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1411 Foster Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 2N1| Phone: 604-939-4522| Contact Us
CABE Secondary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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​​​​Goal Oriented Alternative Learning is an alternate educational program jointly offered by School District #43 and the Ministry of Children and Family Development. All courses offered at GOAL comply with Ministry of Education standards and are officially recognized. 


Mission Statement

At GOAL, Teachers and Youth Workers support the academic and social/emotional well-being of students. We aim to provide an inclusive learning environment as a pathway to graduation and to becoming engaged citizens. 

Why Attend GOAL?

GOAL is a transition program, where students can re-engage in their schooling, and work with staff to get back on track with their education.  The GOAL Program is a part-time program that allows students to work at their own pace, build their confidence, and be part of a small community of learners.  No matter where or how the student has left the schooling process, GOAL welcomes them back to assist students in becoming successful learners.  The program offers a high staff-to-student ratio, counselling and behavioural support in addition to instruction that adapts provincial curriculum to meet individual needs. 

Who Can Attend GOAL?

GOAL is a program intended to serve the educational and social needs of students in grade 10-12 who have become involved with Youth Probation; who have struggled in other regular or alternate school settings; or who have been without formal schooling for a significant period of time. The typical student wishes to complete coursework in order to transition back to another secondary school.   

 In Addition, Students are:

  • encouraged to continue to work while attending school, and staff will assist students in finding suitable employment.
  • supplied with all needed school supplies, including laptops
  • provided with breakfast and snacks
  • provided with ongoing "after hours" support through PLEA youth workers
  • engage in community activities with GOAL staff


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CABE Secondary School

1411 Foster Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 2N1
604-939-4522 604-937-8052
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
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