Welcome to École Coquitlam River Elementary.
I am very pleased to be working with the CRE community!
École Coquitlam River Elementary is an inviting, engaging school, where we all work hard to ensure students have the best possible learning experiences.
This year will present some new challenges, and may look a little different than what we have been accustomed to. I am confident the dedicated, professional, caring staff will do our very best to ensure our students have a great school year.
At CRE our goal is to improve student learning by acquiring and developing physical and emotional self-regulation. Please see our Action Plan for Learning (APL) for more information. We are continuing our Action Plan for Learning from last year as well roll into the 2020-2021 school year.
We will also continue our focus on CRE as part of the Healthy Schools Network in SD 43. We will be continue to encourage and provide opportunities for our students to become active. In addition, we will be educating our community about healthy eating.
School-wide we will be promoting "5-2-1-0."
5 = minimum number of servings per day of fruits and vegetables
2 = hours or less per day of screen time (iPad, TV, Computer)
1 = hour minimum per day of exercise
0 = sweet drinks per day (juice, Gatorade, pop)
CRE is also a Green school, surrounded by our beautiful, natural environment. We promote litter-less lunches and strive to divert all of our organic waste.
Last, CRE is a Nut-free school. To help keep all our children safe please do not send any tree nut or peanuts to school.
I look forward to meeting and getting to know all the families at Coquitlam River. Please feel free to say hello when we see each other outside the school at the start and end of the days. Check the website often as we strive to ensure information families need is regularly updated on the site. When in doubt - please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Here's to a very good year!
David Mushens