grade 7 and 8 girls basketball players there is a practice at lunch today.

Mr. Clay's Jokes:

Why was the horse so happy?  Because he lived in a stable environment.

Whenever I try to eat healthy, a chocolate bar looks at me and Snickers.

Did you hear about the power outlet that got into a fight with a power cord?  He thought he could socket to him.

I'm addicted to collecting vintage Beatles albums.  I need Help!

Have a great day, everyone.

École Moody Middle School of the Arts

130 Buller Street, Port Moody BC
V3H 2C6
604-461-7384 604-937-8047
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
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