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1240 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam, BC, V3E 3E7| Phone: 604-945-0156| Contact Us
Scott Creek Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Special District Event: Parenting our Kids in the 21st Century

September 18, 2013

Peer dynamics, school dynamics, and broader social dynamics can have a tremendous influence on our children and youth and the greatest evolving force of all is the role of technology from texting, social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat), to the Internet. now than when most parents were children themselves. The strategies to manage those risk factors have not necessarily changed; we just need to do more of it.

See attached flyer for information

Scott Creek Middle School

1240 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam BC
V3E 3E7
604-945-0156 604-937-8049
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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