Support for student learning is provided by Resource Room and Skill Development teachers, an EAL (English as an Additional Language) teacher, a Counsellor, a Gifted Program teacher and a Speech and Language Therapist. Additional support is also available on a district level where applicable. Our Student-Based Team meets on a regular basis to discuss referrals for support from teachers and parents.
Student Services Teachers for 2024-2025 are:
Mrs. Linda Summers (M - W) - Student Services
Mr. Tyler Poirier (M-F) Skill Development
Mrs. Rebekah Khan - Gifted
Mrs. Jodie Derksen (M, T, Fr) - EALβ
Mrs. Marnie Savage (W) - EAL
Mrs. Wendy Pollock (Th)-EAL
Ms. Christiane Kilpatrick (M, T) - SLP
Our district funds and supports a school counselling program that provides consulting, coordinating, counselling and educational services to and for our students. This service focuses on the social, emotional and developmental aspects of childhood and adolescence; services may also include response to crisis, as well as parent consultation and can take the form of working with individual children, groups of children, and/or whole classroom support.
βMs. Maryse Barrett (M, T, F) - Counsellor